Fic in a Box 2024 Letter

Ao3 Account: Shadaras

Thank you for creating for me! I’m so excited to see what you choose to make! All the words I’ve written here are for inspiration only. If you find the length of this letter intimidating, I'm sorry! I tried to make it easier with the ToC! But even so, please feel free to just look at the information on ao3; there's absolutely enough in the ao3 sign-up box alone for you to make a work I'll enjoy.

Some of these request sections are going to be longer than others. This has nothing to do with how much I want anything! It mostly just has to do with how coherent my thoughts are and how well I can translate them into useful prompts/rambling. I like all these requests! If I didn't, I wouldn't be asking for potentially 10k of them!

Treats are also always welcome.

Table of Contents

General Likes, DNWs, Opt-Ins, etc.

Fandom-Specific Prompts

General Notes on Relationships

So long as you show characters caring about each other, I'm not going to think "that wasn't shippy enough for a / relationship" or "that was too shippy for an & relationship" or anything like that! I am not too concerned about the specifics of what characters feel about each other; I'm just here to point at characters and go "wow they have feelings about each other!" and I will enjoy seeing how you interpret that! I'll give ideas, of course, but those are just starting points.

I enjoy non-romantic sexual relationships, non-sexual romantic relationships, and kink-focused relationships where sex/romance is irrelevant. I also adore gen relationships and queerplatonic relationships! Show me platonic intimacy, mixed-orientation relationships, lavender marriages/beard relationships, and any other not-exactly-normative relationship you'd like.

I love stories where romantic/sexual relationships aren't centered, and I love relationships (of any sort!) that are a steady background presence without needing to be made a big deal of, and I adore it when it's difficult for an outside observer (including the reader!) to tell what form a relationship takes (beyond "they care about each other"). See also: I love established relationships and characters being so certain in their relationship that they don't need to express it in any obvious fashion anymore because they know it's so steady.

I am also happy to see characters having had past relationships, multiple overlapping ship requests getting combined into a polycule, and original characters being created for any purpose that suits your work. Non-requested characters can also have whatever relationships (/ or & or otherwise) suit your work!

General Notes on Trans Characters

I am happy to see ANY character I request be trans. If you're concerned that the specific trans thing you're doing might not be wanted, check through the mods, but I'm pretty certain I'll respond with "oooh YES!"

Easy version: Keep their canon gender but make them trans that gender! Or declare them nonbinary, with their canon gender being their asab, and use they/them pronouns for them. Then change as much or as little of their presentation makes sense to you! (presentation =/= gender, after all...)

If you'd like to take a canonically male character and make them transfemme, or a canonically female character and make them transmasc, go for it! I'm excited to see how that changes things!

I like characters being casually trans without the story being About Their Transness. (Things like "we should talk about how to have enjoyable sex/kink and one relevant aspect is your transness" or the like are fine; the point is the sex/kink in that case.) I'm not particularly interested in dysphoria being central to a trans character's experience, but I'm fine with it existing so long as your work doesn't wallow in it.

On that note: Include as much/little physical transition as you're interested in! I am into both "I have had enough physical transition that I pass as cis" and "I see no reason to change my body; the social elements are all that matter to me", or anything in between. I also love "I have both a cock and a cunt" and other genderfuck options! Pick whatever makes sense to you for the character(s) and work you wish to create!

Similarly, please use the words for body features (inc. genitalia) that make sense to you for the character(s) you're writing. When in doubt, err on the side of the words being gender-affirming (transmasc characters having dicks/cocks/chests, transfemme characters having cunts/clits/breasts) or clinically descriptive (e.g., vagina, penis). DNW "boypussy"/"bussy" and "click".

When writing kink/sex, you're welcome to show trans characters having PiV sex (I particularly want to see it for trans characters who have had bottom surgery or a magical/sci-fi equivalent!), and also all my general kink/sex likes/dnws apply. I just really want trans characters to have enjoyable sex and kink lives!
Trans-specific kink/sex like: consensual feminization of transmasc characters/masculinization of transfemme characters. aka, gender as kink!

Pronoun-wise, I really love seeing characters use multiple names and pronoun sets, especially when they use different names/pronouns in different contexts/with different people! (I also do not require trans characters to have deadnames. tbh I like it when they don't?) I'm also fine with neopronouns in settings/contexts where they make sense (preferences: ey/em/eir, ve/ver, xie/xir and variations).

Nonbinary characters who use he/him and/or she/her pronouns are welcome, as are agender characters who use it/its. I also really like he/him lesbians! Which isn't precisely trans but is highly related.

ART NOTES: Yes all of the above still applies, yes I want to see surgical scars (especially keyhole/periareolar top surgery!), yes I am here for trans characters having sex, yes I like seeing any amount/stage of transition, yes I'm here for trans characters whose transness is only visible via an author's note saying "btw they're trans."

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Likes/DNWs As Given In Exchange Signup

See my all-purpose exchange letter for more details about my likes/dnws! It will probably answer your questions about "okay what do you mean by that?"; if it doesn't please ask the mods to contact me so I can help clarify and improve my likes/dnws/letter!

Trans, nonbinary, aro, and ace characters | Characters being in communities | Established relationships | Complicated relationships | Polyamory | Friends with Benefits | Exes Being Friends | Compassion and kindness | Protectiveness | Hurt/Comfort (physical and emotional) | Displays of skill | Politics, puzzle-solving, and mysteries | Casefic/Missionfic | Monsters | Fight scenes | Teamwork | Teaching/mentorship | Loyalty, fealty, devotion | Trauma and recovery | Sacrifice and Earned Tragedy (inc. tragic/bittersweet endings) | Grief/Mourning | Physicality and body appreciation (fat/scars/muscles/disablities/etc) | Food/cooking as an expression of love | Dancing | Cuddling/Snuggling | Platonic Intimacy | Meaningful touch | Playing Games | Wingfic | The environment/nature/a sense of place | Any genre: horror, humor, adventure, domestic fluff, etc. | Atypical narrative structures and POV: 1st person, 2nd person, epistolary, poetry, nonlinear, in-world texts, etc.

Winged characters! | Tarot, dream imagery, and other symbology | Space, deserts, the ocean, and other vast environments | Characters being relaxed/happy | Snuggling with partner(s)/friends | Interacting with animals | Action poses | Characters examining artifacts/plants/other neat things | Body fat, stretch marks, scars | Body hair (esp. pubic hair) | Bondage/Shibari | Bruises, hickeys, scratch marks | Dramatic bloodiness | Using magic/technology | Dramatic lighting! Soft pastels! Vivid color and highlights! B&W/Grayscale pieces! They're all good!

Parallel scenes fading into each other | Leaning real hard into feelings (try to make me cry/laugh!) | Humor, angst, excitement, and joy are all equally wonderful emotions for a vid/gifset to make me feel! | Narrative songs (any language so long as there are english subs) | Cuts that match to the music’s beats/lyrics | Love for minor characters and women | Color/b&w contrasts | Fight scenes (would love a vid that's just badass moments!) | Poetry quotes | Canon dialogue/quotes used for emotional effect

Rituals, religion, and spirituality | Culture clashes | Politics (both within and between groups) | Magic/advanced tech being integrated into everyday life | Architecture and accessibility | Recorded history vs lived experiences | Exploration of educational systems (especially for children) | Dance, art, crafting, music, and other creative acts | Communities and their idiosyncracies | The natural world (flora, fauna, ecosystems, etc.) and people's interactions with it

Non-Sexual Kink | Communication | Un(der)negotiated Kink | Leather | Dom/sub (control/power dynamics) | Bondage/Shibari | Impact Play | Sensation play | Kissing | Biting, scratching, hair-pulling | Oral Sex (esp. cunnilingus) | Nipple Play | Clothing Kink (inc. dressing/undressing) | (Partially) Clothed Sex | Hand/finger kink | Vaginal Fisting | Knifeplay | Danger Kink | Fighting as Foreplay | Fucking Against Walls/Windows | Xeno/Non-Human Sex | Non-Penetrative Sex | Outdoor Sex | Semi-Public Sex | Exhibitionism/Voyeurism | Masturbation | Sex Toys | Magic (or the equivalent) | Multiple orgasms | Edging and overstimulation | Foreplay and aftercare

Unrequested permanent non-canonical death of requested characters | Stories focused on abusive relationships | Unrequested sexual/romantic teacher-student relationships | Suicide/self-harm (if canonical: mentions are fine) | Characters not being able to breathe | Mind Control | Sickfic (minor illness/symptoms okay) | Noncon/Rape (dubcon okay) | Unrequested Incest | Teenagers (~under 18) having sex with adults (~over 21) | Underage sex (younger than 16) | Age/family-based kinks (daddy kink, ageplay, etc.) | Spanking | Explicitly Described Anal Sex (inc. rimming) | Vomit, scat, piss (mentions in nonsexual/sfw contexts okay)

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aka: I have C&P'd most of my Bulletproof Exchange requests here for your perusal as further likes/fandom-agnostic prompts. Each tag on its own is something I'd be excited about seeing a work focused on, and they're themed into clusters of three thematically-similar-ish things because that's how the original exchange worked. Feel free to mix and match between the various trios as well!

