
Draconic Benefits
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No Archive Warnings Apply
陈情令 | The Untamed (TV)
Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Niè Míngjué
Niè Míngjué, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén
Additional Tags:
Part-Dragon Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Trans Male Niè Míngjué, Hemipenes, Barbed Penis, Double Penetration, Multiple Orgasms, First Time, Explicit Consent
Published: 2022-04-12 Words: 6,139 Chapters: 1/1

Draconic Benefits


Nie Mingjue gets a little more than he bargained for when he and Lan Xichen finally have sex, but there’s absolutely nothing to complain about when the sex is such a delight.


We aren't given Nie Mingjue's birth name in canon. For this fic, I've decided that his birth name is Nie Zhu (聂竹).

Draconic Benefits

As soon as the Cultivation Conference’s opening feast finished, Nie Mingjue stole Lan Xichen away from the crowd and towards his rooms. This wasn’t difficult; the Lanling Jin’s opulence was geared towards many things, but Gusu Lan schedules were not one of them. Neither, to be fair, was Qinghe Nie’s own tendency towards straightforward actions. Nie Mingjue’s head ached from the long speeches, not to mention the delicate incense that he was pretty sure had been laced with something to keep everyone cheerfully seated that long.

“It’s been months,” Nie Mingjue grumbled, turning corner after gilded corner. “And I had to stare at you from across the hall, since we’re apparently deemed old enough to sit formally now.”

Lan Xichen laughed and curled his hand around Nie Mingjue’s arm. “Da-ge, it’s not a hardship.”

“I’ve been wanting to kiss you for an entire shichen and all I could do was sit next to Father and pretend like I cared what Jin-zongzhu had to say.” Nie Mingjue glanced around; there were no visible servants, which meant this was safe. He pushed Lan Xichen into the wall, knowing that Lan Xichen could resist and delighting in the way Lan Xichen let out a low groan and melted into his grasp instead.

Nie Mingjue kept Lan Xichen’s face steady with one hand as he pressed a deep kiss into Lan Xichen’s mouth. He tasted like rain—a gift from the dragon somewhere back in the inner family’s lineage, Lan Xichen had said after the first time they’d kissed—and opened willingly to Nie Mingjue’s tongue. If they were in the Cloud Recesses or the Unclean Realm, Nie Mingjue might push his luck and see how long they could linger in the halls. But they weren’t; they were in Carp Tower, where servants whispered and did not owe loyalty to either young master.

So Nie Mingjue permitted himself only one kiss before withdrawing. He watched Lan Xichen’s face as he stepped back, saw his wide-open mouth slowly close and his long eyelashes flicker as Lan Xichen blinked his way back to awareness. Nie Mingjue smiled, softer than most people saw him, and murmured, “My room?”

“Your father will stay out longer than my uncle.” Lan Xichen took a deep breath. By the time he finished exhaling, the only evidence that he’d been kissed was the luminous tint of his eyes, easily explained away as a trick of the light. “Yes. Yours.”

It did not take long to hurry down the halls to the rooms set aside for visitors. Nie Mingjue knew it was a sign of adulthood that he had one to himself now, though it did adjoin his father’s. He didn’t care; it only mattered that he and Lan Xichen had secure spaces to enjoy themselves now, instead of sneaking around finding hidden corners or trying to avoid nosy younger siblings who might understand the idea of privacy but did not always want to permit them the time to make proper use of it.

As soon as Lan Xichen shut the door behind them—quietly, as if having propriety in this would change anything else they did—Nie Mingjue grabbed him around the ribs from behind and carried him to bed, feet dangling mere centimeters off the ground, in the most undignified manner possible.

Lan Xichen laughed. It was a beautiful sound, always making Nie Mingjue think of rivers tumbling down rocks, and it meant that Lan Xichen wasn’t struggling. “Eager?” Lan Xichen teased.

Nie Mingjue rubbed his face into the nape of Lan Xichen’s neck. The tiny scales lining his spine were smooth and cool, in contrast to the flushed skin surrounding them. “You aren’t?” Nie Mingjue tossed Lan Xichen up into the air and towards the bed. Lan Xichen, beautiful and flexible and acrobatic, twisted mid-air so that he landed elegantly in the middle of the mattress, spread out and smiling.

“Come here,” Lan Xichen said, and Nie Mingjue was all too happy to obey.

