
summer and your skin
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全职高手 - 蝴蝶蓝 | Quánzhí Gāoshǒu - Húdié Lán
Guō Shào/Qiū Fēi (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
Guō Shào (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu), Qiū Fēi (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
Additional Tags:
Post-Canon, Friends With Benefits, First Time, Explicit Consent, Trans Male Qiu Fei, Frottage
QZGS Rare Pair Week 2023
Published: 2023-02-19 Words: 3,210 Chapters: 1/1

summer and your skin


Guo Shao has a proposition for Qiu Fei. After a little thought, Qiu Fei takes him up on it.


RPW Day 5 - Candor

Guo Shao's transfer to Excellent Era draws from Anthem for New Youth by madmaenad. (Qiu Fei being trans is simply because I wanted him to be.)

summer and your skin

As the evening’s training session ended, Guo Shao came over to Qiu Fei. “Hey, Qiu-xiong?” he said, and Qiu Fei immediately turned to face him. Not captain, so whatever this was couldn’t be Glory related. “Can I ask you something in private, once we’ve cleaned up here?”

“Yeah, we can just hang around after.” Qiu Fei patted Guo Shao on the shoulder. He didn’t seem nervous, at least, so Qiu Fei doubted this was about something bad. He put it out of his mind until everyone had said their goodnights and filtered out, leaving only Guo Shao lingering by the door.

Qiu Fei let the door close, then leaned against the wall, eyebrows raised in question.

“Absolutely no shade or bad feelings if you don’t wanna,” Guo Shao said, which was an interesting opening, “but I think you’re super hot and I’d love to have sex with you. No strings, just fun and feeling good.”

Out of all the things Qiu Fei had expected from his newest teammate, this wasn’t one of them. Qiu Fei’s mind went blank; he had no context for such propositions. “Um,” he said, because a long silence wasn’t going to be kind to Guo Shao. “I’ve never thought about that before.”

“Sex?” Guo Shao said, way calmer than Qiu Fei. “Or sex with me in particular?”

“Either,” Qiu Fei admitted. The one nice thing about his brain currently consisting of emptiness and confusion was that Guo Shao’s nonchalance was easy to match. It made him feel better, too, that Guo Shao wasn’t making a big deal out of any of this. “There’s Glory, and I’m trans, and… it never seemed relevant?”

Guo Shao shrugged, his irrepressible smile dancing across his face again. “Just because you never think about anything other than Glory doesn’t mean it isn’t out there. You don’t need to answer me now, if you want to think about it, but the offer’s open. You’d be hot even if you weren’t so good at Glory, Qiu Fei, but the way you handle your spear”—he waggled his eyebrows—“really doesn’t hurt.”

Qiu Fei laughed, nervous energy releasing itself in a sudden burst. “I’ll think about it, Guo-xiong.” He pushed off the wall, stepped forward to squeeze Guo Shao’s arm; a motion he never thought anything of, normally, but which seemed more charged after this conversation. “Thank you.”

Guo Shao’s eyes swept across him, slow and lingering. “Any time,” he said, and now his smile seemed like it meant something else entirely.

The conversation, and the ideas it introduced, kept playing in Qiu Fei’s head.

It would’ve been a lie to say that Qiu Fei didn’t know what sex was, or that he didn’t seek private release; it just wasn’t particularly important to him. He could go days, sometimes even weeks, without masturbating, let alone contemplating sex.

But that night, Qiu Fei lay on his bed, staring up at the dark ceiling, and ran his hands across his chest, his hips, his inner thighs. What would be like to have Guo Shao’s hands there? Would it feel like an imposition, an overwhelming intimacy, or if it would feel better than when he touched himself? It probably would, Qiu Fei thought, his skin tingling at the idea. Guo Shao would bring his joyous desire to explore into Qiu Fei’s own body and see it as a beautiful palace of secret pleasures instead of a perfectly serviceable home.

Qiu Fei’s fingers dipped between his legs, circling the surprisingly hard jut of his cock. He let out a huff—surprise, pleasure—and imagined again Guo Shao’s hands in place of his own, jerking him off delicately. Or maybe Guo Shao would rub against him, letting their cocks touch and urge each other towards peaks of pleasure.

His orgasm hit more quickly than Qiu Fei expected, cresting over his tentative fantasies, a soft roll of pleasure spreading down his limbs.

Qiu Fei withdrew his now-sticky fingers and stared at them, slightly-shiny pale shadows in the night. Then he laughed. “I think that’s the answer he wanted,” Qiu Fei said, and then he climbed out of bed to clean himself off before going to sleep.

Qiu Fei’s concentration was shot the following morning.

