
The Name of Something New
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全职高手 - 蝴蝶蓝 | Quánzhí Gāoshǒu - Húdié Lán
Qiū Fēi/Sūn Xiáng (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
Qiū Fēi (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu), Sūn Xiáng (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
Additional Tags:
Post-Canon, Glory Pro Alliance Season Eleven, Trans Male Qiu Fei, Trans Female Sūn Xiáng, First Time, Slightly Too Much Talking and Feelings to be PWP
QZGS Rare Pair Week 2023
Published: 2023-02-19 Words: 4,813 Chapters: 1/1

The Name of Something New


“I wasn’t expecting this,” Sun Xiang admitted. She leaned back on the door, letting it close with a click. “I know I gave you an apology, but…”

Qiu Fei waved a hand. They’d already talked that over; that part of the past was immaterial now. “I accepted your apology for being an ass, Sun Xiang. That’s why thinking that you’re even hotter on E means I want to fuck you instead of being sad that you’re really hot and also an asshole.”


RPW Day 6 - Tension

The backstory for Excellent Era in this fic is drawn from by Anthem for New Youth by madmaenad (but I made Qiu Fei trans all on my own). You can also read more about Sun Xiang’s transition in my fic Little Lion Woman.

The Name of Something New

Qiu Fei hadn’t seen Sun Xiang in person since she’d come out and started taking hormones.

He’d thought that seeing Sun Xiang’s transition take place across match videos and interviews would be enough to dampen the effects of her new confidence upon him. Her new softness, too, which Qiu Fei thought probably wasn’t as distracting to literally anyone else. He’d gotten used to seeing Sun Xiang on the screen, but now, seeing her face-to-face as the teams shook hands before the match, he had to remind himself to stop thinking about Sun Xiang’s boobs and focus on the way Cloud Piercer and One Autumn Leaf were about to tear through his new Excellent Era.

Behind him, Guo Shao snickered. “Head in the game, Captain,” he whispered, patting Qiu Fei’s shoulder as they took their seats. “Not— You know.”

Qiu Fei elbowed his friend, not dignifying Guo Shao’s implications with a response. Convincing Guo Shao to transfer from Miracle over to Excellent Era had been the best and hardest thing he’d done all summer, and his irrepressible teasing was well worth his support on the field. If they could start online arguments about who inherited the Short Cannon Long Spear style—him and Guo Shao, or Su Mucheng and Tang Rou—then Qiu Fei would be delighted by the success of their synergy.

“Let’s play our best,” Qiu Fei told his team. “It doesn’t matter if we lose—everyone expects that, since we’re facing Samsara—but wouldn’t it be great if we could win?”

“You give the worst speeches,” Wen Li informed him, but that didn’t stop him from standing up and heading down for the first face-off of the group round.

After that, there wasn’t space in Qiu Fei’s brain for Sun Xiang’s boobs. The game consumed him, and he worked for every point Excellent Era could take from Samsara, his team swirling around him with all the focus they’d needed to make it to the Glory Professional Alliance to begin with. They had been honed yet more sharply by the first few matches of the season, against first Happy—the inevitable rematch in reversed situations—and then more middling teams in the league.

Samsara was a testing ground, and Qiu Fei intended to use this stage for everything he could.

They lost, but they didn’t go 0-10, and Qiu Fei could hear the crowd cheering for Excellent Era as they shook Samsara’s hands and retreated back to their prep rooms. If Qiu Fei’s fingers lingered a little too long on Sun Xiang’s, if their eyes met with intensity he knew Guo Shao and Jiang Botao both noticed— Well, there wasn’t anything Qiu Fei could do about that.

Except send Sun Xiang a message saying, It’s good to see you again. Want to visit the new EE HQ tonight?

“You need to add some eggplants or peaches,” Guo Shao said, leaning over his shoulder with a lack of regard for personal space Qiu Fei would find intolerable from anyone else. “Otherwise she won’t know you’re asking about a booty call.”