He climbed on top of Lan Xichen, knees on either side of Lan Xichen’s hips and hands pushing down on Lan Xichen’s shoulders. Slowly, teasing himself more than Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue lowered his face until their lips touched.

That was all the control he was capable of. As soon as Lan Xichen’s mouth opened and Lan Xichen’s hands grabbed his waist, Nie Mingjue collapsed onto his partner with no thought for anything but being closer and feeling more.

Some days, they wrestled as a lead-in to this. Today, no matter what Gusu Lan sayings Lan Xichen might spout about self-control, neither of them wanted to draw things out any further. Nie Mingjue felt air squeeze out of Lan Xichen’s lungs, but Lan Xichen made no effort to shift him away; he simply took the opportunity to wrap his arms around Nie Mingjue’s back and pull him closer still.

This, they’d been doing for years. A chaste kiss or two at first, and then longer explorations. This full-body experience, though still mostly clothed, was relatively new. Neither of them had pushed towards fully removing clothes yet. Maybe, Nie Mingjue thought as Lan Xichen groaned into his mouth, they should talk about that now. They have the space. They had the time.

Besides, Lan Xichen was already tugging Nie Mingjue’s robes open around his shoulders. They’d done that plenty, sitting half in each other’s laps with robes loose around their waists. Nie Mingjue pushed himself upright with a groan, letting Lan Xichen keep hold of his clothes so that the motion bared his torso.

After a moment of silence, during which Nie Mingjue freed his arms from his robes, Nie Mingjue asked, “Just going to admire me?”

Lan Xichen smiled and stroked one hand across Nie Mingjue’s chest. His fingers lingered on Nie Mingjue’s nipples, wide and dark and hard. “You’re a lovely sight,” Lan Xichen said, the simplicity of his statement more powerful than any flowery monologues from the operas Nie Mingjue’s didi loved.

“So are you.” Nie Mingjue curled his fingers around the rumpled collar of Lan Xichen’s robes. His blood pumped fast and hot, thrilling with desire, and it thickened his voice as he said, “I want to unwrap you, Huan’er. I want to see all of you spread out beneath me.”

Lan Xichen’s eyes dilated. His hands tightened on Nie Mingjue’s hips, near-painful despite the layers of cloth between their flesh. “Zhu-ge—”

Nie Mingjue cut Lan Xichen off with a shake of his head. “If you’re going to say something like ‘I might not be what you expect,’ I don’t care.” They’d had conversations about that before, though mostly about Nie Mingjue’s own body. “Huan’er, you know my body hides anatomy which is not what most people would expect.”

It wasn’t a secret, precisely; it was simply that most people forgot that when Nie Mingjue had been born, everyone had thought him a girl. It had taken very little time for him to disabuse them of that notion once he could speak for himself. By the time he’d turned ten, everyone had forgotten that he had ever been anything but the young master of Qinghe Nie.

Lan Xichen laughed a little. “Ah, you always cut to the core of the matter.” He bit his lip. It was endearing, even as Nie Mingjue ached to kiss away his worry. Lan Xichen looked up through his long eyelashes. “Is this just because you want to look, or…?”

This time, Nie Mingjue let him trail off, and even waited to see if Lan Xichen would finish his sentence. He wanted to hear what Lan Xichen was going to end the sentence with, to know for certain that the same question sang through Lan Xichen’s veins as had lingered in Nie Mingjue’s mind late at night when he was supposed to be sleeping. But the unfinished words hung in the air too long, and so Nie Mingjue let out his breath and said, “I mean, I am curious about sex.”

The blush which spread across Lan Xichen’s face, coupled with the way he shifted, told Nie Mingjue plenty. Lan Xichen’s words simply confirmed his hopes. “So long as you do not find the, ah, evidence of my family’s heritage offputting, I admit I would enjoy such an experiment.”

Nie Mingjue bent down to kiss Lan Xichen, quick and deep, trying to convey his delight with his flesh. When he drew back, Nie Mingjue whispered, “That’s a lot of words to say ‘let’s fuck’,” against Lan Xichen’s cheek.

Then he started pulling Lan Xichen’s robes open, and his mouth moved down across Lan Xichen’s jaw and over his throat—the vibrations of his laughter turning quickly to gasps and moans—and followed his hands as Nie Mingjue revealed the beautiful expanse of Lan Xichen’s body.