[Click Here!] Bulletproof Prompts Under The Cut

Relying On Others Even When You Don't Want To
A rescues B from trouble B knowingly walked into (B thought they could handle it on their own)
A Trapped With Enemy And Forced to Work Together to Escape
The intimacy of A trusting/relying on B when A has always needed to be self-sufficient

Survival But At What Cost (learning to live and accept such love)
Character A uses deadly magic to help dying character B
Character who assumed they were going to die must learn how to live instead of just surviving
I would do anything to save you from yourself (including physically fight you if it comes to it)

Shonen Protagonist Vibes (actual shonen protags not required)
Battle Couple - perfect teamwork; unison attacks; combining abilities for greater effect
Characters with supernatural powers being used as literal/metaphorical weapons
Exposure to violence and killing at a young age forever shapes character

Dance and Public Sex (two fantastic things that are even better together!)
Discreet but very public sex - people can see them but don't realize they're doing sexy stuff
Extreme sexual tension while at a ball or doing some kind of formal dance
just barely pulling aside fancy clothes enough to have sex in almost-public at a party

Familiarity, Intimacy, Bodily Care (know/learn/take care of each other)
Intimate soft make outs with one character in the other's lap
Rediscovering Each Other's Bodies After a Long Time Apart
Two tired people taking quiet comfort in each other

WINGS WINGS WINGS (any kind of wings! xeno + body horror welcome)
Character Gains Wings via Noncon/Dubcon Experimentation
Mating Flights: Winged Characters Have Sex In The Air/While Flying
Winged Character Shelters Other Character(s) With Their Wings

Friendship And Maybe Other Things Too (there are so many ways to love)
Aro Couple's Lack of Traditionally Romantic Mutual Feelings Irrelevant to Happiness and Chemistry
Exes with Benefits
Friendships that only strengthen throughout the years

Kinky Trust Scenes (sex and/or romance irrelevant to the kink and trust)
Body worship focusing on scars and the aftermath of trauma
Submission as seeking comfort/relaxation/safety
The Eroticism of Knowing Your Partner Could Kill You (But Won't)

Atypical/Complicated Relationships (all of them full of love/affection)
Amused Character in Open Relationship Encourages Partner to Make a Move on Their Crush Already
Making A Relationship Work Despite Different Sex Drives/Sexual Needs/Kinks
That ambiguous type of relationship where you can't decide whether to tag it A/B or A&B

Disability and adaption! Congenital disabilities are also welcome. Be positive about bodies in all their variety!
Adaptive sex due to injury or disability/figuring out how to get a partner off in different ways
Character experiences life changing injury & learns to adapt to new disability
Mobility Aids/Prosthetic Supports for Wings

love a good blorbo who doesn't know how to trust/like people due to Trauma and/or doesn't want to talk about Feelings directly
Character Insists They Don't Love Anyone; Please Ignore Found Family They're Secretly Soft For
Hurt/Comfort: Character A unused to receiving care; surprised/confused when Character B supplies it
Poetry Instead Of Communicating Your Feelings

Casefic! Exploration! Worldbuilding! I like magic and puzzles and traps and unknowable entities. (Also linguistics.)
Characters explore weird ancient dangerous alien buildings or technology
Exploring a Haunted Location with a Partner or Team
Scene from a Casefic

Rivalry is Good Actually and equals who cannot agree but cannot truly defeat each other are the best
I am everything you hate but have you considered no one will ever understand you like I do
Mastermind vs Mastermind - Antagonistic Respect and Delight at an Equal's Mind
Villain and Hero teaming up against common enemy

Positive and atypical relationships!
Amused Character in Open Relationship Encourages Partner to Make a Move on Their Crush Already
Aro Couple's Lack of Traditionally Romantic Mutual Feelings Irrelevant to Happiness and Chemistry
Is it romance? Is it friendship? I don't know but we're important to each other

Any kind of combat (physical, magical, psychic, mecha, pilot, etc.) is fantastic! I think these could also apply to social combat/politics if you tried? That'd be cool.
Battle Couple - perfect teamwork; unison attacks; combining abilities for greater effect
Character at the edge of unconsciousness/death stands up to fight again because Ideals/Determination
person thought to be gentle/less dangerous than their peers is actually terrifying when in action

Complicated Sexual Scenarios! Please give me all the feelings and emotions about these characters!
Awkward but Satisfying Arranged Marriage Wedding Night Sex Between Characters Who Met at the Wedding
Breakup sex with lots of intense feelings of regret and longing
Hurt/Comfort - Characters get together while grieving the same loved one

People who would do/sacrifice anything for their goal/people and their feelings about (not) succeeding
Character forced to reckon with the terrible things they've done for The Cause
Character who assumed they were going to die must learn how to live instead of just surviving
Character's Loyalty/Trustworthiness Up In The Air Until The Chips Are Down And They Prove Themself

Loyalty kink, d/s, trust, and other related feelings (platonic and/or nonsexual kink very welcome!)
Formulaic hierarchical stuff like saluting or kneeling but FELT SO DEEPLY AND SINCERELY
Hurt/Comfort - Dominance as comfort & protection; submission as seeking it
Untrusting Character Falls Asleep on/near Character They Never Intended to Trust

The thrill of potentially being caught/needing to be careful! The desperation of needing this right now even if it's risky! Magic/powers during sex are always good!
Bedsharing - Character A masturbates while they think B sleeps-B is awake
Discreet but very public sex - people can see them but don't realize they're doing sexy stuff
just barely pulling aside fancy clothes enough to have sex in almost-public at a party

you can make the hair stuff as sexy/kinky as you'd like, or as soft and sweet and gen as you'd like! both are good, I just like hair stuff!
A brushes B's long hair and puts it up in a fancy style (or takes it down and brushes it)
Hair Stuff - A looks up how to do fancy hairstyles so they can do B's hair
The Intimacy of Brushing/Braiding/Washing Another Person's Hair

if you want you can resolve these tags into a proper triad relationship, but I don't need you to; I like the tension and pining and complicated feelings
A & B have sex because of their mutual grief over C's death
A and B have sex because of their mutual desire for person C (who they can't have for Reasons)
A and B have sex while both fantasizing about a threesome with C (dirty talk optional)

A/B Kick The Asses Of Bad Guys Who Attack During Their Date Then Go Back To Having A Good Time
A/B Reach Into Each Others' Clothing For Weapons They Know Will Be There In A Fight
Fighting - One character gets off on watching the other one fight

I especially love this in relation to stuff that shifts how bodies are shaped from human-standard. I also love discussions of education systems and languages!
Learning a new language for a friend/coworker/partner/etc
Urban planning/small government stuff for fantasy/scifi/superhero/nonmundane setting
Worldbuilding - Exploring How Background Systems In Canon Work (EG: Logistics; Laws/Lawyers; Banks)

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Content Opt-Ins: Things I'm Open To (Which Are Often DNW'd)

If you've got an idea that involves any of these topics, you're welcome to go for it! I rarely seek out this stuff (but I might if I'm in a particular mood), but I'm not against any of it so long as it suits the story.

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Medium Opt-Ins

I have opted into the following in every single sign-up. Please enjoy! Be inspired by any/all of them!

Notes on Specific Mediums

Remixes/Recursive Works
My blanket permisson statement is on my ao3 profile. Please feel free to pick any of my works for this! :D I also give permission to do things like changing the ships in my works to fit whatever you're inspired to create, or changing the ending, etc. Use my works as canon the same way you'd use any original work! If you choose to do this, I'm so excited to see what you choose to create!

I love TTRPGs and know a lot of systems. Go as narrative or crunchy as you'd like, use weird indie games, or make up your own thing! I just love the idea of translating canons into TTRPG rulesets and/or translating canon events into TTRPG scenarios. Please use this as an excuse to write characters playing a TTRPG, stat a character in your favorite system, figure out turning an arc into a TTRPG module, create a TTRPG hack, or anything else these medium tags inspire!

Fannish poetry is so cool! :D I'm serious about being open to any nominated style; have fun! If you'd like some starting points about what I like in poetry:
I love alliteration, and I love clever wordplay, and I love the kinds of beautiful imagery that poetry does so well. I especially love seeing atypical styles of poetry, and I think that poetry involving repeating lines in different locations is an impressive trick to pull off. I also adore in-universe poetry! Write poems that characters could've written!

Any Nominated In-Universe Medium that Fits the Canon Setting
If you can justify it as fitting canon I'll be curious to see what you picked! I like unusual fanworks! If you aren't certain if [X Thing] suits canon, ask me about it via the mods (I'll probably say "oooh I'm curious about how you're making that work" in return but be nice to the mods and ask if it's something that might cause question).

Generally, the thing I like about in-universe documents is the glimpse into a particular character’s mind. I also really do enjoy ridiculous bureaucracy and the worldbuilding that many of these allow for. I’m interested in seeing how people in the world view the world, and what they choose to focus on. What the rules are, and how people break/bend them. Thoughts characters keep secret. Annotated texts/drawings. Schoolwork. Diaries/journals/sketches. There’s a lot in here and I think it’s all fascinating. Be free, write whatever your heart desires!

Technical Documents
Especially for non-visual fandoms, the idea of seeing designs for locations and items that exist within them is so fun, especially from a technical perspective. I like seeing notes about the use of objects written onto drawings of them. I like seeing user/creator commentary scribbled into margins. I like seeing iterative concepts. I will probably think that whatever you make is awesome, because I think technical drawing is very cool.

Adaptation Concept Art
I love seeing concept art. I think it’s so interesting to see not just the final result but all the iterations and refinements artists go through while honing in on a particular style. I’m very happy to see a bunch of sketches along with whatever the refined image is. As you might expect from some of the other requests, concept art that’s focused on items that characters use is also very cool!

World maps, city maps, location maps… I’m happy with anything from a continent to a clearing in the woods where something particularly important happened! I think maps are cool, and I’m excited by the idea of seeing one because very few of my canons really use maps (and some of the ones that do have only the broadest strokes, nothing detailed/specific). If you’re interested in such things I think that maps showing specific journeys taken are really cool. So are maps showing battles, whether the plan or the reality! I also really like maps showing where people live and work, whether that’s at a town scale or something even smaller; something that goes “Character A lives here” and “Character B works here” and “Hid item X here” is super cool.

I am open to vids for any canon! If you'd like some notes about my music preferences, you can find that here.