He kept catching sight of Guo Shao and thinking about his daydreams—his fantasies—the previous night and losing track of what he was doing.

“Do you need a nap?” one of his teammates asked at lunch. “You don’t seem like you got enough sleep.”

“Maybe,” Qiu Fei said, though he’d slept better last night than he had in weeks. He caught Guo Shao’s eye as he stretched and said, “It’s worth a shot, at least.”

The hour after lunch was a period of free time to let them digest and relax before returning to training. Qiu Fei usually spent it playing other games with his team, going over training regimens, or planning for the team’s future. But he’d been given an excuse, and Guo Shao had definitely understood the invitation in his gaze, so today he went straight to his room, sat down on his bed, and waited.

It didn’t take long for Guo Shao to knock, or to enter once Qiu Fei called for him to come in. “That was quick,” Guo Shao said cheerfully, shutting the door behind him. He glanced around and perched on Qiu Fei’s desk chair, one leg tucked under him and the other swinging freely. “I love how you make decisions. You’re so thorough and decisive.”

“Like you aren’t.” Qiu Fei remembered recruiting Guo Shao; it had merely been a matter of providing him with information and an opportunity, and then Guo Shao had taken hold with both hands and a wide grin. “And yes, Guo-xiong, the answer is that I’d like to try having sex with you.”

“Right now?” Guo Shao leaned forward, eyes wide. “Ah, Qiu-xiong, I hadn’t been expecting you to be so eager.”

Qiu Fei wrapped his arms protectively around his chest and shrugged. “I mean, it doesn’t need to be right away, but…”

“No, no, we can totally do it now.” Guo Shao looked over at the clock, clicked his tongue, and then drew out his phone. “Just let me set an alarm to make sure we aren’t late for practice.”

Qiu Fei’s ears burned at the thought of being late to practice because he was fucking his teammate and probable vice-captain. They hadn’t talked about it yet; a team technically didn’t need a vice-captain, as Happy had proved last year, but it was logistically useful. Guo Shao was Qiu Fei’s preferred choice, since he already had pro league experience, but the last month had been so busy that actually asking kept slipping Qiu Fei’s mind.

Guo Shao set his phone down with a sharp click that broke Qiu Fei’s train of thought. “Alright,” he said, moving to sit next to Qiu Fei. “Let’s take it slow.”

They started with kisses, Guo Shao murmuring encouragement as Qiu Fei became bolder with his mouth and tongue, their hands slipping from shoulders to hips. Qiu Fei had known many things about Guo Shao’s body—he was a physical person, always slinging an arm around a friend’s shoulder, giving friendly hip-checks, or sprawling across laps—but it was different like this, touching him with intent.

That intent grew, hot and sharp, in Qiu Fei’s chest. Their kisses were bellows fanning the flames of desire, and Qiu Fei might not be practiced but he did know what he wanted. “How much more time do we have?” he asked, fingers playing with the hem of Guo Shao’s shirt.

“Half an hour, maybe.” Guo Shao’s eyes shone as he took in Qiu Fei’s meaning. “Go ahead, you can undress me.”

Qiu Fei pulled the shirt over Guo Shao’s head, and it only tangled in Guo Shao’s arms a little bit before they got it sorted out. The smooth expanse of Guo Shao’s chest, punctuated by dark nipples that tightened beneath Qiu Fei’s gaze, was familiar from changing rooms and swimming pools, but the context changed everything. Qiu Fei traced a finger down Guo Shao’s chest, swirled it around his belly button, and then let himself look lower still.

Guo Shao’s loose sweatpants couldn’t hide the swell of his cock. It pulled the deep red fabric taut, teasing Qiu Fei. His body couldn’t do that, but the answering pang in his cock as it rubbed against his packer was more than enough for Qiu Fei to wish his body could.

“How much can I undress you?” Qiu Fei asked, eyes flickering up to see Guo Shao’s mouth open and panting, eyes dark with arousal.

“As much as you want.” Guo Shao licked his lips. His hands tensed on the bedspread behind him. “When you’re done, can I do the same?”

“Yeah.” Qiu Fei tucked his fingers underneath Guo Shao’s waistband, only half his mind on the idea of Guo Shao soon returning the favor. He was too busy watching the way Guo Shao’s cock looked as he slowly unveiled it, a soft curve he was pretty sure grew as he watched it, rising to meet his eager gaze.

Qiu Fei sank to his knees as he tossed Guo Shao’s pants aside, putting himself at eye level with Guo Shao’s cock. Guo Shao made a noise, high in his throat, and spread his legs further apart. “Qiu Fei,” he groaned, “what are you doing?”