For the most part, he expected what he found. Lean muscles, scales shining where hair would grow on other men, and jade-perfect skin. Nie Mingjue took his time moving down Lan Xichen’s body, kissing and stroking and simply enjoying the way Lan Xichen’s fingers caught and clutched at his shoulders, neck, and hair. This part of Lan Xichen’s body was familiar, but Nie Mingjue was buzzing with anticipation already, knowing that he’d soon be exploring something new.

Nie Mingjue unfurled the robes covering Lan Xichen’s hips, then drew Lan Xichen’s trousers off in one motion. When his eyes focused back on Lan Xichen, he first noticed the thick patch of scales covering the entirety of his groin. He’d seen the lines leading there, over Lan Xichen’s hips and down from his belly-button, and had wanted to follow them down for ages.

Tracing those lines led Nie Mingjue’s attention to what was, at last, truly a surprise: a slit between Lan Xichen’s legs, which looked much more like Nie Mingjue’s own genitalia than what was commonly expected of a man.

Nie Mingjue knelt between Lan Xichen’s knees, hands on Lan Xichen’s thighs, and said, “You did say you understood some of it, didn’t you.” The words were more light-hearted than the electric shock of familiarity. Lan Xichen had never said anything implying this; thus, in all Nie Mingjue’s imaginings, it had been Lan Xichen’s dick he’d thought about. Whatever this was, definitely didn’t look like a dick.

“It’s not the same.” Lan Xichen gripped Nie Mingjue’s wrists. His voice was unsteady, almost pleading. “And yet…”

“There is more similarity than I would have expected.” Nie Mingjue flexed his fingers on Lan Xichen’s thick-muscled thighs. “Not a bad thing.” None of this sounded right. Too shocked, or not shocked enough. Mostly Nie Mingjue wanted to touch, whether with his fingers or his mouth, but that didn’t seem polite when he didn’t even know what this part of Lan Xichen was. “Is this your surprise?” Nie Mingjue asked. “What should I call it? And, ah”—his own flush warmed his neck, and he knew Lan Xichen would see it on his ears—“how do you want to fuck with it?”

Lan Xichen grinned, perfectly confident and even a little smug, which was deeply unfair of him even if this was his body and so he had the advantage of knowing exactly what Nie Mingjue would see. Nie Mingjue was, in fact, pretty sure that Lan Xichen was enjoying having managed to knock Nie Mingjue off-balance; it was difficult to do such a thing in most physical realms.

“I have a cloaca,” Lan Xichen said. His hands drifted down to touch the smooth slit as he spoke, which was when Nie Mingjue finally realised that Lan Xichen had definitely been thinking about how he wanted to present himself. Nie Mingjue was caught between wanting his hands to be where Lan Xichen’s were and wanting Lan Xichen’s long graceful hands to be reaching for his cunt. Not that either was better than being allowed to see Lan Xichen touch himself; he’d just imagined this less. Or, well, not at all, since this cloaca was entirely unexpected.

Lan Xichen kept talking, and Nie Mingjue did his best to pay attention. This was important. “But that’s not a sexy word. Like this, I’d call it a cunt.” When Lan Xichen’s fingers dipped inside his slit, his eyes fluttered shut and he let out a tiny sigh. Nie Mingjue groaned too, sinking down onto the bed so that he could press his groin against something to try and relieve the burning need spreading from his cunt and cock alike.

Then the words processed, not just the actions, and Nie Mingjue asked, “Like this?”

“Mhmm.” The sound was almost indistinguishable from a moan. Lan Xichen reached inside himself with his other hand. Nie Mingjue ground himself into the mattress. His own trousers were going to be soaked without Lan Xichen doing anything other than giving him a show. Four fingers, two from each hand, moved inside Lan Xichen. When they drew out of his cunt, Nie Mingjue saw arousal clinging to his skin in thick wet strands.

Distantly, Nie Mingjue was aware that his lips were parted, he was panting and whining with every breath, and he was holding onto Lan Xichen strongly enough that he might leave bruises. He didn’t care; it was too hard to look at or think about anything other than Lan Xichen and what he was being shown.

Lan Xichen thrust back into himself with a bitten-back gasp, then pulled his fingers to the side, spreading his cunt wide. For a moment, Nie Mingjue saw blue-silver flesh opening within Lan Xichen. Then, a blink later, that same flesh was swelling and extending out of Lan Xichen’s body. The two—tentacles? Nie Mingjue thought first; then, with aching wonder, No, are those dicks?—rose and thickened, and Lan Xichen’s hand wrapped around them with clear familiarity.