Qiu Fei flushed bright red. “Guo Shao!”

“He’s right,” Wen Li said, not looking up from whatever game he was playing on his phone. “Sorry, Captain, but your crush is a bit of an idiot.”

“I am not sending her eggplant emoji,” Qiu Fei informed them from behind his hands.

He did add, in the last seconds before their manager came to lead them over to the media interview, My teammates say I need to make it clear that yes, I’m inviting you over because I’d like to have sex, but the offer to show you around EE HQ stands regardless of if you want to fuck.

After answering questions about what it was like to play against Sun Xiang after spending so much time playing alongside her two seasons ago, discussing Excellent Era’s relatively low placement in the league standings—like any new team could do better, facing both Happy and Samsara in their first month—and saying other polite words to the media, Qiu Fei checked his phone again and smiled.

Sun Xiang’s reply was an eggplant emoji, a thumbs-up, and a single word: Address?

The rest of the team mercifully withdrew before Sun Xiang arrived, and Qiu Fei thanked the heavens that he’d ended up rooming solo this season; there would be nobody to carefully shuffle out when the tour finished in Qiu Fei’s own room.

Sun Xiang looked genuinely interested in Excellent Era’s little space, too, which was a surprise. “It’s nice,” she said upon entering, nodding at the plants and the little aquarium they’d set up for their mascot fish. ‘The carp jumps over a waterfall to become a dragon’ was the official explanation for their team pet, which had nothing to do with the real reason Qiu Fei’s teammates had acquired the goldfish. That reason was very simple: It looked like One Autumn Leaf. Qiu Fei was not going to point that out to Sun Xiang if she didn’t notice on her own.

“Feels really different,” Sun Xiang added, so she probably hadn't noticed the One Autumn Leaf figurine in the aquarium either.

Qiu Fei nodded in agreement. The Excellent Era they’d participated in together had been clean, crisp, corporate. This new Excellent Era was grassroot stubbornness, the legacy of everything Ye Xiu had once built. “It is,” he said, smiling at the thought of his teammates and their energetic dreams. “Let me show you the rest.”

Sun Xiang followed her deeper in, showing her the practice rooms and the common rooms before circling back to the inevitable end in the dooms themselves.

“We don’t all have rooms to ourselves,” Qiu Fei admitted as he pushed his door open. “But the team insisted that their Captain get a room to himself.”

Sun Xiang laughed, a brighter sound than Qiu Fei ever remembered coming from her throat in Season Nine. “Captaincy has some perks, huh?”

“Yeah.” Qiu Fei sat on his bed and grinned at Sun Xiang. “Like being able to invite you over.”

“I wasn’t expecting this,” Sun Xiang admitted. She leaned back on the door, letting it close with a click. “I know I gave you an apology, but…”

Qiu Fei waved a hand. They’d already talked that over; that part of the past was immaterial now. “I accepted your apology for being an ass, Sun Xiang. That’s why thinking that you’re even hotter on E means I want to fuck you instead of being sad that you’re really hot and also an asshole.”

“You—” Sun Xiang stammered, her face flushing. “You— Seriously? I’m hot?”

“Yeah,” Qiu Fei said, leaning forward and letting his eyes drop to Sun Xiang’s boobs where they hid beneath her Samsara jacket. “Guo Shao has been teasing me about the way I moon over you for months.”

Sun Xiang’s mouth opened and closed several times. “Oh,” she said, eventually. “Jiang Botao said you wouldn’t have invited me over if you hadn’t meant it.”

“I’m glad someone on Samsara thinks I might have game.” Qiu Fei flopped back onto his bed. He addressed the ceiling, because looking at Sun Xiang would make this even more embarrassing than it already felt. “I think you’re hot. I have been annoyed by how pretty your face is and how good you are at Glory since I was first invited to join Excellent Era in Challengers and play your shadow. I have been wondering what it’d be like to see you again ever since you started transitioning and I realised that being a woman made you a hundred times hotter because you look like you own your body now, not just exist in it. And then I saw you today and knew I was doomed so I figured I may as well get some good sex because of it since we’re in the same place tonight anyway.”

