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魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Additional Tags:
Trans Male Character with a Cunt, Trans Male Character with a Cock, Trans Wish-Fulfillment, Trans Male Wei Wuxian, Trans Male Lan Wangji, Cunnilingus, Rough Kissing, Wei Wuxian Has Dysphoria; Lan Wangji Does Not
Part 4 of this body, my body
Published: 2020-05-06 Words: 1,970 Chapters: 1/1



Lan Wangji has a better use for Wei Wuxian's mouth than listening to him prattle on about clan politics.


“—but the minor families need to spend days travelling to the clan leaders to petition for help, unless they’re lucky enough that someone willing to listen is already travelling in the area.” Wei Wuxian threw his hands up in the air and gestured widely at the outskirts of the Cloud Recesses, bathed gold as they were by the evening light. “Just because you travel the paths doesn’t mean everyone does, Lan Zhan! And after Jin Guangyao—”

“There is,” Lan Wangji said, “a better use for your mouth.”

Wei Wuxian paused and turned to squint at his husband. His feelings about how the major clans were usually too isolated from the people they claimed to protect to adequately aid them were important, yes, but so was the way Lan Wangji was looking at him. “Lan Zhan,” he said, delighted, “are you aroused by my passion for policy changes?”

A touch of color brightened Lan Wangji’s cheeks. “I am intimately aware of your passions.” His words were crisp and clear and perhaps just a little bit faster than normal. “And you are well aware that I find your passions… stimulating.”

Wei Wuxian laughed outright, and moved to sprawl on his elbows next to Lan Wangji by the low table where he’d been practicing guqin before Wei Wuxian had started talking. That might have been ten minutes ago? He wasn’t the best at keeping track of time. “Okay, Lan Zhan.” His own heart was beating faster now, all thoughts of policy thrown to the wayside as he looked up at his beautiful husband. “What better use is there for my mouth than inspiring you?”

Lan Wangji carefully traced Wei Wuxian’s cheekbone with a finger, brushing his hair behind his ear. Wei Wuxian sighed and turned his face to the gentle warmth of Lan Wangji’s palm, first kissing it and then letting his tongue slip out to lick at Lan Wangji’s fingers. From the stillness of Lan Wangji’s body, he suspected he had correctly guessed Lan Wangji’s desire. Carefully, Wei Wuxian sat up and took Lan Wangji’s hand in his own, slowly opening his mouth and letting Lan Wangji slide two fingers inside.

Wei Wuxian sucked on them, keeping his gaze fixed on Lan Wangji’s, and was rewarded by the wide darkening of Lan Wangji’s eyes. It was hard to smile with fingers in his mouth, but Wei Wuxian did his best, scraping his teeth against Lan Wangji’s bony fingers as he did. Lan Zhan breathed out sharply at the touch, and Wei Wuxian tightened his grip on Lan Zhan’s wrist. While Lan Wangji could break free easily—even while taking care not to harm him—they both knew he wouldn’t, not when Wei Wuxian was holding him like this.

“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan’s free hand tightened, relaxed, stroked Wei Wuxian’s hair. “The doors.”

Reluctantly, Wei Wuxian released Lan Wangji and stood. His body sang with desire, heat building and tightening in his crotch, and he—

He breathed out, carefully not thinking about what he wished, and went to close the doors to the Jingshi. It was rare that anybody came here once the sun began to set. It was rarer still that they closed the doors before they settled in to sleep. But if Lan Wangji wanted them closed, closed they would be. Wei Wuxian turned back from the now-shut panels to see Lan Wangji standing next to their bed, only half-dressed.

Wei Wuxian loved Lan Zhan with the ferocity of a thousand summers, and yet every time he saw his husband disrobe it still felt like the first. The shadow of his collarbones, so well-known, became new in the soft sunlight. The pure white of his specially-crafted undershirt pulled tight over his chest, defining the shadows of his body as his robes unfurled and slid off his beautifully muscled shoulders. He was slender and sharp and every single inch of him belonged to Wei Wuxian.

In the golden light of autumn’s evening, Wei Wuxian stood still and silent as Lan Zhan grasped the bottom of his undershirt and pulled it over his head to bare his pale skin and pink nipples already peaked hard against the softness of his chest. Wei Wuxian’s own ached in sympathy and desire, and his undershirt felt far too tight. Unlike Lan Zhan, Wei Wuxian couldn’t— It never felt right unless he left his on, and so when he moved at Lan Zhan’s beckoning gaze, he simply worked on untying his belt and losing his robes.

Lan Zhan himself wasn’t quite naked yet; he had left his innermost pants, undyed and silken-smooth as they covered his legs and his groin, the part Wei Wuxian most wanted to see. His mouth watered as he dropped his own robe onto the floor and stood in front of Lan Zhan wearing naught but his underclothes. Lan Zhan looked over him, mouth curving into the slightest smile, and said, “Kneel.”

Wei Wuxian dropped to his knees faster than was probably healthy, but he felt— The pressure inside him was building, and the soft groan at his obedience told him that it was the same for Lan Zhan, as if he wasn’t now perfectly situated to see the dampness spreading at the crotch of Lan Zhan’s pants. He reached for them, saying, “I want—”

“Yes,” Lan Zhan said before he could finish the sentence. Lan Zhan’s hand curled into his hair, not quite pulling. Not yet. “Undress me.”

He did so, fingers fumbling at the ties for a moment before he could pull down Lan Zhan’s pants. He bowed, as much as Lan Zhan’s grip allowed, making it only the barest few inches before Lan Zhan’s soft laugh and the tightening of his fingers. It was. Enough. The pain rippled through his scalp and along his spine, soothing and centering as Lan Zhan stepped out of his last layer and stood before Wei Wuxian in all his beauty.