“These,” Lan Xichen said, his dark gold eyes finally opening, “are my cocks.” He slowly stroked them, his single hand barely able to contain both lengths. “Like dragons and serpents, I have two.”

“Fuck,” Nie Mingjue said reverently. At their root, the cocks were the same shimmering cloud-silver as Lan Xichen’s scales, though tinted faintly pink by blood. At the thick head, they were flushed storm-gray. Beneath Lan Xichen’s fingers, Nie Mingjue was pretty sure he saw fine white striations near the tip which moved as Lan Xichen’s hand ran across them.

There was no way he could have predicted this. Nie Mingjue swallowed, looking at those cocks and imagining them inside him. He’d fucked himself before, but that hadn’t involved dragon dicks or even figuring out a good way to fuck into both his holes at once. The thought heated him, and Nie Mingjue’s cock twitched, and he groaned at the thought of Lan Xichen filling him so wholly.

“Good,” Nie Mingjue said, the word mostly a moan. Then, more coherently, “Can I sit on your cocks, Huan’er?”

Lan Xichen’s hand stopped moving. “I—” He pushed himself up on his elbows, letting his cocks—one above each other, in perfect alignment with Lan Xichen’s centerline—lean against his thigh. “Zhu-ge, that’s it? No more questions?”

“Did you question me about my body?” Nie Mingjue stripped himself far more efficiently than he’d undressed Lan Xichen. It helped that he’d already been bare-chested. When he tossed his trousers aside, Nie Mingjue saw Lan Xichen’s eyes flicker down to the thicket of damp hair covering his cunt and back up. “Conveniently, I do have one hole for each of your cocks.”

As he’d hoped, Lan Xichen laughed. “I thought you might want to go slow.”

Nie Mingjue grinned. “Qinghe Nie don’t back down from a challenge!”

“Do you have, ah, something to smooth the way?” The way Lan Xichen could talk about bodies without a problem but stumbled over the specifics of sex was an unexpected delight.

Not that Nie Mingjue was much better. He rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah, well. Um.” There was no way to bring up the particular ways Jin-zongzhu’s guest rooms were always well-supplied without feeling weird about it. Instead, Nie Mingjue simply leaned over to grab a stoppered vial from underneath the bed. “I found this here,” he said, and opened it. The oil’s subtle citrus scent filled the room; Nie Mingjue ignored it in favor of pouring some onto his fingers.

Lan Xichen had provided him with a show; it was only fair to return the favor.

Nie Mingjue closed the vial and set it aside, then reached behind himself with newly-slick fingers. It had taken some time for him to learn the best way to prepare himself, but it was definitely worth it. Not just for the sensation of his fingers circling and pressing into the sensitive skin around his hole, but for the way Lan Xichen watched him, hand on his cocks, whole body flushed.

The oil was cool on his fingers, but his ass was warm as his fingers slowly pushed inside. Nie Mingjue let out his breath at the sensation; familiar by now, yes, but made new by Lan Xichen’s attention. Habit urged him to touch his cock too, but Nie Mingjue refrained. The layers of desire and pleasure building through him were precious, and he didn’t want to spend himself too early, not with the promise of both Lan Xichen’s cocks in front of him.

Nie Mingjue wasn’t flexible enough to spread the oil deep inside, but from the way Lan Xichen’s cocks were already glistening and dripping from the tips, he didn’t think that would be a problem. Instead, Nie Mingjue focused on ensuring his opening was ready, slick and relaxed around his fingers. One finger, then two, and he could just manage to angle himself for a third. Nie Mingjue groaned; Lan Xichen’s cocks were visibly thicker than this.

Lan Xichen made a strangled noise. “Gege, even Lan self–control is tested while watching you and waiting.”

Nie Mingjue’s whole body felt taut with fizzing excitement as he removed his fingers and straightened his spine. “I’m ready.” His inner thighs were wet from his own arousal, sliding against each other before he spread his legs and arranged his knees at Lan Xichen’s sides. Nie Mingjue’s breath came fast and shaky with anticipation as he said, “Guide me down, Huan’er.”

Lan Xichen whined, mouth open and skin flushed and already sweaty despite how little he’d done. “Please,” he begged, voice breaking on the syllable.