“Holy shit.” Sun Xiang sounded awed. Qiu Fei had just barely started sitting up to look at her when Sun Xiang instead pushed him down to the bed and kissed him.

Qiu Fei kissed back, reaching up under Sun Xiang’s arms to grasp at her neck, holding her close to align their mouths and make sure Sun Xiang wouldn’t retreat from this. Not that Qiu Fei thought she would; Sun Xiang rarely ran from anything, and she kissed with a bravado that made up with intensity for what it lacked in skill.

One kiss turned into another, and another, and another, Qiu Fei and Sun Xiang gasping and grasping at each other as they tangled together. Qiu Fei’s bed had never felt small before, but two bodies and Sun Xiang’s long limbs made him all too aware of how close he was to falling off the edge.

An easy problem to solve. “Come here,” Qiu Fei said, dragging Sun Xiang fully on top of him. She’d been avoiding that, carefully keeping her hips away from his, and Qiu Fei didn’t know why. “You aren’t going to squish me.”

“That’s not—” Sun Xiang paused, holding herself a few inches above Qiu Fei. A number of expressions passed across her face, ending with a scowl as she muttered, “My body…”

“Is going to feel fantastic against mine.” Qiu Fei tightened his grip on Sun Xiang’s hips and tugged down again. “If you’re worried because your arousal is visible and mine isn’t, that’s because the dick you can see through my pants is made of silicone. My flesh dick is plenty interested.”

Sun Xiang’s face, in the brief moment before she buried it in Qiu Fei’s chest, was bright red. “Nobody told me you were trans,” she said, voice muffled, as her body slowly came to rest on Qiu Fei’s.

Qiu Fei resisted the urge to roll his hips up into Sun Xiang’s only because that statement deserved a serious answer. “I assumed you knew.”

“As everyone apparently loves telling me, I’m shit at noticing anything that isn’t related to Glory.” Sun Xiang shifted, absently rubbing herself against Qiu Fei’s thigh, which sent shivers up Qiu Fei’s spine. “Cool. Great. Give me a minute.”

“Adjusting your expectations?” Qiu Fei ran his hand through Sun Xiang’s hair, because he needed something to fidget with. She’d been wearing it in a loose ponytail, but sometime during the make-outs it had come out of its tie, and now spread across Sun Xiang’s back.

Sun Xiang sighed and relaxed under Qiu Fei’s touch. “I liked the idea of you fucking me,” she muttered. “With your dick.”

Qiu Fei tried to hold back his laugh, but it came out as a snort anyway. For someone who came across as cool and competent during matches, Sun Xiang could be remarkably unaware. “I have several dicks,” he said instead. “There’s the realistic one, and then there are several fun-shaped ones that I might use if you ask nicely enough.”

“Fun-shaped…?” Sun Xiang raised her head to squint at Qiu Fei. “As in…?”

“Have you ever used a dildo?” Qiu Fei asked, not really expecting an answer but also unsurprised by Sun Xiang’s quiet “no.” He rolled his eyes and pushed gently at Sun Xiang. “Get up so I can show you.”

He’d been planning on using the realistic dildo. It was the easiest, and Qiu Fei liked catching sight of a cock that looked like his own standing proudly between his legs. But as he lined his dicks up on the desk—the realistic one; the long, swirling blue-purple one covered in textured bumps; the short, thick one designed to resemble a flower bud; and the sucker-covered tentacle Guo Shao had bought for him—Qiu Fei realised that Sun Xiang’s eyes were fixed on the more fantastical choices.