Some fandom-specific notes/opt-ins:

Vid-Specific DNW: No strobe effects/flickering lights, please! I tend to be okay with quick cuts so long as they don't have quick brightness changes, though.

Everything Else
I just think these tags are neat! I love the possibilities of all of those mediums, and I'd love to see how you use them! Please, take inspiration from everything else in my letter and also whatever those tags imply to you in general!

Table of Contents

Oathsworn (Podcast)

Abunalance & Lark the Reticent (Oathsworn)
Abunalance & Thar Born of Draknor (Oathsworn)
Azar Born of Draknor & Samnael Evergrace (Oathsworn)
Azar Born of Draknor & Serikali (Oathsworn)
Lark the Reticent & Waloot (Oathsworn)
Solo: Dorado the Adamant (Oathsworn)
Solo: Nikolaj (Oathsworn)
Solo: The Armies of the Never (Oathsworn)
Solo: Waloot (Oathsworn)
WB: Any (Oathsworn (Podcast))
WB: History of the Consonant Legion (Oathsworn)
WB: The Creation of a Broken (Oathsworn)
WB: The Creation of a Chosen (Oathsworn)

Oathsworn (carrd link) is an actual play podcast running (mostly) Band of Blades, a game about running from the encroaching armies of darkness which threaten to consume the world. It is about hard choices, communities under threat, and defiant attempts to save everyone you can. It is also explicitly influenced by Judaism, has a lot to say about what "grimdark" means, and includes a lot of explicitly queer and trans characters (though very little on-screen romance, since everyone's a bit busy with survival).

If you like Weird Horror (the sky is a dead god, for starters!), watching the apocalypse occur, and listening to a very good roleplayers communally create a group of soldiers and politicians who don't always get along, this is a fantastic podcast.

I've listened to this podcast since it began and will continue keeping up with it. Please don't worry about spoilers!

I nominated and wrote these requests as the Novara/Kingdom arc (eps 40-52) ended. As I said, I'll keep up with it, but if you want to narrow down a period of time to review, that arc is great and I'd certainly enjoy works set during it!

Honestly I will be thrilled with literally anything for this fandom. Do what your heart desires. Take "WB: Any" as permission to do anything, since focusing on pretty much any character will result in some sort of worldbuilding!

I like war, tactics, strategy, body horror, explorations of faith, people coming together to support each other, finding a moment of joy/peace in the midst of darkness/terror, storytelling, music, and stubborn hope in the face of the apocalypse. A work involving any of those themes/elements will be great!

[Click Here!] Prompts Under The Cut

Lance & Lark
The vibes of this is so fun. The most social and talkative specialist in the legion and the sniper named for her silence. A charming man who gets away with too much and an assassin. Every time they're on a mission together I enjoy their vibes! I don't have too much to say here, just that I really enjoy seeing them hanging out and I'm interested by their friendship. Also: cloak buddies! Very different cloaks, but they both sure wore them and there were meaningful scenes about both of them in very different ways...

Lance & Thar
I love the way the players characterized Thar as being someone who could grow into Lance, and then chose to highlight the specific ways in which they absolutely do make different choices sometimes. Thar as Lance's favored subordinate. Lance as someone who wants a mini-me around. Thar's ambitions placed against Lance's. Mentorship and idolization. Anything around those themes would be cool!

Azar & Samnael
They've been together for so long and obviously know each other very well. Samnael also interests me because we get so much of xem from intros and see them relatively little during play, but any scene xe's in is one that hits. I'd love exploration of their pasts together, little moments shared on the march, or anything else highlighting this relationship!

Azar & Serikali
They do not agree on many things beyond needing to get the legion to Novara and that's what's fascinating. Serikali is the Legion's Chosen, and Azar is the Legion's Commander, and they need to keep the peace for survival's sake but that doesn't mean they like each other! I love every time their desires clash. I love them forced into working together than they'd prefer when on the march. I love Azar needing to rely on Serikali's magic and Serikali needing to allow Azar to manage the Legion in his own way. I love, also, how they play politics when in Novara. More about where they do and don't agree would be cool!

Lark & Waloot
I love mentorship, and this relationship is gestured at but never really fleshed out on screen. Please show me Lark teaching Waloot! Anything about them would be fantastic! Does Lark talk to Waloot aloud more often when in private? How much of Lark's sign language did Waloot know before this mentorship began, and how quickly did she pick up more? How much is it a relief to be learning skills that are useful to the Legion even without Waloot's whole Star-touched thing? What's it like stepping into Lark's role in the Legion now?

Solo: Dorado the Adamant
I love her compassion and how it's tempered with violent decisiveness when necessary. I love how she slowly moved from a midly antagonistic NPC to a central PC. I find her relationship with her Legion delightful and the way that she's forged new relationships with Azar's Legion fascinating. I would love to see works focused on how Dorado and Judet led their section of the legion before we met them in the show, and generally works about how Dorado integrated her people with Azar's in the lead-up to ep52.

Solo: Nikolaj
I did not expect to care about him or for him to become such an interestingly compromised character. I love his arc from a scared Eyes of Smoke man to a captive to someone forcibly oathsworn to the Legion to their Spymaster (again, somewhat coerced into the role, but he seems to be enjoying it). I would love anything exploring his interiority and thoughts about his allegiances, the people he keeps company with, the people he is supposed to report to, and the prophecies that may have told him some of this was coming.

Solo: Waloot
My favorite little star. I didn't want her to die. I was very afraid when she came back. I love that nobody knows what she is. I love that she's not in any prophecies. I'm still worried about what's going to happen to her as she uses her powers more. I want more about what it was like to be a rank-and-file rookie in the Legion, what it was like to die and return, how her relationships changed after that, and what it was like being brought into the upper echelons of the Legion's power. What are her thoughts about being a star? How is that related to being Chosen? (Especially since she's been called the chosen of the stars as a questionably-true bluff.) How does she feel about becoming an assassin herself?

Solo: The Armies of the Never
This is a worldbuilding prompt! How are they created? How are they kept together? What are their goals? How are they organized? How do the leaders of various regiments communiate? What's it like when various sections work together? Do you want to draw cool beasties? Because the armies of the Never have a lot of cool/worrying critters!

WB: History of the Consonant Legion
I love every time Kael tells a Lore story. I adore hearing Serikali talk about having been present throughout the entirety of the Legion's past. Tell me more stories! Make more lore! Turn the events of the show into historical documents, even! How are people remembered? What is considered important? How true is it? (Does that even matter?)

WB: The Creation of a Chosen/Broken
I just want to know! How do gods choose people? What does it feel like? How do they break? What does that feel like?

WB: Any
And here's your "Do anything!" prompt! Tell me about the Eyes of Smoke, Novaran politics, Lady Jasiko and her people, little rituals that each squad of the Legion has, what life was like before the Never came, extrapolations about religion and culture in the world of Tzel Sh'el, or anything else you'd like! I merely want more (any) works in this fandom!

Table of Contents

Star Wars - All Media Types

Anakin Solo & Jacen Solo & Jaina Solo (SWL Books) & Ben Solo (SW ST)
Barriss Offee (SW TCW) & Reva Sevander (Kenobi)
Chirrut Imwe (Rogue One) & Luke Skywalker (SWOT)
Chirrut Îmwe/Baze Malbus (R1)/Obi-Wan Kenobi (SWPT/OT)
Jyn Erso (Rogue One)/Mara Jade (SWL)
Jyn Erso (Rogue One)/Winter Celchu (SWL)
Reva Sevander (Kenobi) & Ahsoka Tano (SW Rebels)
Reva Sevander (Kenobi)/Ahsoka Tano (SW Rebels)

I grew up on the Legends EU and also enjoy a lot of the new live-action shows, as you may guess from these combinations. Please feel free to similarly pull from whatever combination of canons you find inspiring!

The parts of Legends that I know the most about/love best are: KotOR/KotOR2, the X-Wing books (which aren’t super relevant), Jedi Apprentice/Jedi Quest, Young Jedi Knights, and honestly a lot of the other Jedi-centric Legends books that came out between the Thrawn Trilogy and whenever NJO started (I read some of NJO but I didn’t super enjoy it; Yuuzhong Vong are also fascinating, though).

I don't know much about the Disney EU books or any comics. I have seen most live-action shows (not Ahsoka yet, though) (I also haven't seen Mando/BoBF, and I do not care about them/their subjects). I have seen most cartoons (not Bad Batch yet, or Resistance). I love Andor and really enjoyed Kenobi and also liked Acolyte a lot. Rogue One is one of my favorite movies, also!

I love works exploring the Force, politics, and spycraft. I adore missionfic and casefic. I like seeing how people who were once on opposite sides come together. I like complicated emotions about a shared history two people had different reactions to. I like suspicious and untrusting people learning to open up. I like people making sense of how the Jedi became a forgotten religion. I like thoughts about non-Jedi and non-Sith Force traditions. Feel free to play with any of those elements in a Star War work and I'm sure I'll have fun!

[Click Here!] Prompts Under The Cut

Anakin Solo & Jacen Solo & Jaina Solo (SWL Books) & Ben Solo (SW ST)
I love the Legends chldren and I think that Ben would've been less Like That if he'd had younger siblings. I really enjoy fic about children, and I'd love to see something about the shenanigans all the Solo kids get up to! Or something about Ben needing to babysit/take care of his younger siblings. Or all of them at the Jedi Academy at overlapping times. Or, if you want to go for something closer to ST canon, have Ben's younger siblings hunting him down and refusing to give up on him when he goes darkside! Anything playing with this set of sibling dynamics would be super fun. (Leia and Han parenting them also fun! Luke being their uncle also great! Pull other Legends characters in too if you'd like!)