Nie Mingjue settled his hands on Lan Xichen’s chest, half to brace himself and half so he could stroke Lan Xichen’s skin with his thumbs. “Yeah,” Nie Mingjue said, like he had any more self-control than Lan Xichen did. “I want to feel you.” He slowly lowered himself down towards Lan Xichen’s cocks, trusting that Lan Xichen would lead their bodies into perfect alignment.

The first touch of Lan Xichen’s body to his was Lan Xichen’s hand on his hip. The second was one of Lan Xichen’s cocks. The head nudged against Nie Mingjue, then slid against his cunt and up to brush against Nie Mingjue’s cock; Nie Mingjue let out a sharp gasp at the sweet-sharp sensation.

“Let me—” Lan Xichen bit back his words with a swallowed moan. Nie Mingjue held himself in place and glanced down between them to see Lan Xichen holding his cock and tugging it into position. Nie Mingjue rocked his hips towards the forward cock, and Lan Xichen held it steady, and it slipped into his slick opening.

Nie Mingjue’s eyes closed and he clutched at Lan Xichen’s chest. “Fuck,” he grunted. Lan Xichen’s cock hadn’t looked that big to his eyes, but as it pushed into him he wanted to revise that thought. Inside him, where he could feel the heat of Lan Xichen’s body and feel the way Lan Xichen was twitching at the sensation, one of Lan Xichen’s cocks felt quite prominent.

“Still want them both?” Lan Xichen asked. He was keeping himself so carefully still. Nie Mingjue could feel the tension in his muscles, and wanted, more than anything, to know what it would feel like when Lan Xichen’s control broke.

Nie Mingjue licked his lips and straightened himself a little as he forced himself to think about Lan Xichen’s question. The motion led Lan Xichen’s other cock to tap against his ass, and Lan Xichen’s hips jerked up, thrusting into Nie Mingjue a little before Lan Xichen stopped himself. Nie Mingjue let out another gasp, this time because his cunt told him what those little white things on Lan Xichen’s cocks were: the tiniest little spines, not sharp but unmistakably present as they passed through his opening.

Unexpected. Not bad, though; it added spice and warmed him from the center up. Nie Mingjue sank down another few centimeters out of curiosity, and his full-throated moan mingled with Lan Xichen’s.

“Both,” Nie Mingjue said, pushing himself up until his cunt just barely held on to Lan Xichen’s cock. “Fuck, yeah, we’re doing this all the way.”

Lan Xichen cursed, the words incoherent through the groan breaking free of his chest. He sat up slightly, reaching past Nie Mingjue to his other cock. Nie Mingjue felt when Lan Xichen took hold of himself, because the angle of the cock changed, slowly searching for his other opening. “I can’t see this as well, gege.”

Nie Mingjue tried to relax his asshole while maintaining his posture. “A little lower, Huan’er, yeah, almost— Ah. Yes.” He let out a long slow breath. “Right there, Huan’er, hold it there and I’ll just—” He spread his legs further apart, letting his arms—and Lan Xichen—take almost all of his weight as he lowered himself onto Lan Xichen’s cocks.

He’d thought himself prepared, at least a little, from the feeling of Lan Xichen’s cock in his cunt.

He was not.

Nie Mingjue lost himself in the sensations. The push of Lan Xichen’s cock against his asshole, thick and hard and held infuriatingly steady by Lan Xichen’s hand. The sting of those little spines as the tip of Lan Xichen’s cock split him open and pierced inside. The smoother slide of Lan Xichen’s cock in his cunt, grazing against a spot that set him shuddering and almost collapsing onto Lan Xichen.

Then, Lan Xichen’s hands on his hips, large and warm and strong. “Steady,” Lan Xichen said, his own voice almost breaking. “Fuck, gege, I want—”

“Fuck me,” Nie Mingjue begged. He didn’t think he could manage anything more coherent. He barely thought he could manage keeping track of all the feelings shivering through his body. “I want you, Huan’er.”

Lan Xichen trembled beneath him. “Gege,” he said again, his fingers bruise-tight on Nie Mingjue’s hips. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t,” Nie Mingjue promised, despite the almost-painful drag of spines into his ass. He leaned back and braced his hands on Lan Xichen’s thighs, just above the knees. Lan Xichen’s dicks felt good inside him at this angle. For a moment, he wondered if Lan Xichen could feel them rubbing against each other through him. Then he tried to move lower and groaned. “Huan’er, I don’t know if I can move much.”