Interesting. Qiu Fei sucked air across his teeth, thinking about what that might mean, and felt a calm thrill begin to grow in his chest. He wanted to see what Sun Xiang would do when pushed, especially this Sun Xiang who was willing to follow Qiu Fei’s lead. Who wanted Qiu Fei to fuck her. In his old frustrated fantasies, Qiu Fei had never quite dared to go that far; Sun Xiang, back then, hadn’t seemed like the kind of person who would let someone else take control.

But if that had changed…

“Sun Xiang,” Qiu Fei said, very deliberately. “How do you want me to fuck you?”

Sun Xiang’s eyes jumped to him, lips parting a little. She glanced back at the dildos, then back to Qiu Fei, and said, “Could— I want to try them all.”

“You really don’t know the meaning of restraint, do you?” Qiu Fei said dryly, taking refuge in sarcasm to hide how quickly his heart was beating at the idea of spending so much time fucking Sun Xiang that he could use every single dick in one night. It was a compelling thought, but also sounded like a logistical nightmare when he hadn’t planned for it. “Pick one for today; if we have a good time there’ll be more chances to come.”

“Having a good time means taking advantage of all the options and opportunities.” Sun Xiang licked her lips and stretched out, assuming a pose of confidence only a little spoiled by the way her fingers twisted nervously against the sheets. “The blue one.”

Qiu Fei nodded, not trusting his ability to speak, and tucked the other three away. “You’ll need to undress,” he said, almost managing to sound casual. “Do you want help with that?”

“I— No, I’m good.” Sun Xiang suited actions to words, shedding her jacket and shirt to reveal a bra cradling small buds of breasts. Qiu Fei made a noise, seeing them; he’d known they were there, had seen the curves hiding beneath loose clothes and occasionally thrown into sharp relief by skin-tight tanks, but the way Sun Xiang’s breasts sat in the bra’s lacy embrace stole every single thought from his head.

Sun Xiang noticed, too, and grinned. “I’ll just leave that for now,” she said as she reached instead for her pants. “But you should be getting naked too, shouldn’t you?”

“Let me prepare my cock first,” Qiu Fei said. It would tease Sun Xiang in a similar way, and give Qiu Fei a moment to steady himself. He pulled out his harness, slid a condom and an O-ring onto the dildo, and clipped it into place, all while keeping his eyes mostly on Sun Xiang.

She had to have dressed like this intentionally. There was no way Sun Xiang was going around every day with matching lace underwear. The idea of Sun Xiang playing Glory with such secretly beautiful clothing close against her body made Qiu Fei’s pulse race, though, and he knew that image had been added to the entirely-too-long list of things that were distracting about Sun Xiang.

She was also shifting nervously, color high in her cheeks, as Qiu Fei looked at her. “Well?” Sun Xiang snapped, crossing her arms in a way that just drew Qiu Fei’s attention to the shadow of her cleavage. “Do I get to see that cock on your body or not?”

“You do, you do.” Qiu Fei stripped as quickly as he could, shedding all his clothes except his binder. When he stepped into the harness and secured it on his body, he could feel the liquid slickness between his thighs, evidence of how his body responded to Sun Xiang’s heated gaze. As the weight settled on his hips, pressing lightly against his cock, Qiu Fei raised his eyes to Sun Xiang’s and asked, “Can I please touch your breasts now?”

Sun Xiang’s hands brushed across the curves in question. “Ah? Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good.”

Qiu Fei approached, watching Sun Xiang’s attention as it fell to his cock. The jump in her throat, the way her lips parted ever so slightly, the dampness slowly spreading across her panties; all of it thrilled Qiu Fei, and he wanted more. Fortunately, the first touch of their bodies, skin to skin, gave Qiu Fei what he desired.

Sun Xiang moaned at the first touch of Qiu Fei’s palms, before he’d done anything more than gently press them to her breasts. Qiu Fei slid his fingers across the lace, feeling the texture, searching out Sun Xiang’s nipples beneath their surface, cradling the slight weight of Sun Xiang’s chest in his hands. “They’re lovely,” he said, drawing closer still, until his cock tapped Sun Xiang’s thigh and she closed her hands around his hips to pull him in.