Chirrut Îmwe/Baze Malbus (R1)/Obi-Wan Kenobi (SWPT/OT)
Maybe one of them does a Study Abroad year which leads to a relationship. Maybe Obi-Wan and Baze meet during the war (and Baze brings Obi-Wan home to meet his other sweetheart). Maybe it's an arranged marriage. Maybe Obi-Wan takes Anakin to the Guardians to experience other ways of using the Force and ends up falling for Chirrut and Baze along the way. Maybe they're teenagers getting together on a temple field trip. Maybe they're lonely post-war adults seeking connection through love and the Force. Or maybe something else!

Other elements I think would be fun: Comparative Force studies and philosophy debates. Different ways of looking at the Force leading to different ways of thinking about love and relationships. An AU where R1 lives and three of them rebuild the Temple of the Whills somewhere. Old married couple vibes, teasing and fondness and being comfortable together. The very fuzzy line between martial talent and using the Force. Anything along the lines of Star Wars-flavored wuxia! They're already halfway there, after all!

Chirrut Imwe (Rogue One) & Luke Skywalker (SWOT)
I love the idea of Chirrut picking up Luke's training in the Force. It's not the Jedi way, and Luke's ability to manipulate the Force is different/more obvious than Chirrut's, but there's still a lot that he can learn! Or debate, as Luke tries to keep to the Jedi way even as Chirrut helps show him other perspectives on the Force.

I'd also enjoy this combined with the above Chirrut/Baze/Obi-Wan prompt! Maybe that allows Chirrut to have more knowledge of the Jedi way, even if he doesn't follow it himself. Maybe this is an AU where Obi-Wan brings Luke to be raised at the Temple of the Whills. Maybe something else! I just really enjoy Chirrut and Luke having a relationship with each other.

Jyn Erso (Rogue One)/Mara Jade (SWL)
I love the idea of these prickly women having a relationship! Is this an Imperial!Jyn AU where they've worked together as assassins? Does Jyn runs into Mara Jade while they're both undercover and they hook up? Does Mara Jade want to learn more about Jyn because of the khyber around her neck? Do they meet post-RotJ because Jyn makes contact with Talon Karrde and Mara Jade becomes their go-between? Something else? I love missionfic, cool women, prickly people letting their defenses slip, and complicated morality. These two hav the potential for all of that in spades!

Jyn Erso (Rogue One)/Winter Celchu (SWL)
Spies and spymasters! I love the idea of Winter running Jyn as an agent and then slowly falling for her, or them doing an undercover-as-a-couple mission and it getting too real, or Winter investigating Jyn via flirting with her! Or perhaps an Imperial!Jyn AU where Jyn realises that Leia's aide is more skilled and sharp-eyed than she seems, and so Jyn goes investigating, and ends up in a situation where she needs to choose between the Empire she's grown up under and this Rebel agent she's fallen for? Or something else entirely! I just really like both of these women and think that they're fiercely intelligent and loyal to their people, and it'd be fun to stick them together and see what happens.

Barriss Offee (SW TCW) & Reva Sevander (Kenobi)
This draws very heavily on the Barriss episodes of "Tales from the Empire".

What if Reva heard about the Jedi who turned her face away from the Inquisitorial role she'd been offered and lived? What if Reva was obsessed with finding her? What if she succeeded, and then asked Barriss to save her too?

Or, what if Barriss stayed in the Inquisitorius? What if she became a mentor/older sister to Reva? What if they schemed together? What if they weren't alone?

I think there are just a bunch of neat possibilities here! If you see another angle, I am absolutely down to hear what you're thinking!

I am also down for Reva/Barriss/Ahsoka (or & combinations!) if you want to mix the two Reva requests in some way!

Reva Sevander (Kenobi) & Ahsoka Tano (SW Rebels)
Reva Sevander (Kenobi)/Ahsoka Tano (SW Rebels)
The Jedi Order failed both of them in very different ways. What happens if they meet after the events of Kenobi? What lessons can they teach each other? Did they ever meet while Reva was a youngling and Ahsoka was a padawan? Do they recognise each other as adults?

What would happen in a world without Order 66? Or a world in which Reva had been found by Obi-Wan or another Jedi (/Jedi sympathiser) in the aftermath of Order 66? One where Reva hadn't grown up as an Inquisitor? Would she and Ahsoka meet earlier, as two Force-users connected to the Rebellion?

I just *gestures at them* there's so much potential here! Reva trying to redeem herself. Ahsoka having chosen to reject the Jedi Order. Their different knowledge about Anakin's fate. The desire to prevent the Empire from continuing to rise. Ahsoka trying to hide her Jedi nature by avoiding the Force, while Reva pretends she doesn't cling to the Jedi teachings underneath the Inquisitorial teachings she's received.

Anything about how these two interact would be so juicy to me! Please, explore and expand the world of Star Wars however you'd like! I love Force nonsense and philosophy and references to the Legends EU, too!

Table of Contents

Quanzhi Gaoshou - Hudie Lan

Chen Guo & Tang Rou (QZGS - HL)
Chu Yunxiu & Su Mucheng (QZGS - HL)
Chu Yunxiu & Ye Xiu (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
Fang Xuecai/Xiao Shiqin (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
Jiang Botao/Sun Xiang/Zhou Zekai (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
Jiang Botao/Zhou Zekai (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
Mo Fan/Qiao Yifan (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
Mo Fan/Su Mucheng (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
Mo Fan/Tang Rou (QZGS - HL)
Qiu Fei & Ye Xiu (QZGS - HL)
Solo: Chinese Glory Team (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
Solo: New Excellent Era (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
Su Mucheng/Tang Rou (QZGS - HL)
Sun Xiang/Tang Rou (QZGS - HL)
WB: Any (全职高手 - 蝴蝶蓝 | Quánzhí Gāoshǒu - Húdié Lán)
WB: In-Game Glory Lore (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)
WB: Training Camps (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu)

I love QZGS and I am a massive multishipper and think this fandom is incredible for polyamory. Please feel free to combine any of these ships! Also please feel free to introduce me to your favorite rarepairs that include some member of Team China! Or just write me a ton of gen, because I adore gen in this fandom too.

General Prompts

AUs I'm Into Here:

[Click Here!] Prompts Under The Cut

Chen Guo & Tang Rou
I love them! They're such good friends! (Also good girlfriends, heh, feel free to write that version too.) The way they support each other delights me endlessly. I think it's fun how little their class difference matters, how much they want to share their interests with each other, and that they can continue enjoying non-Glory things together even as Glory takes over their lives.

Chu Yunxiu & Su Mucheng
Two of the most skilled women in the GPA! They debuted in the same year! Of course they're good friends. I would love more about how they support each other as friends and captains. I'd also love to read about how they promote Glory as a game for everyone and encourage women (and non-guy people generally) to see pro Glory as a possibility for their ambitions. I'd also enjoy Worlds shenanigans and hearing about what they're like when they end up as hotel roommates. Anything about their relationship, past or present or future, is a delight!

Chu Yunxiu & Ye Xiu
I wrote myself into caring wildly and endlessly about these two. I really love the moment they share in canon, after Happy wrecks Misty Rain, where Chu Yunxiu talks to Ye Xiu about how the Shu twins have fucked up her team comp. Chu Yunxiu is also one of the only other pro players who's noted as a smoker; I like the idea of them becoming friends in part because they end up sharing smoke breaks, and then continuing because Ye Xiu likes being friends with Su Mucheng's friends. I just! Really like them! And I'd like other people to love them too!

Qiu Fei & Ye Xiu
Mentorship!!! that's it that's the prompt. I mean, not really, because I'm also fascianted by what it's like for them to face each other on the stage, and I'd love thoughts about what it's like for Ye Xiu to see Qiu Fei become a team captain himself, but the core of this relationship has always been mentorship. What's it like learning from Ye Xiu? What's it like being considered his heir but not wanting to play OAL? What's it like realising you're moving along different paths now? Can they stay friends after Ye Xiu leaves pro Glory? I hope so!

Su Mucheng/Tang Rou
Spear and cannon! The classic duo but reinvented with more of a forward charge! I think Su Mucheng would enjoy the way Tang Rou doesn't idolize her but merely thinks of her as a teammate. I think Su Mucheng would enjoy Tang Rou's confidence. I think they'd enjoy hanging out together doing non-Glory things, and I think that they're both people who could both enjoy some fwb times and have a slow slide from friendship into something more.

Sun Xiang/Tang Rou
My precious rarepair! (Bonus points for writing them both as trans women, because that's my headcanon at this point.) I love how straightforward they both are. I love them as two very different heirsto Ye Xiu's Battle Mage. I love how they clash and respect each other and drive each other higher. I think they'd have fantastic sex. I think that they could easily have crushes on each other. I want to see anything you want to do with them.

Fang Xuecai/Xiao Shiqin
I also wrote myself into feelings about these two by virtue of writing FXC into being an actual character instead of a side-note about Xiao Shiqin's vice-captain who's also his very good friend. I love captain/vice-captain ships for the mutual support and intimacy, and I love XSQ, and I love Thunderclap. Explore and make this ship your own!

Jiang Botao/Zhou Zekai
The Great Gunner and his translator! A quiet man who doesn't really understand how to people, and the person who knows how to read him and who is trusted enough to speak for him. I enjoy both of them on their own (ZZK's autism is a delight; JBT's cunning is a hidden weapon), and together they become such a force to be reckoned with. I'd love private moments between them, things about how they comfort each other and make sure they're on the same page in private so they don't need to have any concerns in public.

Jiang Botao/Sun Xiang/Zhou Zekai
Take the dynamic above and then add Sun Xiang into the midst! Sun Xiang is young and fiery and determined. He learns how to mesh with ZZK, and is willing to listen to JBT, and his drive can push his new teammates even further forward! I'd love to see Sun Xiang settling into this relationship and learning how deeply he can trust his partners, and JBT and ZZK welceming him in.