“I’ve got you.” Lan Xichen’s hands rubbed along Nie Mingjue’s thighs, down to his knees and back up again, just barely brushing through the thick hair surrounding his cock but not actually touching it. “Of course I’ll give gege what he wants.”

Nie Mingjue was about to thank him, praise him, but then Lan Xichen thrust his cocks into Nie Mingjue and all he could do was stay put, throw his head back, and moan.

The slide of firm hot flesh into him was a lot. The spines caught on him and amplified the sensation. The way Lan Xichen was groaning too, babbling something about Nie Mingjue feeling so good around his cocks, added even more. The only discordant note was how much Nie Mingjue wanted Lan Xichen’s hand on his cock too.

Lan Xichen withdrew, and Nie Mingjue lost the ability to think of complaints. Lan Xichen’s cocks were bigger than he’d expected, but having them removed—slowly, infuriatingly slowly—felt like being emptied. “Again,” Nie Mingjue gasped. “More, please.”

“Gege,” Lan Xichen groaned, and then he fucked up into Nie Mingjue again.

Nie Mingjue cried out at the drag and burn. It catalysed his core, sending his qi flowing through his body to protect him from injury, a familiar sensation from strenuous combat. There, it told him he was testing his limits and might want to take care; right now, Nie Mingjue pushed right back against Lan Xichen, seeking that sensation, letting his qi carry soothing coolness through him in striking contrast to the heat of Lan Xichen’s cocks.

With every gasp and groan Nie Mingue made, Lan Xichen’s movements became swifter and more sure. Nie Mingjue rode Lan Xichen, ragged noises escaping from his mouth with every thrust. Pleasure built and billowed through him, resonating through his cunt and ass into his cock and slowly filling him, like he was a vessel made for nothing but Lan Xichen.

Nie Mingjue liked that thought. He also liked how Lan Xichen’s fingers shifted from bracing his hips to sliding across his skin, stroking his stomach and drifting down to his cock.

The first touch of Lan Xichen’s fingers against his erection made Nie Mingjue sob. Lan Xichen stopped, and Nie Mingjue forced himself to say, “Yes,” and hoped that Lan Xichen understood it in the midst of his gasping breaths.

The second touch was more confident, though still gentler than Nie Mingjue normally would have liked. Lan Xichen’s fingers, callused from sword and pen alike, brushed against him, teasing and soft in contrast to the steady pounding of his cocks. “So pretty,” Lan Xichen crooned, as he caught Nie Mingjue’s cock between his fingers and lightly circled the pad of his thumb over its head. “Small, yet fierce. I like how you feel in my hand, gege.”

Small wasn’t a word Nie Mingjue had heard applied to him for a long time. He shuddered, clenching around Lan Xichen, a flush spreading down his cheeks and onto his chest. Nie Mingjue moaned, “Huan’er, please.” He wasn’t certain what he was asking for. Cock, somehow, but whether it was his cock or Lan Xichen’s— Well, it didn’t matter.

Nie Mingjue shifted his weight, bracing himself with only one hand, and reached down with the other to find Lan Xichen’s cock. He couldn’t see anything he was doing. He wasn’t sure how well he’d be able to reach. He couldn’t even give his full attention to his wandering hands, between all the ways Lan Xichen was attempting to take him apart. He could only stroke and press as he attempted to give Lan Xichen a dose of the intensity Nie Mingjue was currently experiencing.

He found firm flesh, slick and hot, and traced the cock down to its root. There, Nie Mingjue felt soft skin that he badly wanted to explore, but he didn’t have the angle to do anything more than press into Lan Xichen.

Lan Xichen whined as he fucked into Nie Mingjue. “Gege, your hand—”

“Come on,” Nie Mingjue urged, twisting his body into Lan Xichen’s. “I want to feel you, Huan’er.”

Lan Xichen let out a groan that seemed to echo through the room and rammed his cocks into Nie Mingjue hard enough that Nie Mingjue’s vision whited out for a moment at the force. Heat flooded his ass, and Nie Mingjue put that together with the throbbing cock beneath his fingertips, and now Nie Mingjue was moaning too, rocking into Lan Xichen’s convulsions as he thought about how thoroughly Lan Xichen was in him now.