Then Qiu Fei dipped his head—not that far; he wasn’t short, but Sun Xiang was quite tall—and pressed his mouth against Sun Xiang’s beautiful little breast.

This time Qiu Fei could feel Sun Xiang’s moan, the way it vibrated through her chest and set her shuddering. He gently licked the hard nub of Sun Xiang’s nipple. Then, as Sun Xiang rocked against him, Qiu Fei sucked upon Sun Xiang’s breast.

“Holy fuck,” Sun Xiang swore. One of her hands came up to grab Qiu Fei’s head, holding him in place. “Do— Do that again.”

“Gladly,” Qiu Fei said, knowing that the movement of his mouth against Sun Xiang’s sensitive chest would have her gasping again. He left the bra in place, liking the way Sun Xiang’s skin strained against it, the way the wet lace turned translucent, the way it felt to rub his thumb against Sun Xiang’s other breast and feel the texture overlaid against Sun Xiang’s softness.

Sun Xiang cursed again, her fingers digging into Qiu Fei’s ass, her crotch steadily grinding against Qiu Fei’s hip. “I get that my boobs are great”—Qiu Fei pinched her nipple, and Sun Xiang yelped, jerking against him—“but you said”—Qiu Fei switched sides, swallowing as much of Sun Xiang’s breast as possible into his mouth—“fuck, Qiu Fei, you said—” She cut herself off, dragging Qiu Fei off her chest and up to her face for a messy kiss.

Qiu Fei groaned, scalp tingling from Sun Xiang’s grip, spine stretched out from the height difference, body still singing from how perfect Sun Xiang felt shuddering against him. The taste of Sun Xiang’s mouth opening to him, her panting breaths giving him ample opportunity to flick his tongue between her lips, added to his desire.

When they broke apart again, Qiu Fei said, “Fuck you, yeah?”

“Yeah,” Sun Xiang agreed, her hair falling wild around her shoulders and undergarments hiding nothing from how wet they’d become. “Please.”

Qiu Fei slid his hands down to the waistband of Sun Xiang’s panties. “Should take these off, then.”

Sun Xiang nodded rapidly, and Qiu Fei dropped to his knees, pulling Sun Xiang’s panties down with him. It gave him a wonderful view of Sun Xiang’s arousal, slick and dark between her legs, reaching towards Qiu Fei as his head came level with it. Qiu Fei tilted his head up in time to catch Sun Xiang’s wide-eyed look at their positioning, but she didn’t say anything about it. She just stepped out of the lace, undid her bra, and sprawled backwards onto Qiu Fei’s bed.

“Come on,” she said, imperious enough to almost hide how she was begging, and spread her legs, knees up to reveal her hole.

“Just a moment.” Qiu Fei dug back into his drawer and pulled out his lube. He put a generous squirt on his hands and jerked himself, spreading it on his cock, watching how Sun Xiang’s breathing sped up and she grew wetter at the view. “Gotta make it good for you, yeah?”

“It’s going to be good,” Sun Xiang said impatiently. She was playing with her own breasts now, squeezing them, pulling at the softness and squirming under her own touch. “I can take it, I’ve had sex with men before.”

Qiu Fei grinned at her and knelt between her legs. One hand stayed on his cock, idly stroking it. He couldn’t feel much, but he could feel enough, and Sun Xiang’s eyes glued to the motion was even better. The other reached towards Sun Xiang’s hole. “What if I just like going slow?”

“Then you’re an awful tease.” The last word turned into a moan as Qiu Fei’s slick finger started rubbing circles around Sun Xiang’s hole, spreading slickness across the sensitive opening, urging it to relax against Qiu Fei’s touch.