Mo Fan/Qiao Yifan
I think they're cute! Mo Fan also sort of holds the place Qiao Yifan used to in Tiny Herb; he's on the outside looking in a lot of the time, and I think Qiao Yifan would make an effort to try and draw Mo Fan in to make sure he doesn't feel left out or unvalued. They also both play Nightwalkers, so there's an in-game affinity there as well. Really, anything exploring this rarepair would delight me!

Mo Fan/Su Mucheng
I love Su Mucheng as the person Mo Fan finds it easiest to be with. He's such a cat, and she's patient and also was never part of hunting him into joining Happpy, so she's got an easier time bonding with him. I think they deserve the world, and I would be delighted with both soft slow sweet pre-relatonship flirting and hardcore kinky sex with them!

Mo Fan/Tang Rou
Godslayers! I love their explosive in-game energy. They're so different out of the game but in-game they can coordinate so well. I'd love to see that explored and for Mo Fan to find comfort in the way Tang Rou comfortably sits in the spotlight, and for Tang Rou to find ease in Mo Fan's silence. Really, anything you want for a rarepair would be good!

Solo: Chinese Glory Team
I mean this both as "I want Worlds stuff!" and as "I would be excited by a work centering any member of this team at any point in time".

Solo: New Excellent Era
What's it like for Qiu Fei to rebuild EE? What's Challengers League like for them? What's it like to enter the pro league as EE reborn? What expectations are on their shoulders? Who even is on this team?

WB: In-Game Glory Lore
ANYTHING PLEASE! Quests! Maps! Items! Dungeons! Bosses! Awakening quests, new expansions, lore about the world, what the in-game explanation for the main servers vs heavenly domain is... Truly, the (in-game) world is your oyster and I would love to see anything you do exploring it in literally any medium!

WB: Training Camps
How do they work? How many are there? Is there a training camp league? What are summer camps for people not thinking about going pro like? What's it like looking for potential recruits? Truly, anything about them would be so fun to learn about!

WB: Any

Table of Contents

Sha Hai | Tomb of the Sea

Solo: Su Nan
Solo: Li Cu
Solo: Wu Xie
Li Cu & Wu Xie
Su Nan & Wu Xie
Su Nan/Wu Xie

I like DMBJ in general, but Sha Hai specifically fascinates me in a way that the other versions don't quite get at. I love the expansive world, because we see what Normal People think of the Jiumen, and we also see the Wang family and what they're up to and believe. Plus, I really enjoy Wu Xie full-on taking on the enigmatic asshole mentor role with Li Cu.

I'll always love stories about tomb exploration and the strange flora and fauna people find in there. I love traps, puzzles, and the historical remnants people discover while exploring. Feel free to throw any requested character(s) into a tomb and show me how they deal with it, and I'll have a good time!

[Click Here!] Prompts Under The Cut

Su Nan + Wu Xie

I am extremely here for these two and how they interact! They're so weird about each other. I am here for any type of relationship between them, tagged in any way you think is appropriate. Platonic buddies, sexual partners, favorite foes, romantic interests, some complicated thing overlapping or refusing any/all of those boxes—truly, I'm just excited to see a story focused on them, whatever it may be!

[Click here!] Prompts Under Cut

Their lives have been tangled together since their youth, but Wu Xie has no idea for the longest time that this is true. How many identities has Su Nan worn? Is Su Nan her original name? How does it feel to follow a person for so long and know they're trying to destroy the only family you know? How much does Su Nan care about Wu Xie? How much is he an anchor for her? How much does Wu Xie truly know about her at any given point in time?

In canon, we're shown how extremely competent both of them are. I'd love to read about them being competent together! Whether that's an expansion on any canon tomb delve, missing scenes from their time bonding together in the mountains, or a wholly new encounter you've come up with, I just like these two being badasses and working together (whether they like it or not).

They absolutely believe in each other's competence. They save each other, time and time again. They also don't necessarily like each other, but there's a kind of care and understanding between them regardless.

I'd love explorations of Su Nan living post-canon! What does it actually mean for her to leave her cult of a 'family'? How does she disentangle herself from that? How does Wu Xie support her while also refusing to let himself remain her primary anchor in the world?

Li Cu & Wu Xie

Li Cu's relationship with Wu Xie changes so much over the course of this show. It's hard for it not to, considering that their first interaction is Wu Xie kidnapping Li Cu, and by the end Li Cu needs to trust Wu Xie and have faith that he'll save the day when it comes down to it. I'm fascinated by the push and pull of their antagonism and trust, and how it reflects Wu Xie's relationship with his San-shu.

[Click here!] Prompts Under Cut

Li Cu learns so much from Wu Xie. Not all of it is explicit, and not all of it is stuff Li Cu acknowledges learning from Wu Xie, but I adore the little moments where it shines through. Li Cu parrots Wu Xie's words about the desert to his friends as they begin their own expedition, for instance! And his outfit for that second round resembles Wu Xie's. The mentorship relationship between them might be fraught, but I love every moment of it. I'd love a story focused on mentorship scenes of any sort!

I'm so fascinated by snake venom and snake visions. We're shown several visions that Li Cu has about Wu Xie while Li Cu is in the Wang family complex. I'd be so interested in seeing more of those, or otherwise exploring what Wu Xie feels about recording those visions (trusting that one day someone will see them and his plan will be worth it) and what Li Cu feels about receiving them (trusting that they will guide him to safety, clinging to this anchor of the world he knows and came from, even though Wu Xie once represented the dangerous unknown). Snake venom visions are one of the cooler worldbuilding aspects of Sha Hai, so feel free to go wild with them!

Wu-nainai asks if Li Cu might be Wu Xie's son. I'm fascinated by the idea of an AU where that's true! We've never shown much of anything about Li Cu's mom, and tbh considering how much of an ass Li Cu's dad is I could believe a one-night stand having Consequences that even Wu Xie didn't realise until Li Cu gets accidentally involved in Tomb Stuff and the Wu blood begins to show. Exploration of Li Cu learning about the Jiumen, bonding with Xiaoman-ge and the other Wu dogs, and otherwise being accepted as Wu Xie's heir (whether either of them likes that or not) would be really neat.

Solo: Li Cu

Li Cu's whole life got uprooted by Wu Xie's schemes. I'm fascinated by how he coped, the trauma he experienced, and by the idea of exploring what he does after the show ends. If you touch on those topics in a story about him, I'm going to be happy!

[Click here!] Prompts Under Cut

1. The Future

What did Li Cu expect his life was going to be like before Wu Xie turned it upside down? Did he have any plans/goals, or was he already too fucked up by his bad home life to really be thinking of the future? There are ways in which Li Cu's life-changing desert road trip benefited him (he gained a lot of confidence in himself) despite the ways in which it also hurt him (the literal scars in his back, the near-death experiences, etc.). But at the same time, at the end of the day does Li Cu know what he's going to do now that this chapter of his life has closed? He doesn't need to be part of the Jiumen anymore. He can go to university and get a completely unrelated job after. Does he want that? Does he want to stay in touch with Wu Xie? What does the future look like for him?

Relatedly, how much therapy does he need? Does xiao-Hua or someone hook him up with a Jiumen therapist who has context for literally anything he experienced in Gutongjing and with the Wangs? How does he explain the scars on his back? Does he hide them? What about his fighting skills? Just, like, how hard is it for Li Cu to appear to be a normal boy after everything that's happened? How does he re-integrate into the everyday world once more?

I'd be especially excited to see fics talking about Li Cu, Su Wan, and Yang Hao all figuring out how to deal with the "normal world" again post-canon, because I bet they'd all be trying to support each other but also each of them would have a different approach and goal. And they all have various Jiumen mentors who might pop by to disrupt whatever normalcy they're fighting their way towards, which is always interesting for plot!

2. The Trauma

This starts from the point Li Cu is jumped and has scars etched into his back by that weird black substance (which, sidebar: wtf is up with that! would be fascinated by something akin to a Venom fusion, or anything else exploring the substance which made those scars; it seemed possibly alive?), continues through being kidnapped by Wu Xie and through Gutongjing snake hell (1: Wu Xie's 'zombification'), has a bit of a valley when Li Cu returns to the normal world for a bit, gets worse again at Gutongjing snake hell (2: snake venom), peaks at The Wang Facility (aka: kidnapping, round two), and then only maybe stops when the show ends. There's a lot going on!

The Good Times, Relatively Speaking
Li Cu with enigmatic kidnapper/mentor Wu Xie, who is probably doing his best to keep Li Cu from getting too traumatised and attempting to teach him the skills he'll need later. Li Cu suffers, but he's got friends around him. Still, it isn't necessarily a fun time! He manages to take all this knowledge and synthesize it enough to teach it back to his friends when they go out to find Gutongjing with him the second time, which just sets him up for more fucked-up-ness later.

The Wang Complex
When your only allies are the woman impersonating a girl you used to crush on (Shen Qiong) and your mentor teaching you via snorted venom that's slowly going to kill you (Wu Xie), you know your life is bad. Especially since you're in a dystopian fighting school alongside being a science experiment. Li Cu might not be physically alone but this is absolutely one of the roughest times in his life. What was that period of time like for him?

Solo: Su Nan

I wish she had lived. I want to know so much about her! I talked about her a lot in relation to Wu Xie, because we know her basically entirely in relation to Wu Xie. So here I want to ask: Who is Su Nan when you take Wu Xie away? What's left? What has she done when not watching Wu Xie? What will she do once the Wangs are destroyed? How did she become the person she is?

I know this isn't much to go on. I wish I had more. But those questions are really what it's all about for me, so please explore them in whatever way you think is best!

