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a devotion in red blood (bloodplay)
Alvis offers himself to Dutch—a distraction, a way to work out her emotions, a friend. And, always, a Scarback willing to take on others' pain and spill his blood in blessing.

Don't Carry It All (contains sex)
Dutch and Clara meet up in Old Town to "talk".

Failsafe (sex)
“No more science until you get an orgasm,” Zeph told herself.

Favors (sex)
Delle Seyah invites Dutch to attend a gala of the Nine with her. Even though Dutch would never live in Delle Seyah's world full-time, seeing her there even for a single night would be a treasure.

your poison in my veins (sex, bloodplay)
Delle Seyah Kendry can feel every single beat of her heart, and she feels acutely aware of how her blood pulses through her, iron-red, and how it will soon be Green again.

Friends at the Table

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All Kinds of Time (no warnings)
Adelaide enjoys crashing Hella's private boat trips. For some reason, Hella keeps letting her.

Bargaining Position (consent issues, sex)
Gucci comes to Clementine's cell to propose a deal for her freedom.

Downtime Action (no warnings)
The Chime plays just as hard as they fight.

Excerpts from the First Book of Hieron (no warnings)
"For the purpose of this transcription and reprinting, each poem has been titled with a description of the blueprint upon which it was written, as they seem to have served as inspiration."

Memories You Bury or Live By (no warnings)
Twilight Mirage
Five moments from their time as the Beloved Dust, plus one more as the Notion.

Rough and Tumble (no warnings)
Chine and Duvall want to relax, their first night on the Jade Moon. It's a little difficult, though, when a baby creature misunderstands what's going on.

safe (in your arms) (injury)
When Cass is injured on the way out of a mission, his team comes together around him to patch him up and make sure he's okay.

sunshine on a cloudy day (no warnings)
Not for the first time, Adaire thought about what it would be like to just jump out of the window and disappear into Aubade's city.

Symbols of Nobility (no warnings)
Hella Aviz, Duchess of the Southern Reach, sits on her wooden throne. Adelaide Tristé, Pearl Mage of Nacre, stands bound in the center of her sun-warmed hall and silently prays to Tristero in her heart.

The Blessing of Your Hands (kink)
Twilight Mirage
Tender Sky and ⸢Signet⸣ are close. Their relationship changes over time, as Belgard wakes and Tender takes Anticipation into herself, but the closeness doesn't change; it simply gets layered with more and more complexity.

The Last Syllable of Recorded Time (temporary character death)
Twilight Mirage
There are things that Fourteen Fifteen doesn't remember. When their initial reason for joining the Beloved Dust is washed away, it leaves room for something new—and something more intimate than what was lost.

Thread Over Thread (no warnings)
Twilight Mirage
Tapestries take months, if not years, to weave; so, too, do relationships. With both, beginning is a heady rush, and there is a structure, almost visible, should you have the delicacy and confidence to take the plunge.

unconnected shapes (no warnings)
Bucho's thoughts upon meeting the Last Knight.

Work Your Way Out (no warnings)
Twilight Mirage
Four Meetings Unknowing of What the Future Held; Two Letters Sent Through Space on Faith; and One Conversation, Chosen with Open Eyes

Works by Tamora Pierce

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(all I want is) to be your harbor (no warnings)
Emelan: The Circle Opens
A night in Discipline Cottage in late summer, shortly after Rosethorn returned from travelling with Briar and Evvy.

Come the Dawn (no warnings)
Tortall: Protector of the Small
Lalasa gently refused to budge on helping those who didn’t have any other times they could learn.

Hearthfire Heroism (no warnings)
Tortall: Protector of the Small
Once Kel returns to Fort Mastiff from Scanra, Raoul finds her and takes her aside to ask her to tell him her own story of what happened there. He also accidentally gives a speech.

Preparations (no warnings)
Tortall: Protector of the Small
Neal's daughter wants to be a knight. Kel has an offer she can't refuse. Talking about those together helps everyone feel better about the future.

The Arbor of Your Heart (no warnings)
Emelan: Briar's Book
There is time for healing, and for rest, and for togetherness. Crane helps take care of Rosethorn after the plague, in a quiet time when the Circle is on an expedition, and it's just him, Lark, and Rosethorn at Discipline Cottage.

The First Lesson (no warnings)
Tortall: Protector of the Small
Kel teaches the children of New Hope how to handle themselves in a fight. The first lesson probably isn't what they expected, but it's a very good time.