The gentleness of the fluid in Nie Mingjue’s ass was a striking contrast to the deep raking thrusts which had led up to Lan Xichen’s orgasm. Nie Mingjue groaned and gave Lan Xichen’s trembling cock one last brush with his fingers before leaning forward; he wanted to see Lan Xichen’s face. As Nie Mingjue shifted, he felt Lan Xichen’s cock slide out of him. Its spines didn’t catch on him, and it seemed far smoother, and Nie Mingjue made a noise—half whine, half yelp of surprise—as come followed cock, thick and warm as it dripped down his ass towards his cunt.

Beneath Nie Mingjue, Lan Xichen gave a grumbling sigh at his motion. Nie Mingjue stroked his hands up Lan Xichen’s sides in apology, trailing his fingers across the silver scales sparkling against flushed skin. “Gorgeous,” Nie Mingjue said, and bent down to gently kiss Lan Xichen. “Just stay there, Huan’er; it’s my turn to do the work.”

“So lovely,” Lan Xichen murmured. The hand by Nie Mingjue’s cock stayed there; the other one wrapped around Nie Mingjue’s waist to hold him steady. “Gege has so much energy.”

Nie Mingjue kissed him again, savoring the soft warmth of Lan Xichen’s mouth and how easily he opened for Nie Mingjue. Then he raised himself just enough to rearrange his limbs before sinking down and beginning to fuck himself on Lan Xichen’s cock.

Lan Xichen clutched at him and buried his head in Nie Mingjue’s shoulder. It did nothing to muffle the breathy moans Nie Mingjue’s movements incited, which in turn urged Nie Mingjue to move faster and more forcefully. He knew where he wanted Lan Xichen’s cock to strike him, and he’d learned how to relax into the spines that scraped against him, making each movement of Lan Xichen’s cock more intense.

“Huan’er,” Nie Mingjue gasped, feeling his pleasure build and surge. “Touch me, Huan’er, just a little, it’ll be enough, I’m so close.”

Lan Xichen’s hand moved. No thought or finesse, simply fingers dragging against flesh, pressing against sensitive skin, grabbing and jerking at Nie Mingjue’s cock.

Nie Mingjue bit Lan Xichen’s neck as he came. His hips snapped down just as tightly as his jaw, shoving Lan Xichen’s cock deep into his cunt as his whole body shook. Each pulse of his body drove the spines of Lan Xichen’s cock into him, sending another lightning bolt of sensation vibrating through him, pushing his pleasure higher and higher towards its peak.

When his body at last stilled, Nie Mingjue found himself draped limply over Lan Xichen. He grunted, kissed the bruise his mouth had left on Lan Xichen’s shoulder in apology, and realised that Lan Xichen’s cock was still lodged in his cunt. And, for the first time, that presence felt uncomfortable in an unpleasant way. Nie Mingjue groaned and tilted himself over to the side. Lan Xichen followed him, connected at the cock and also by his arm over Nie Mingjue’s waist.

“Huan’er,” Nie Mingjue said, words still a little fuzzy in his mouth. “I— Your cock—”

Lan Xichen made a noise of protest. “I want—”

“Can I jerk you?” Nie Mingjue slid his hand between them, through the sweat coating both their chests and down to where Lan Xichen’s skin turned to scales. He lingered there, feeling the smooth coolness, as he flopped onto his back. With his hand in the way—request and implicit explanation—Lan Xichen didn’t follow. Nie Mingjue still winced at the way Lan Xichen’s cock dragged against his over-sensitive cunt as it slid out of him, but the relief of not having something poking into him was sweeter.

Lan Xichen grumbled wordlessly as Nie Mingjue moved. When Nie Mingjue’s fingers reached the root of his cock, though, Lan Xichen said, “Yes.”

Nie Mingjue kissed him, lingering and sweet, as he explored the base of Lan Xichen’s cocks. He could feel the taut lumps where the lips of a cunt would be, and the silky softness of Lan Xichen’s flaccid cock. The erect one bumped against his hand insistently, matched to Lan Xichen’s whine, but Nie Mingjue swallowed Lan Xichen’s sound and ignored the cock. He found where Lan Xichen’s body let him press in, between the cocks’ roots, and murmured, “I want to finger you someday, Huan’er.”

“Gege,” Lan Xichen groaned, rolling his hips towards Nie Mingjue’s hand. “You said you’d jerk me.”