Solo: Wu Xie

I love him in enigmatic mentor mode. I'd love to see more of his schemes. I'd love to know more about how he planned with Hei Xiazi and xiao-Hua and the rest of his network. I'd love to know about previous expeditions, and about failed plans, and about how he watches this version of the set-up and hopes so hard that it'll work this time. Anything exploring his mental state during Sha Hai would be lovely. He's harsher and darker here than at any other time; he's turned himself into a knife and cut everyone away because he can't allow anyone else to bear the cost of failure. And yet, he still cares for everyone he meets, and Wang Meng is still at his side, and he can't fully retreat from his friends. It's a good set of dichotomies! But really, I just love him playing the long game, and I'd love more about his plans and how he prepares to make all the dominoes fall.

Table of Contents

Parallel World | West Out of Yumen

Solo: Ye Liuxi
Solo: Chang Dong
Solo: Jiang Zhan
WB: Exotic Beasts
WB: Trade/Smuggling Between Yumen Pass and the Mundane World
WB: The Creation of Yumen Pass
WB: Any

I love portal fantasies, I love the desert and its beauty, I love strange and wondrous creatures, and I love all the lead characters in this show. I had a fantastic time watching it and I simply want more exploration of the world and the people who live in it! I have a lot of thoughts beneath the cut!

[Click Here!] Prompts Under The Cut

Ye Liuxi (Ye Qingzhi)

I love everything about her, from her prickly exterior to the heart hidden beneath that (understandably strong) armor. I fell in love with her from the first shot and continued adoring her through the entire show. I love how powerful and driven she is. She commands every scene she's in. She knows what she wants and she'll take it, whether that's a couple hours of work for money, Chang Dong's heart, or the entirety of Yumen Pass. She's unstoppable and I love her.

[Click here!] Prompts Under Cut

I'd love to explore her early life. How did Ye Qingzhi end up being captured and enslaved? What was her relationship with Jiang Zhan like? Did she have any other friends? How did she become certain that she was indeed Ye Liuxi? How did she prove that to others?

Or tell me about what it was like for her to wake up after being hanged and have no idea where she was or what she was doing! How did she create her life anew? How did she track down Chang Dong? Is there anything about that life that she misses?

I am so very into the Ye Liuxi/Chang Dong relationship. It's so good, they've wonderful for each other, and I could watch them interact all day. More of their romance! Or their sex! Or anything canon-typical with the two of them, really; they're really cute! From Ye Liuxi's side, what drew her to Chang Dong? She didn't seem to have any interest in sex/romance before him, so why Chang Dong? What changed? Was it just the removal of memories leading to the removal of some trauma-based blocks surrounding relationships? Or is she just extremely demi and Chang Dong was the first person to get her to realise she could feel genuine attraction like that? How does that settle out as they continue being together across time?

That said, I'm also extremely here for some non-canon ships! Ye Liuxi's chemistry with Ding Liu was incredible; I'd adore something focused on their relationship, because Ding Liu absolutely had a crush on her (and Chang Dong; a threesome would also be good, and was absolutely teased). Ye Liuxi's relationship with A-He during the nine-month timeskip would also be fun to make shippy! And, of course, there's also good enemies-to-lovers potential with Long Zhi—Ye Liuxi left her alive, for some reason, and maybe that could go somewhere?

Chang Dong

I love Chang Dong's quiet strength. He's more easy-going than Ye Liuxi, but he's also a wonderful leader in his own right. He's clever, thoughtful, and highly skilled! I love how subtle he is in comparison, and how many tricks he can pull off. He takes so much of the "I guess there's magic now!" stuff in stride and integrates it into his worldview with surprising ease, and I love that about him.

[Click here!] Prompts Under Cut

There's so much to explore about his pre-canon life! How did he become a desert guide? How did he become the leader of the Camellia Group? How did he meet Kong Yang, his girlfriend, if she wasn't into the desert the way he was? How did he learn how to make shadow puppets? I'd love something exploring that period of his life, whether by being set back then or by referencing it as context for something set during the period of the show.

I am so very into the Ye Liuxi/Chang Dong relationship. It's so good, they've wonderful for each other, and I could watch them interact all day. More of their romance! Or their sex! Or anything canon-typical with the two of them, really; they're really cute! From Chang Dong's side, what was it like committing to a new relationship after grieving Kong Yang for so long? He says he only does relationships for the long-haul; why did he choose Ye Liuxi after only knowing her for like a month max? What compelled him so fiercely about her? How does that change and grow as they stay together and learn more about each other?

I have less interest in non-canon romantic/sexual ships with Chang Dong. Threesomes/triads/poly arrangements that include Ye Liuxi are great, though, and Chang Dong/Ye Liuxi/Ding Liu would be a particular delight. Something that included both Kong Yang and Ye Liuxi being alive and interested in Chang Dong at the same time would also intrigue me greatly. I think that Chang Dong/Ye Liuxi/Jiang Zhan/Long Zhi would be a terrible poly thing (or sedoretu!) but also interesting because of how bad it could be. I'd be open to something about Chang Dong, Ding Liu, and Fei Tang getting together during the nine month timeskip as a coping mechanism to keep Yumen Pass feeling closer when it's shut for them. Feel free to play with any of those ideas! Or draw out any of his platonic relationships!

Jiang Zhan

Man, he gets dealt a rotten hand by the plot. How did he end up a child laborer in the mines? Did he have any dreams of his own before he got caught up in Ye Liuxi's? When did he fall in love with her, and when did he realise she'd never love him back like that?

He's the public leader of Scorpion Eye throughout most of its history. Ye Liuxi might be the driving force, but she's also, well, the one driving outside the Pass while Jiang Zhan stays behind and builds the social connections necessary to lead. How did he develop into a leader? How did he help shape what Scorpion Eye became?

[Click here!] Prompts Under Cut

His relationship with Long Zhi is fascinating. She had her eye on him since the start, to the point where it kind of feels like half her motivations are about finally having what she wanted since she was like 15. How did she seduce Jiang Zhan? Did she ever mean to catch real feelings for him? What was their relationship, really? And, honestly, how did Jiang Zhan and Long Zhi rebuild Scorpion Eye into a force that was at once not a huge worry for the Feather Guards but still dangerous enough to be a viable threat to use against Ye Liuxi once she returned?

I'd love an AU where the Golden Snake saves and heals Jiang Zhan (by turning him into a human snake hybrid, ignoring the thing where theoretically that means they'd lose their mind) instead of Long Zhi kidnapping him. What would he do at that point? Would he make a new life? Would he work to free all the slaves in the mountain from within? Something else? How long would it take for Long Zhi and Ye Liuxi to realise he's still alive?

Or focus on the kidnapping and imprisonment! We see so little of it. How much time did Long Zhi spend attempting to convince him to talk to her? Did she ever offer him bargains, and, if so, what were they? What did he do for those long months? Did he have any human interaction or entertainment in that cell? Did he ever attempt to escape or kill himself while in the prison?

I also find it frustrating that he just killed himself at the end. He survived almost a year in jail and then killed himself ten minutes away from true freedom? Let him (and everyone else!) suffer through Jiang Zhan being forced to live despite everything that happened. What is his relationship with Ye Liuxi like after they both lost their arms and regained their memories? Did Ye Liuxi ever contemplate trying to free him before the end? What kind of relationship, if any, would Jiang Zhan want with her (or Long Zhi!) after all that? What would he want to do with his life once he could actually do anything he wanted and not just be a rebel leader?


I would adore anything digging into the world of Yumen Pass. There's so much to think about, from the founding/creation of Yumen Pass to how the exotic beasts work to sorcery and shadow puppets to the social structures themselves. Explore and expand upon literally any of it! Slightly more focused prompts below, including prompts for the WB tags more specific than "Any":

[Click here!] Prompts Under Cut

The Creation of Yumen Pass

We're told that it was created to seal away demons and sorcerors. It's also said that Yumen Pass has a spirit of its own. We're told legends about this period of time, and I'd love to see something that takes those legends and turns them into a full-fledged story!


What is sorcery, really? During the time of this show, it seems to have waned; most fantastical things are done with the help of exotic beasts! But Long Zhi does summon a dragon of fire, and it's implied that not just anyone can make dangerous exotic beasts listen to them, so perhaps there's some truth to sorcery. What are the differences between the Long family's sorcerors and the Li family's sorcerers? Obviously there are family secrets, and differences in focus. Were there other sorcerer families, once? How did they fall? What's the connection between sorcery and exotic beasts?

Exotic Beasts

aka, the monsters! Holy shit there are so many and they're all so interesting! They're foundational to a lot of Yumen Pass' society (the glowing snakes, the water eyes, the shadow puppet gnats, the substitute tongues, the dragon-like beasts guarding Black Stone City, Thiefless, etc) and yet they've managed to lock up most of the most dangerous ones in the Demon Museum. So basically, the exotic beasts are the wildlife of Yumen Pass, and humans have domesticated/tamed the ones useful to them? Some of the ones that are annoying but not inherently dangerous are just allowed to wander (geminus, for example)? It's interesting! I'd love to read anything that focuses on the exotic beasts and their relationships with humans! Or about how they managed to make the demon museum to begin with (was that related to the creation of Yumen Pass?).

Golden Animals

I love this trope. Golden Serpent and Golden Scorpion are just giant representatives of their kind, but they're absolutely very special and respected as a result! The idea that there's one of these for every "normal" animal species in Yumen Pass amuses me. Like, what if Valley Guardian and Ocean Guardian met Golden Chicken/Rooster? Or just dig into how Ye Liuxi befriended Golden Scorpion, why Golden Serpent puts up with slavers mining in its lair, and the ways in which the Golden Animals have special powers!