The Warmth of Love (no warnings)
Emelan: The Circle Reforged
When Tris leaves for Lightsbridge, there’s a quiet gathering—not quite a party, because Tris wouldn’t have accepted one—in their home.

Guardian | Zhenhun

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and the spring wind starts to sing (no warnings)
Guardian (TV)
When Yehuo called him to come look over the boxing school he’d finally gotten set up, Chu Shuzhi took the day off with the most cursory of excuses.

Crowing Up (no warnings)
Guardian (TV)
Zhao Yunlan has wings. When they first manifest, this is a trial. By the time he's grown up and found his husband, they're a gift.

hold a candle (no warnings)
Guardian (TV)
The structure of light connecting Zhao Yunlan's eyes to his soul was in tatters.

Shrouded by the Sky (no warnings)
Guardian (TV)
Zhao Yunlan couldn’t stop thinking about the Envoy and his wings.

sun and soil (no warnings)
Guardian - priest
Zhao Yunlan suspects that the other members of the SID had been expecting—if not outright hoping—that he’d get bored of the garden.

to live without regrets (no warnings)
Guardian (TV)
Zhu Hong is sent back in time.

Book Fandoms (English Source)

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Aerodynamics (no warnings)
In Other Lands - Sarah Reese Brennan
Luke wants some armor for his wings. Elliot thinks they need to do some science to see if that will work.

butcherbird (kidnapping, body horror)
Changeling: the Lost
butcherbird, butcherbird, shrike shrike shrike;
did you capture something that you like like like?

man/myth/monster (no warnings)
A poetic long-line drabble.

Nothing to Fear (no warnings)
The Singing Hills Cycle - Nghi Vo
“Are you afraid?” Ho Thi Thao asks.

On Your Back, the World (injury)
Broken Sky Trilogy - Chris Wooding
Tochaa lives. In the aftermath, as Parakka rebuilds, Hochi's there for him in every way he can be.

scrambled scraps of meaning (no warnings)
mulberry down!! - Nicole Kornher-Stace
Your dream journal is full of shit like “Fanged squirrel???” and “it’s broken you broke it” and “fucking squids” and “their hand felt like—” and illegible scribbles that might be another language’s script but were probably half-awake fingers fumbling your pen across the page.

slowly grows the garden (injury)
The Vintner's Luck - Elizabeth Knox
Lucifer and Xas, from the pact to the present.

Stretching Across the Stars (no warnings)
Always Human - Ari North
Rae had almost forgotten about writing an apology in Sunati’s incredibly dorky book when she received a message request from Austen.

the wounded skies above (no warnings)
The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water - Zen Cho
“What do you think it means, Brother, that the moon began to bleed mere days after we agreed to stay?”

With Sunset Glow (no warnings)
On A Sunbeam - Tillie Walden
The first time Marshmallow appeared on the ship, Jules was pretty sure she was hallucinating.

Written in the Body (sex)
This Is How You Lose The Time War - Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone
When she feels Red’s footsteps dance across the thread, Blue's heart beats faster, remembering the last note Red had sent (in the smallest imperfections of a rug’s weave, which Blue had undone as she’d read it).

Book Fandoms (Other Languages)

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allegory (or something like that) (no warnings)
Omniscient Reader - Sing-Shong
Not even the end of the world can keep Han Sooyoung from writing.

And the Deep Blue Sea (consent issues, sex)
Thriller Trainee - Wang Ya
Zong Jiu had a plan for how to get out of the ocean. Trust the Devil to interfere.

curative (sex pollen)
Qi Ye - priest
Zhou Zishu arrives at Jing Beiyuan's palace late at night, and Jing Beiyuan can't help but try to find out why.

Endurance (BDSM, sex)
Peerless - Meng Xi Shi
Feng Xiao wants to test Cui Buqu's physical endurance, since he's spent time building it up with dual cultivation. Cui Buqu passes the tests with flying colors.

familial (no warnings)
Qi Ye - priest
A brief domestic scene, post-canon.

Hunger Isn't the Word You're Looking For (blood drinking, sex)
Quan Qiu Gao Kao | Global Examination - Mu Si Li
Drinking blood satisfies one hunger, but it arouses another.

Visual Canons (English Source)

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Acceptance (Is Easier Than You Fear) (mild body horror)
Kibo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Kipo rescued Wolf from some nasty and unethical scientists, but not before they'd had a chance to experiment on her.

Baby Steps (no warnings)
Diaval slowly learns how to be comfortable in a human body.