Wei Wuxian looked up at him, eyes watering a little from the strength of Lan Zhan’s grip, and slowly trailed his hands up the long expanse of Lan Zhan’s legs. He knew every bit of them now, from the faded scar the Xuanwu had left on his right leg to the cluster of moles at his left flank. He knew not to touch too lightly at the back of the knees, because as much as Lan Zhan would never admit it, he was ticklish there, and he knew that Lan Zhan especially loved his mouth kissing its way up his thighs to the cunt Lan Zhan had been so shy to first reveal to him.

Wei Wuxian loved Lan Zhan’s cunt, and leaned towards it, lips parting. He could already smell Lan Zhan’s arousal warm in the air, and he wanted to taste it. Lan Zhan’s hand stayed steady and tight in his hair, though, so Wei Wuxian whined instead of licking and kissing the way he wished. “Lan Zhan! I thought you had a better use for my mouth than talking!”

“Mm.” Lan Zhan looked down at him, hair still properly tied up. Wei Wuxian wanted to take it down, let all of Lan Zhan’s hair flow beautifully across his body, but the highest he could reach was Lan Zhan’s chest and the dangling ends of his hair. When he did reach, though, Lan Zhan grabbed his wrist hard enough that Wei Wuxian would be worrying about bruising if the force weren’t dizzyingly arousing. Then Lan Zhan smiled, and pulled Wei Wuxian flush up against him.

Lan Zhan was always solid, steady muscle and controlled force. Now, as Wei Wuxian followed his hair up with a whimper, he was irresistible. Wei Wuxian whined as he came crashing against Lan Zhan’s chest, which could have been soft but the softness didn’t cushion anything. Lan Zhan tilted Wei Wuxian’s face up and kissed him, mouth open, tongue hard in his mouth. Wei Wuxian moaned, melting into the force and sucking lightly forgetting everything else with how good this felt.

Distantly, he was aware that Lan Zhan was moving them somewhere, but he didn’t pay attention. He wanted Lan Zhan’s body against his, and where they were wasn’t nearly as important. Only when Lan Zhan pulled away did Wei Wuxian look around enough to realise where they were. The bed. Of course. Lan Zhan tugged him onto his knees, and Wei Wuxian went down without any resistance, especially when Lan Zhan sat on the bed, legs spread, right in front of him.

Now,” Lan Zhan said, hand curling posessively around the back of Wei Wuxian’s neck.

“Yes,” Wei Wuxian agreed, shuffling forward on his knees until he could press his face against Lan Zhan’s perfect stomach. Muscles rippled under his face as Lan Zhan huffed in amusement, and then the weight on his neck increased. Wei Wuxian followed it down, letting Lan Zhan force his mouth against his cock, hair scraping across his face along the way.

Wei Wuxian tilted his face up to give Lan Zhan the sweetest smile he could, and then kept his eyes on Lan Zhan’s as he slowly, carefully, lay his tongue flat against Lan Zhan’s heat. The way Lan Zhan’s eyes darkened and unfocused was beautiful. Wei Wuxian licked, light and careful, teasing; he liked everything to be more than Lan Zhan did: heavier, harder, faster. Lan Zhan could get overstimulated on the softest, gentlest things, and Wei Wuxian was happy to oblige.

He kept up the gentle strokes of his tongue, dragging it all the way up from Lan Zhan’s hot-wet cunt to the tip of his little cock. As Lan Zhan’s breathing grew heavier and his muscles tensed around Wei Wuxian’s head, Wei Wuxian reached up and began stroking his chest, fingernails just barely scraping skin as he worked his way up to Lan Zhan’s lovely, and very sensitive, nipples. Lan Zhan leaned back, hand tightening on Wei Wuxian’s neck, and Wei Wuxian felt a brief flash of regret for how he couldn’t see Lan Zhan’s eyes any longer.

Then his fingers settled on Lan Zhan’s nipples and the rest really didn’t matter anymore, because the high-pitched whine coming out of Lan Zhan’s throat meant he was close. Wei Wuxian groaned against Lan Zhan’s cunt, face slippery and sticky in equal measure, and opened his mouth as wide as he could, surrounding the whole area. Then he sucked in, tongue circling the entrance of Lan Zhan’s cunt for a moment before returning to quick flickers against his cock.

Lan Zhan’s legs squeezed around his head, deafening Wei Wuxian for a moment as Lan Zhan shook against him, curling back around Wei Wuxian like he was the only thing that mattered.

Wei Wuxian didn’t move away from Lan Zhan’s cunt, though he slowed and gentled his movements further, lapping at the salt-sweet until Lan Zhan pulled him up and away. Then, Wei Wuxian crawled onto the bed next to Lan Zhan and kissed him, letting Lan Zhan lick his own taste from Wei Wuxian’s lips. “Cleanse us,” Lan Zhan murmured, eyes closed, muscles soft. “Then return.”

For once, Wei Wuxian didn’t argue. He wet a cloth and wiped his own face first, then softly removed as much stickiness as he could from between Lan Zhan’s legs. He didn’t put the cloth away properly at all, though; he just tossed it aside as he climbed back into Lan Zhan’s arms.

“A better use,” Lan Zhan said again, nibbling lazily at Wei Wuxian’s neck. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

Wei Wuxian sighed, relaxing into the sensation. “I don’t want to argue, gege.”

Lan Zhan laughed. “A novelty.”

“I’m a treasure,” Wei Wuxian said, and then Lan Zhan bit him for real and Wei Wuxian lost any train of thought he might have had, beyond the lingering thought: Definitely a better use for mouths.


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