Snake People and Other Blended Human/Exotic Beast Shenanigans

(I know the show said that becoming a human snake means Gao Shen would lose his mind eventually but I choose to ignore that because it's way less interesting to me than him just having mutated into a hybrid with angst about being inhuman/monstrous and not being able to leave the pass.) Anyway, this is also about parasitism and symbiosis between humans and exotic beasts! Why are so many exotic beasts so specifically helpful to humans? The substitute tongue is particularly noteworthy, due to its plot relevance, but even the symbiotic replacement hand Ye Liuxi gets is in this realm. The geminus mimicks anything, but sure is human-related, and humans can become shadow puppets while retaining their consciousness. It's wild. Please, anything about the ways humans and exotic beasts can combine and hybridise and be symbotic with eacah other is fascinating! Please explore it!

Soul of Wangdong, Bone of Liuxi

I'm so curious about this Chosen One deal! Stories about the prophecy, the curse/blessing, how it relates to shadow puppets not working, and previous times the Chosen One has led a (failed?) uprising would be awesome!

The Creation of Scorpion Eye

Why did Ye Liuxi (Ye Qingzhi) and Jiang Zhan create this? How did they get followers? Why is it named Scorpion Eye? How inspired were they by the Beast Heads? Honestly, anything exploring that period of history is interesting to me!

Trade/Smuggling Between Yumen Pass and the Mundane World

What does Yumen Pass produce? Is it just gold? Is that why the slave mines are such a big deal? Or are there other products that the Shadow Puppets (or the Chosen One) trade with the mundane world? Also, how was this trade/smuggling line set up? Like, were the trade caravans led by shadow puppets who were once dying people (like Gao Shen) and thus had distinct personhood and agency of their own? But even with that, how did they find people to bargain with who wouldn't run screaming from a shadow puppet or otherwise deny their existence? How did those trade lines change when they were being run by Ye Liuxi on her own? What products are most desirable in Yumen Pass? How do they get fuel for all their cars? Honestly, anything about the economy of Yumen Pass (even the parts not related to the mundane world, though they seem super intertwined) would be interesting!

The Demon Museum

I spent the ENTIRE SHOW expecting that it would get opened. Like, come on, if you need two to open it and the first episode shows Ye Liuxi contemplating her Rams Horn vs the one in the musuem, you've gotta have a heist to steal that one and then open the Demon Museum, right?

More generally, I am fascinated by this place! How did everything get locked up in there? How do things escape? Do they ever escape into the mundane world? Why don't they attack the Chosen One? (Is the Chosen One actually a special kind of exotic beast?) How do all the creatures in there interact? How do people know what's in there, anyway, if they avoid it?

The Nine-Month Time Skip

What happened during that period of time? How did Scorpion Eye gain so much momentum? How did Ye Liuxi cope with cutting off her own hand and regaining her memories? What was it like for A-He and Li Jin'ao to become trusted advisors and rebellion leaders? How did Chang Dong, Ding Liu, and Fei Tang handle being stuck in the mundane world? What did they tell Ding Liu's dad about the whole adventure? What did they do for work? How did Jiang Zhan and Gao Shen deal with being imprisoned? What was Zhao Guanshou up to? What was Long Zhi thinking and doing? It's a fairly long period of time! Explore this lovely little narrative gap!

Optional Crossover Prompt: Parallel World/Sha Hai

There's a lot of neat potential here! Throw Wu Xie and Su Nan at Chang Dong and Ye Liuxi! Gutongjing and Yumen Pass being Related Weird Spaces! Monsters escape from Yumen Pass and Wu Xie runs into Ye Liuxi while hunting them down! Wu Xie and Chang Dong meet because of desert expedition stuff! Ye Liuxi and Su Nan clock each other as suspicious and circle each other until they end up fighting alongside each other! Li Cu and his friends meet Ding Liu and her gang! IDK, have fun!

Table of Contents

Tactical Breach Wizards

Solo: Jen Keller
Solo: Liv Kennedy
Solo: Dessa Banks
Solo: Dall Sabin
Solo: Zan Vesker
Solo: Rion
WB: Any

As of right now, I am like halfway through the game. I will have finished it before work reveals, so don't worry about spoilers. I will also likely update this letter as I play through more of the game! (If nothing else, I'll come back through when I finish the game.) Don't worry about keeping up with those updates; there should be enough here to work with.

I adore the character writing of this game. It's very funny while also feeling very real and allowing all the characters to feel well-rounded and have interesting relationships with each other. While I've only asked for Solo characters and WB, I am delighted to see literally any & relationship and would adore femslash! I'm also happy to see any canon relationships (e.g., Dall/Jahi). Or go hard on the WB and don't worry about characters at all!

I think this is a great canon for mission reports and other in-universe documents! I also think that maps/design stuff could be so cool for this canon! TTRPG stuff works super well with video games, I think. Logic puzzles would also be fantastic!

If you make visual art of these characters, I really enjoy their default outfits! The other outfits are cool too, but I don't feel a need to see them unless you're super into one of them. (Though a comic/sequential art thing showing one or more characters slowly gaining the confidence to wear more dramatic outfits could be very cool!)

[Click Here!] Prompts Under The Cut

Jen Keller

My beloved, best and most powerful character in the game. She knows a lot about Craft! She's so snarky! She's relatably insecure despite being obviously so good at what she does. I'd love something showing off her magical know-how in any medium. Diagrams explaining a spell? A cool art piece of her casting a spell? Her nerding out and asking teammates about their craft and vessels? Something else?

I love her relationships with her team members; she's such a sociable person and I like how she pokes at the people around her. I am particularly fond of her relationships with Zan (weirdo friends!) and Dessa (I ship them so hard, I love how Dessa wants Jen to be weird and spiteful and have feelings and how Jen wants Dessa to give a shit about other people), but I'd happily read about her relationship with literally any of the other characters. I'd also love something about her and her cat! Darrell is adorable! I love void cats!

Liv Kennedy

Black-ops chronomancer is such a fun concept! She's terrifying and cool and also I think she's hot (and evil). I'd enjoy something exploring previous missions she went on (with or without Zan), something about how she assembled her team (an eclectic collection of oddballs), why she decided to start causing so much chaos (might be explained by the end of the game but I'm not there yet), or anything else digging into her character and relationships. Mostly I think she's cool!

Dessa Banks

I love her so much. The whole concept of being able to heal people but only by resurrecting them is incredible. That she chooses to carry a gun about it is even more appealing. She's so prickly and snarky and seems like she cares a lot more than she's choosing to let on. I'd love something exploring what it was like for her to realise she's sick and that she'd need to leave her profession (she clearly cared a lot about being a surgeon!) and become a necromedic instead. What did she do between gaining her Craft and the start of the game? What does she think about the passionate weirdos she's ended up hanging around with?

Dessa is also ripe for h/c! On her end, I really enjoy seeing someone who's clearly currently so determined to be wrapped up in protective emotional armor have that stripped away. Plus, she's a necromedic; feel free to have other characters get hurt/killed and have Dessa resurrect them and have feelings about the whole die-and-get-reset-to-an-hour-ago thing. You could also do something super dramatic with "fuck I got here just a little too late for my Craft to work, guess I gotta use my surgeon skills despite my shaky hands". This doesn't need to be shippy at all, but I'm happy to see Dessa shipped with any requested character or with an OC if you wanna go more pre-canon.

Dall Sabin

I saw her, realised she was a woman, and then went "I am helplessly in love with this woman please give me more of her". I love when women get to be tanks! I love that she's a mechanic. I love that her Craft is teleportation/location-swapping. I love that she stole her armor. I love her default color scheme, especially since she obviously had to choose to modify the riot priest armor to make it mostly-pink with blue-and-white accents. (do I read her as a trans woman? yes. you don't need to! but I sure love that reading.) I love that she cares so much about her country and her culture and her religion. Anything exploring any of those elements would be fantastic!

Please feel free to invent as many OCs as necessary to explore her resistance cell and her pre-canon life in general. I think it's all very cool! I would love more about her and Jahi, her partner! Feel free to explore how Chorism works and how much it's "actually talking to the dead" vs "taking comfort in memories"; an AU where ghosts are outright part of life in Kalan and faithful Chorists can literally summon their dead loved onces would be neat!

I'd also love something more focused on Dall's relationships with the other named characters. She and Rion seem like they'll be fun together, Jen has a habit of sticking her nose into everyone's business, I love when she talks strategy with Zan, and I just think she and Dessa would be Neat. Plus, the fact that she doesn't have anything inherently against Kennedy makes the idea of them interacting more very fun!

Zan Vesker

I cannot tell how old he is and that is fine. I adore his relationship with his mother (please give me more of Ma Vesker!). I am fascinated by how he occasionally has long-term foresight instead of his usual one-second-ahead thing. How did he even figure out the evesdropping trick. Why did he get into the army to begin with? What was his relationship with Liv like? Does he have any idea what he's going to do after all this?

Zan's got a lot of life experience and also seems very tired at all times. Give him a break. Alternately, torture him with foreknowledge that he can't do much about! I mostly think of him in & relationships with people, but if you've got a solid case for a / relationship I'm down for hearing it.


tbh I've barely met him in-game at this point! I will come back to this later with more helpful details. In the meantime:

I like that he wants to work for contract and get paid, as opposed to the rest of this lot who have personal/idealism reasons for helping Zan take Kennedy down. I think it's fun that he was on Kennedy's team before she shot him and Dessa rezzed him and dragged him into being part of Zan's team instead. Maybe he's just working for hire, but there's still some tension there about how he poisoned Zan and Jen and is now working alongside them. Exploring that tension, and what helps anyone get over it (or what parts they won't let go of!) would be neat! Or what working under Kennedy was like and how it's different from working with this lot!

Alos he can turn into a dog. What's up with that. Love a good werewolf-ish character! Or just a druid with wild shape, I guess, but still. Which reminds me! I'd enjoy using him as a window into the Druid Mafia and what they're like. Why did he join them? What's initiation like? What are their goals?

WB: Any

Please use this as an excuse to explore any part of this world! I'm particularly into explorations of how magic works (the Craft, vessels, what unlocking powers is like), the history of this world (we're stopping WW5; what about WWs 3 and 4?), relationships between countries, how magic is related to infrastructure, explorations of any named organization, and any in-universe documentation which may explore any of these topics!