“Just like that, yeah.” Qiu Fei breathed into the hot possessiveness spreading through his chest; the high of knowing Sun Xiang was his and moving at his pace was more intoxicating than sex itself. The way she reacted—the way he was slowly learning what she liked and wanted and how responsive she could be—planted itself in Qiu Fei’s core and grew, honeyed knowledge settling into his bones as he learned the map of this game.

Gently, Qiu Fei moved forward until he could replace his fingers with his cock. He kept it circling, a thicker pressure against Sun Xiang’s opening, while his other hand reached under Sun Xiang to urge her hips up off the bed. “Come here,” Qiu Fei murmured, holding his cock steady as Sun Xiang squirmed closer to him, her body slowly parting around the shimmering blue of his cock. “Yeah, get yourself on my lap, beautiful.”

Sun Xiang swore at him, cursing the way Qiu Fei stayed still, asking why she had to do all the work. Qiu Fei didn’t respond. Sun Xiang was doing what he asked, and he could feel his own wetness sliding down his thighs and dripping onto the sheets beneath them as Sun Xiang struggled closer, aided only by Qiu Fei’s guiding hands.

“Alright,” Qiu Fei said when Sun Xiang finally gave up and lay there, panting and twitching, perhaps half of Qiu Fei’s cock inside her. “My turn, sweetheart. You want me to fuck you?”

“Yes,” Sun Xiang gasped. She was shiny with sweat, half a wreck already, shuddering around Qui Fei. “Please.”

“You want it hard, don’t you?” Qiu Fei gripped Sun Xiang’s hips and adjusted his angle until he could start slowly thrusting forward. He knew, from experience, the way going slowly would make each and every bump on the cock feel like an endless drag against her opening. “You want to show me how much you can take.”

Sun Xiang’s legs clenched around Qiu Fei as he moved. “Fuck me,” she said, head thrown back, hands twisting in the sheets. “Stop holding back, Qiu Fei, please.”

“Tell me if it’s too much,” Qiu Fei said—ordered, corrected that consuming heat in his chest, though his words were mild—and snapped his hips forward until they rested flush with Sun Xiang’s. If slowness made the bumps seem to take forever, speed turned the sensation into a burn, overwhelming and intense even when he was prepared for it.

Sun Xiang, from the cry that came from her throat, had not been prepared.

She also did not tell him it was too much. When Qiu Fei paused, giving her an opportunity to ask him to ease up, she growled, “Again.”

Qiu Fei laughed, raised himself further off the bed—and Sun Xiang, attached as they were—and began fucking Sun Xiang in earnest.

She was gorgeous beneath him, and so expressive with her voice and body. Everything Qiu Fei did drew a reaction: a gasp or moan, a twist of the body, a rippling of muscles as Sun Xiang tightened around him. Qiu Fei loved it, attuned himself to it, took in every motion Sun Xiang made as if it were his own. His cock, hidden beneath the blue dildo, grew and throbbed and wanted, the pressure rocking against it almost but not quite enough, but Qiu Fei knew his body and his desires:

He would tip himself over the edge into a climax the moment he saw Sun Xiang fall apart beneath him, the overwhelming euphoria of her pleasure something he could consume and transform into his own.

Qiu Fei leaned over Sun Xiang, changing the angle again, and reached for her breasts. They fit perfectly into his hands, small and soft except for the taut nipple he rolled between his fingers, and Sun Xiang writhed at this new sensation. “More?” Qiu Fei asked, his own breath hot and harsh from exertion.

“Please,” Sun Xiang groaned. “Please, Qiu Fei, more.”

Qiu Fei hiked Sun Xiang’s legs higher around his waist and drove into her as he bent down, pressing their bodies together, adding his hands to his cock, feeling the wet heat of Sun Xiang’s arousal between them. He wished he could take Sun Xiang’s mouth in his too, but she was too tall for that to work, especially the way she arched beneath him, pressing their chests together as she squirmed on his cock.