“Looking,” Qiu Fei said, like it was obvious. Because it was. He put his hands on Guo Shao’s knees, slowly slid them up his legs, and watched the way Guo Shao’s cock twitched in response. Qiu Fei’s nipples tightened in a bright shiver; his body wanted to answer that, to see what else Guo Shao would do at his touch, and so Qiu Fei stroked his hands across Guo Shao’s inner thighs. The shudder beneath his hands caught in his gut the same way a perfect move in Glory did, and Qiu Fei smiled up at Guo Shao. “I like this.”

“I can tell.” Guo Shao caught his breath. “You said I could undress you too.”

Qiu Fei nodded and stood up, though his hands lingered on Guo Shao’s body as long as they could. “Yeah,” he said. “You can.”

Guo Shao rose with alacrity. He kissed Qiu Fei again first, quick and breathless, his cock pushing against Qiu Fei’s hip and his hands clutching Qiu Fei’s waist. Qiu Fei groaned into the kiss, grinding into Guo Shao, his soft packer transferring some—enough, almost—of the sensation back into his cock’s demanding shaft.

“Fuck,” Guo Shao breathed, “okay, yeah, let’s do this.”

Qiu Fei raised his hands, let Guo Shao pull his shirt off. Beneath, his binder still pressed his chest flat, but his stomach was bare and Guo Shao’s skin against his was hot and electric as Guo Shao kissed him again. “Not that,” Qiu Fei gasped, when Guo Shao’s hands skimmed the edge of his binder. “You can touch my chest, but— Leave it on today. Please.”

One of Guo Shao’s hands immediately darted between their chests, fingers searching until they found one of Qiu Fei’s nipples. “This good?” he asked, rubbing it through the tight fabric.

Qiu Fei let out a moan, clutching Guo Shao’s shoulders, still rocking against Guo Shao’s hips. Nobody had ever touched him like that before. Even he barely touched himself like that; sometimes he was too aware of the body that lay beneath to treat his chest like any other man’s “Fuck, yeah, it’s good,” he said. Then, “You gonna undress me the rest of the way?”

“Wasn’t sure you’d want that.” Guo Shao slid his hands beneath Qiu Fei’s own pants, light and warm on his ass. Qiu Fei shivered at the unexpected touch. Strange, but good, and it made him want Guo Shao touching him even more directly. “Bodies, y’know?”

“I do know.” Qiu Fei moved his hands to match Guo Shao’s, looking him in the eyes as he deliberately squeezed Guo Shao’s butt. “You know what’s down there, and you’re okay with it, and I want my cock to touch your cock, so if you aren’t going to undress me—”

Guo Shao shoved Qiu Fei’s pants and underwear down together, reaching up with his foot when he couldn’t bend over any further to help encourage the clothing to leave Qiu Fei’s body. Qiu Fei couldn’t help laughing as he stepped out of the fabric. The protective weight of his packer was gone—it lived in a pouch in his underwear—and he stood in front of Guo Shao, as nude as he was willing to be and incredibly aware of the slick dampness growing between his thighs.

There was a moment, a pause where Guo Shao studied Qiu Fei with the same intensity he used when looking at battle maps, and then Guo Shao stepped back in and pressed their bodies directly together.

Qiu Fei gasped into Guo Shao’s soft kiss as his cock rubbed on Guo Shao’s thigh. The touch sang through him, shining and shivering, and he wanted it. The answering heat of Guo Shao’s cock grinding into him was a revelation, hot and hard on his hip, thick and heavy and not quite aligned properly for what Qiu Fei really wanted.

“Bed,” Qiu Fei said, leaning over, and they tumbled down in an ungainly mess of limbs.

There was only so much space on his bed. When they finished arranging themselves, Qiu Fei was kneeling on top of Guo Shao, their hips aligned, and Guo Shao’s cock lying dark across his lower belly. Qiu Fei reached down to touch it, and Guo Shao trembled beneath him with a moan as Qiu Fei’s finger traced the taut skin. “Go on,” Guo Shao managed, when Qiu Fei paused. “You touching my dick is fantastic.”

“I like touching your dick too,” Qiu Fei said, and closed his fingers loosely around its head. Guo Shao’s hips pushed up towards him with another heavy breath, lighting that deep fire in Qiu Fei’s gut. Slowly—more slowly than Guo Shao wanted, Qiu Fei was sure—Qiu Fei dragged his hand down Guo Shao’s cock, learning its weight in his hand, testing its firmness in his grip. Then, as Guo Shao cursed, Qiu Fei stroked him again, this time thinking about the pull of Guo Shao’s skin and the curve of his cock.