“Show me how you want to be touched, Huan’er.” Nie Mingjue looked towards Lan Xichen’s cock, wanting to admire it before they covered its expanse with their hands. Right now, it was shadowed by their bodies but still a beautiful dark silhouette against Lan Xichen’s scales. Nie Mingjue could just see the spines adorning the head, giving it almost the appearance of a star.

Then Lan Xichen’s hand wrapped around the shaft and hid its shape. With their bodies so close, Lan Xichen’s head curled onto Nie Mingjue’s shoulder and their sides pressed together, Nie Mingjue felt him shudder at his own simple touch. “Your hand,” Lan Xichen demanded; the whine in the back of his throat stole some of its power, but tugged directly at Nie Mingjue’s desire.

Nie Mingjue obliged with a quiet laugh. He curled his fingers around Lan Xichen’s dick, starting from its base, and dragged his hand up to join Lan Xichen’s. Like this, he could feel even the tiniest twitch. Lan Xichen’s dick was so firm beneath his hand, the slick skin sliding under his fingers without any resistance, his pulse clear and loud against Nie Mingjue’s palm.

Lan Xichen shifted his hand so it gripped Nie Mingjue’s. “Like this,” Lan Xichen said, and began moving their intertwined hands.

Nie Mingjue hadn’t expected to be so hypnotized by the motion. Or by the feeling, especially once he caught the rhythm and Lan Xichen’s hand fell away, leaving Lan Xichen open and vulnerable to his every touch. With the barest squeeze of his hand, Nie Mingjue could make Lan Xichen moan. At a quicker stroke Lan Xichen would grab at him, mouth open in a whine. If he rolled his thumb around the cock’s head, Lan Xichen might bite him, body shaking in a deep and desperate groan.

The spines, which Nie Mingjue had almost worried about, gave Lan Xichen’s cock a more varied texture, but were too short and flexible to hurt his callused hands. The shift from smooth shaft to spined head delighted Nie Mingjue every time he stroked Lan Xichen, too, expanding the joy in his chest at the way Lan Xichen was giving himself to Nie Mingjue. He bent his head to Lan Xichen’s, kissing his forehead, his cheek, any part he could reach until Lan Xichen’s face tilted up and their mouths met.

Nie Mingjue nipped at Lan Xichen’s lips, then slowly pushed his tongue into Lan Xichen’s mouth. As he did so, he tightened his grip on Lan Xichen’s cock and pulled.

Lan Xichen came, mouth open and body taut as his cock shook in Nie Mingjue’s hand.

He was quiet this time, but the sticky fluid spurting across Nie Mingjue’s chest and hand made it clear he was no less enthusiastic for his silence. Nie Mingjue gentled his touch, but didn’t stop stroking Lan Xichen’s cock until his sticky fingers were batted away. Then Lan Xichen collapsed onto him, and Nie Mingjue raised his hand to his mouth to taste Lan Xichen’s come while the last hot dripples smeared across their stomachs.

“You taste like the sea,” Nie Mingjue said, amused. “I thought that was a euphemism in romantic stories.”

“Draconic benefits,” Lan Xichen mumbled. He shifted, reaching between them to do something with his cocks. Tuck them away, Nie Mingjue thought, but only because when Lan Xichen settled back on top of him there wasn’t anything squishing between them.

“I like your draconic benefits.” Nie Mingjue smoothed his partner’s hair with his clean hand; Lan Xichen wouldn’t appreciate having his own come crusting his silken locks. “I want to experience them again.”

“Not right now.” Lan Xichen yawned and curled into Nie Mingjue. “Can’t do that again immediately.”

Nie Mingjue kissed Lan Xichen’s forehead. “I’m touched that you want to.” His cunt still ached. “No, not right now. But before this conference ends?”

“Gladly.” The word trailed off as Lan Xichen’s breathing deepened and steadied.

For a moment, Nie Mingjue wanted to laugh. Then, very carefully, he reached over to try and find a blanket to cover them. Lan Xichen would be comfortable, at least. Nie Mingjue was too aware of the now-cold wetness beneath them, spread from Lan Xichen’s cock spending in his ass and his own come, to be truly comfortable.

His partner sleeping on top of him made up for a lot of that, as did finally knowing what sex could be like. Nie Mingjue looked up at the ceiling, feeling a silly smile spreading across his face. “I love you,” he said to Lan Xichen, even though there was no hope of a response.

Nie Mingjue didn’t need a response right now; he was more than happy to say those words again, knowing they would continue to be true.


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