First Rites (no warnings)
Pyre (Video Game)
Hedwyn and his Nightwings have one last practice before the first Rite at the Ridge of Gol.

gravity (no warnings)
gen:LOCK (web cartoon)
In the days after Nemesis, gen:LOCK trains, and Kazu realises that what he shares with Val might be unique and not a part of the gen:LOCK mind-meshing after all.

heart to heart (no warnings)
Pyre (Video Game)
Pamitha, and her wings, and her heart, and the things she can't admit to wanting.

perchance to dream (no warnings)
Leverage/The Old Guard
Eliot wakes from a dream of Nile.

support structures (no warnings)
Still Star-Crossed (TV)
Rosaline Capulet is the best thing that ever happened to Benvolio Montague, and sometimes they even manage to acknowledge that.

This Blade, My Honor (violence)
Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands (TV)
Battle is Saray's birthright. However, sometimes battle is best fought with words, not swords.

'til we're gathered safely in (sex)
Ocean's 8 (Movie)
After Lou rescues Debbie from a job she needed a quick exit from, they're reminded of how much adrenaline arouses them both.

to soothe the ache (in your soul) (injury, imprisonment)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018 Cartoon)
Glimmer and Catra are stuck in Horde Prime's prisons. When Catra stumbles back one night, bruised and bloody, Glimmer makes it all the way until the next morning before she gives in to the desire to help as best she can.

Visual Canons (Other Languages)

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across the long and lonely years (no warnings)
Red Devil and Heroine Su (Short Film)
The first time Ye Hong saw Heroine Su, it was because Heroine Su was trying to kill her.

Depth of Focus (no warnings)
Link Click (donghua)
Cheng Xiaoshi’s earliest memories were of the click and flash of a camera.

Governmental Claims (no warnings)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (anime)
“In bed with the Empire, eh?” Schönkopf asked, looking over Yang’s shoulder to read the article on his tablet’s screen. “Am I scheming to lure you away and present you as a gift to that Lohengramm kid in this one?”

Grounding (no warnings)
Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty (TV)
Sui Zhou invites Wuyun home for dinner and company.

Gun In Your Pocket (sex)
The Mystic Nine (TV)
This wasn’t the first time they’d played this game; yet, every time Yin Xinyue heard Zhang Qishan call her gongzi instead of xiaojie or furen, it lit her up from the core.

Heart of a Warrior (no warnings)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (anime)
The difficulty with trust, Schönkopf thought, was that it was addictive.

heartsease (no warnings)
The Mystic Nine (TV)
In Dongbei, as Zhang Qishan rests unwaking, Yin Xinyue stays by his side. Beile-ye comes to visit them both with an offer of comfort.

Heartstrings (coerced consent, no sex)
Fruits Basket (manga)
Akito wants what she can't have. Except: she can have Tohru, if she pulls the right strings, and that might let her have everything else too.

held safe in the palm of your hand (no warnings)
Joy of Life (TV)
Shen Xiang learns, from the infirmary she's imprisoned in, what happened to Yan-gongzi and Fan-daren.

Hide (gun violence)
The Rebel (TV)
After General Uemura's assassination, Chen Moqun searches for Lin Nansheng.

Inextricable (prison hospital)
Detective L (TV)
Huo Wensi, injured and locked in the prison hospital, won't talk to anyone but Luo Fei.

Orbital Dynamics (a/b/o)
My Roommate Is A Detective (TV)
It took Lu Yao a month to realise he was the point both Bai Youning and Qiao Chusheng were orbiting.

Posterior Motives (sex)
Detective L (TV)
Luo Fei is barging through his waiting room and picking the lock into his personal office, which means he’s taken silence as an invitation, which means he’s bored. Therefore, Huo Wensi thinks, he’s here for sex.

stay (with me) (no warnings)
DMBJ | The Lost Tomb (TV)
It had been a long time since someone looked at Zhang Qiling and tried to reach out to him the way Wu Xie did. It had been even longer since Zhang Qiling had wanted to reach back.

the promises of spilt blood (injury)
Joy of Life (TV)
This wasn’t the first time he’d injured (or even killed) someone off the battlefield—agents of the Overwatch Council were not trained kindly, and spies had many ways to maintain their cover—but Yan Bingyun couldn’t remember any other time he’d had to stab someone he had been thinking of calling friend.

Tryptich (kink)
Zhǎng Gōng Zhǔ Zài Shàng (Web Series)
The only problem with Gu Xuanqing was that Li Yunzhen was starting to like him.

With Your Best Shot (sex)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (anime)
Yang’s first shot missed the target entirely. That he’d survived everything, Schönkopf thought, was a testament to both his luck and the dedication of the officers surrounding him.

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