“You can touch me too,” Qiu Fei said absently. “I don’t mind.”

“I can’t think when you’re teasing me like this,” Guo Shao groaned, eyes fluttering open. “You’ve never done this before, you said?”

Qiu Fei grinned at him, light bursting glad in his chest. “I’m a fast learner,” he said, leaning down to kiss Guo Shao. “And you’re a good teacher.”

Then, as he’d wanted to do since the start, Qiu Fei lowered his hips onto Guo Shao’s and lined up their cocks. His own slickness made it easy to move, sweet and soft, every nerve blazing with desire. Qiu Fei let out a whine as he clenched his arms and legs around Guo Shao, almost trapping him, and started rutting, desperate and needy, against him.

Guo Shao’s hands found their way to his hips, holding him down, emphasizing his motions. “Qiu Fei,” he panted, his cheek pressed against Qiu Fei’s, his breath hot on Qiu Fei’s shoulder. “Holy shit, you feel fantastic, fuck, keep going.”

The words washed over Qiu Fei, adding another layer of sensory pleasure. Hearing Guo Shao falling apart, his words slurred or interrupted by gasps, lit Qiu Fei up just as surely as the feeling of Guo Shao’s cock fitting perfectly alongside his.

It wasn’t a surprise when this orgasm came, a crashing wave that left Qiu Fei shuddering on top of Guo Shao. He had felt it building, urged it higher, and let himself get thrown into the sky by its impact.

Beneath him, Guo Shao kept moving, rutting against Qiu Fei’s tender cock. Qiu Fei moaned; it felt like firecrackers in his veins to have Guo Shao stroking against him like this. “Don’t stop,” he murmured when Guo Shao slowed questioningly. “It’s okay.”

Guo Shao took him at his word. His fingers tightened on Qiu Fei’s ass, holding him in place as Guo Shao fucked the space between their bodies, his muscles rolling beneath Qiu Fei, breath coming faster as his thrusts sped up. Qiu Fei relaxed into it, feeling the embers of his arousal flicker into life again, electric and almost too much as he panted against Guo Shao’s sweaty shoulder.

A deep groaning cry burst from Guo Shao’s throat. There wasn’t any music to it, only raw release, but it resonated through Qiu Fei’s chest as beautifully as any chord. Guo Shao’s body tensed, rutting thoughtlessly against him as hot jizz covered their stomachs. Qiu Fei searched for Guo Shao’s mouth, swallowing his moans, kissing him, greedily taking in the evidence that Qiu Fei had brought Guo Shao to this peak.

That thought combined with Guo Shao’s tongue in his mouth and Guo Shao’s last rippling thrusts to tip Qiu Fei over the edge once more. This time his orgasm hit like a hot bath soaking into his limbs, soft and satisfying, without any driving need for more.

They laid there together, trembling and sticky in the aftershocks of pleasure, as their kisses shifted from desperate pleasure to relaxed sweetness.

Too soon, Guo Shao’s alarm went off and they both jumped. “I gave us ten minutes,” Guo Shao said, voice a little hoarse. “Maybe I should’ve given us more.”

Qiu Fei groaned and rolled off Guo Shao’s warm chest. “Fuck.” The mess between his legs hadn’t seemed bad until he moved. “I need a shower.”

“We both need showers,” Guo Shao agreed. “Separate ones.”

Qiu Fei laughed and nudged Guo Shao with his shoulder. “Yeah, definitely. I’ll see you at practice?”

“I’ll do my best to be on time, captain.” Guo Shao grinned as he said it, pushing himself up and gathering his clothes. “We should do this again when there isn’t a time limit.”

“Yeah.” Qiu Fei reminded himself he wasn’t supposed to be staring at the way Guo Shao’s muscles moved beneath his skin, and that he shouldn’t be so disappointed at how Guo Shao was covering himself up once more. “Not tonight.”

“Let me know,” Guo Shao said with an exaggerated wink. Then, with a wave of his hand, he left.

Qiu Fei forced himself to his feet and gathered his clothes. A quick shower, and then he had to get his mind on the game again.

“Had a good rest?” Wen Li asked as Qiu Fei slipped into the training room thirty seconds before it was time to begin.

Qiu Fei sat down as the door banged open behind him. He didn’t turn and look; Guo Shao was already giving his cheerful apologies for almost being late. A pleasant heat hummed in Qiu Fei’s chest, but it wasn’t distracting the way it had been this morning. Now, Qiu Fei knew what he wanted, and that he could have it.

He could wait for the right time to claim it again.

“Yeah,” Qiu Fei said, logging into Glory. “It was exactly what I needed.”


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