The friction, the closeness, the growling desire in Qiu Fei’s core— He wanted Sun Xiang, and told her so, panting the words with each thrust of his hips and squeeze of his fingers. “You’re gorgeous like this,” he said, and Sun Xiang whined. “Such a pretty girl with beautiful breasts, and so easy to fuck. How long have you wanted this, sweetheart? Have you been dreaming about it since we first played together the way I have?”

“Challengers finals,” Sun Xiang gasped, which Qiu Fei hadn’t expected; she hadn’t seemed to have enough focus to respond. “When I realised how good a partner I could have had.”

Qiu Fei groaned, overcome despite himself, and buried himself in Sun Xiang with renewed vigor. “You got there,” he said, more softly. “We’re here now.”

Sun Xiang shuddered around him and came, loud and long, curling around Qiu Fei as her climax shook her apart.

Qiu Fei ground into Sun Xiang, chasing the final peak of his pleasure in Sun Xiang’s own. It wasn’t dramatic when it happened; more of a relaxation, a blossoming warmth filling him and letting his motions slow until he could drift to a stop, forehead resting on Sun Xiang’s soft chest.

“Holy shit,” Sun Xiang said, a few gasping breaths later. “That was awesome.”

Qiu Fei laughed despite himself, the movement jiggling through him and making Sun Xiang suck in another breath. “Glad you came?”

“Absolutely.” Sun Xiang tugged at Qiu Fei imperiously. “Get out of there, I wanna kiss you some more.”

“Yeah,” Qiu Fei said, reminding his muscles how to move. “Kissing sounds good. Let me get this off first, okay?”

It took perhaps a minute for him to undo the harness and throw away the used condom. Then Qiu Fei slid back in place next to Sun Xiang, the touch of his bared cock against her skin making him shiver.

Sun Xiang noticed, of course. “Do you want…” Her voice trailed off, but her fingers continued, stroking down the join of Qiu Fei’s hip.

“I’m good, just sensitive.” Qiu Fei brushed Sun Xiang’s hair behind her ear. It was snarled, but still soft against his fingers. “You wanted kisses.”

That was all the invitation Sun Xiang needed. These kisses weren’t as demanding as how they’d begun, more a slow exploration than a hungry need, but their naked bodies added another layer of pleasure to the experience.

When their kisses began turning to yawns, Qiu Fei sat up and drew away. “Go home,” he said, as gently as he could. “We’ll see each other again.”

Sun Xiang grimaced, but she didn’t argue. “So there will be an again,” she said, beginning to gather her clothes.

“Yeah.” Qiu Fei watched, just as entranced by the long lines of Sun Xiang’s body now as when she’d first come to his room. “I’d like it if there were.”

“I would too.” Sun Xiang hesitated, half-dressed. “We should… talk, I guess. About. This.”

Qiu Fei made a face. “Not tonight.”

“But before again.”

“When did you learn how to talk about relationships?” Qiu Fei asked, half-joking.

Sun Xiang shrugged. She hadn’t put her bra back on, so her breasts bounced entirely too enticingly beneath her thin shirt. “Samsara pays for all its team members to see therapists. It’s been… really good for me.”

“I can tell.” Qiu Fei smiled at her from where he lay, still nude, on the bed. “We’ll talk.”

Sun Xiang hesitated as she zipped up her jacket. “Do you need to escort me out?”

“Do you want me to?” Qiu Fei could shove on sweatpants and a t-shirt if she asked.

“I think it’d be good.” Then Sun Xiang’s smile turned sharper. “Plus, if people are going to see me walk out looking thoroughly fucked, you deserve to be seen doing the same.”

Qiu Fei laughed and stood to find his clothes.

It was more than worth tomorrow’s teasing to hold Sun Xiang’s hand as they walked down the corridors, kiss her one last time to feel her surprised smile, and then watch Sun Xiang walk out into the cool autumn night.


End Notes

In case you were wondering: Yes, One Autumn Fish is one of my favorite things about Anthem for New Youth and I had to reference it specifically. <3

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