Table of Contents

Genshin Impact

Albedo/Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
Alhaitham/Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
Bennett/Razor (Genshin Impact)
Collei & Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
Cyno & Sethos (Genshin Impact)
Cyno & Lisa (Genshin Impact)
Lisa & Razor (Genshin Impact)
Nahida & Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)
Nahida/Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)
Solo: Lisa (Genshin Impact)
Solo: Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
Sethos & Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
Sethos/Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
Sucrose/Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
WB: Ba Fragments (Genshin Impact)
WB: Gaining a Vision (Genshin Impact)
WB: Gnoses (Genshin Impact)
WB: The Akademiya (Genshin Impact)
WB: The Akasha (Genshin Impact)
WB: The Temple of Silence (Genshin Impact)

General Prompts (For Any Request)

I love stories about nature and environmentalism! Tell me weird facts about Teyvat's flora and fauna and how any of these people have learned these things, or about characters exploring, camping, scouting, climbing mountains (or mountain-sized trees!), and similar things! Pretty much every character here has a reason to be out in nature, after all!

I also think stories about cultural exchange are great! A lot of these pairings are across some kind of cultural divide; what's it like talking about the differences between where they grew up and where they now are? What's it like visiting other countries or cultures? What do they they share? How do they share it? What's it like to see their home culture through another person's eyes?

Magic and technology! I am always here for more about how Visions work and how technology has integrated with magic and how different cultures/countries have developed! Similarly, history! Tell me about history, lived or researched. Delving into ruins, finding strange artefacts, attempting to understand what happened before to prevent it from happening again... There's so much opportunity in Teyvat for that kind of adventure and study!

I also think that a cyberpunk AU based on the Sumeru Archon Quest would be incredibly rad, if you want to play in a more AU space! When I played that questline I kept thinking about how it's cyberpunk themes in a solarpunk setting and it made my brain go !!!, especially when I got to the god-mecha. Dreams as progamming loops? The Akasha as internet implants? Nahida as a literal god in a machine (and Scaramouche as a differnt kind of god in a differnt kind of machine)? It's all so interesting to think about, and if you wanna go that direction I'd love to see what you come up with!

[Click Here!] Prompts Under The Cut


My fave rarepair! Botany nerds! I love the potential for them to bond over nature, and especially flowers, and for that to blossom (pun very intended) into romance.

Honestly, a lot of this is me just thinking they'd be cute together. I like their color schemes, and I think that Sucrose and Tighnari could infodump at each other (I read them both as being rather autistic) and that they'd have a lot of fun being with someone else who gets their special interests and hyperfixations. Because they're both scientists, but with somewhat different focuses/drives, they could also help each other problem-solve when they're stuck in an experiment.

I also think that they'd have a ton of fun showing each other the natural environments of their homeland! Sucrose might be less of an outdoorsy person than Tighnari, but she's still a botanical researcher; she knows her way around Mondstadt. And Tighnari is a Forest Ranger, so obviously he'd be able to take Sucrose camping and show her absolutely everything about Sumeru!

Plot-wise, I would love something about science bringing them together. Maybe they both present at various science conventions, and it's a slow-burn? Maybe one of them reaches out to the other for help with a project? Maybe they end up collaborating on a scientific paper together?

Or maybe it's more of a road trip adventure! They could even stumble across some unknown Domain or underground system that they hadn't previously known about and explore it together, if you want more of an adventure-y approach. Plenty of room for hurt/comfort tropes there too, if you'd like!

I'd equally happy to have this be an established relationship thing where they've been low-key together for a while and the story's about them finally both having a vacation together for the first time in months because they're usually so busy in their separate homes. That could be super cute! And possibly integrate elements of the previous prompts, too.

I tend to imagine their age difference as Sucrose being a grad student (mid/late 20s) while Tighnari is a post-doc researcher (late 20s/early 30s), so they're both adults but in somewhat different (but overlapping) stages of life.

(Also: trans woman Sucrose and he/him butch lesbian Tighnari would be my absolute favorite thing.)

Sethose & Tighnari

Two very helpful people who keep being like "I mean I guess I'm in charge but can you stop saying it like that?" to the people around them and seem to genuinely enjoy wandering around the wilderness! Truly I just looked at Sethos and immediately went "I want to see him with Tighnari" and haven't looked back.

I'm also fascinated by the way Tighnari's heritage as a Tighnarian/Valuka Shuna (people modeled after Hermanubis) relates to Sethos's role as a leader of the Temple of Silence (created by and dedicated in part to Hermanubis). Is this something they think about? Talk about? Have feelings about? (tbh I would be very down for a roleplay/kink thing about Tighnari either (a) playing the role of Hermanubis in god/devotee roleplay sex or (b) being collared and leashed as Sethos's pet.)

I'd also love the two of them just going and exploring more of the world together! Taking a vacation/road trip! Maybe they only allow this of themselves because they need to go track down some shard of knowledge about Hermanubis/King Deshret that requires both Sethos's knowledge and Tighnari's heritage to unlock? Maybe they're doing it just for joy? But either way, I love that sort of exploration and camaraderie for the two of them as they grow closer together—or enjoy an established relationship and the familiarity of travel together!

Nahida & Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)
Nahida/Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)
Time, memory, and second chances.

They're both so old but so young at the same time, and I'm fascinated by that—as well as the complicated power dynamics inherent in their relationship. I'd love to read something that explores the ways they interact with each other, their newfound freedom (or something like that), and the powers they can wield and how they effect the world and each other.

How do they help each other grow? How do they hold each other in check? What do they know that the other doesn't? What do they share with each other, and what do they want to keep to themselves?

I'm also super interested in Scara's feelings about names, gender, and embodiment! (aka: if you want to write any kind of trans Scara, I am here for it!) He's been so many different people, and done so many different things, and now here's Nahida asking him to attempt to be a person for his own sake. He wears a hat that hides his face, doesn't give a shit what people call him, and doesn't want to engage with people. And yet! There's always so much under the surface, with him.

Nahida's also fascinating, because she has two true histories: the one Traveller remembers, where we first met her, and the new one where she's always been the Archon. I'd love something that plays with this dichotomy of Nahida's history and lived experience.

I have a DNW about mind control. Scara's plotlines often revolve around such things. You are welcome to include references to canon instances of puppetry and mind control and the like, but I'd prefer you treat them as the often-traumatic experiences any such extreme loss of control can be.

Cyno & Sethos (Genshin Impact)
I am aware that the game thinks they're roughly the same age. I cannot get over my own mental belief that Cyno is like most of a decade older than Sethos, because I eternally think Cyno is older than the game wants me to think he is.

I'm fascinated by their childhood! What was it like being special experiment children? What would it have been like in an AU where they grew up together? What's it like reconnecting now, after so much time has passed? How do they regain a relationship that Cyno barely remembers having? How do they relate to each other when Cyno now has two Ba Fragments and Sethos has none? What do they teach each other about the world? Sethos travels a lot, but Cyno seems to know more about people and how to play and enjoy himself. Just, anything exploring their parallels and dichotomies!

Cyno & Lisa (Genshin Impact)
Cyno being Lisa's shidi fascinates me! They took such different routes through life despite having the same teacher. I'd love to see more of them together. And Razor, too, if you'd like! I think that Cyno and Razor could bond over their canine-related magic! Razor bringing Cyno (and Lisa) to meet Andrius/his wolf-father would be neat! Or they could spar together! Maybe Lisa takes Razor to visit Cyno in Sumeru? Lots of fun options here!

But focusing just on Cyno and Lisa, I'm curious about Lisa's relationship with the Akademiya in general and Cyno seems like a good window into that! His role in the Akademiya is a mirror of Lisa's role in the Knights of Favonious: where Lisa is an academic who can also fight, Cyno is a warrior who is also an academic. Something exploring the contrast between those elements would be neat!

I think it'd be particularly fun if they exchanged academic notes/papers with each other, or ended up collaborating on something, or otherwise teamed up somehow. Maybe one of them needs the other's expertise for a problem that came up! idk, I just think they're fun!

Lisa & Razor (Genshin Impact)
Mentorship! I love Lisa's teacher/academic side. She's so smart, and she studied at the Akademiya, and chooses instead to mostly be a librarian. I wouldn't be surprised if she'd been a fantastic peer tutor at the Akademiya, and also a TA who ran intro-level classes. So of course she has a teenager she's mentoring! That's fantastic! I love that for her.

Razor is also fascinating! I think he's very cute. I think his raised-by-wolves backstory is fun. I'd love to hear more about how he began integrating into Mondstadt society, and how Lisa in particular became his mentor. How does he balance human and wolf society? Does he go back to the wolves occasionally? Do Lisa and Andrius collaborate on Razor's teaching?

I think it'd be fun to see anything examining this mentorship relationship. Razor's integration into society is on-going, of course, and anything exploring how Lisa helps him find his place will delight me. I also enjoy reading about education in general, and would be particularly interested in magical education!

Please show Razor as being intelligent, even if he doesn't speak fluently. His first language is wolf, and he's very able to convey his feelings and desires in the human tongue; that's what matters.

Bennett/Razor (Genshin Impact)
They're both cute and enthusiastic teens! I think they'd have a lot of fun running around together. Razor could show Bennet his wolf-family! Bennett could take Razor to meet his dads! They could go on adventures together! They're both pretty independent people who still have a lot to learn and plenty of space to grow, and I think it'd be lovely to see them doing that together.

I'd enjoy stories about exploration, missions for the Knights, hurt/comfort, and what being a young person in the Knights is like! I also think this could easily blend with the Lisa & Razor request, if any of that is inspiring for you.

(Note: I consider Bennett and Razor both to be old enough that I'm happy to read about them having sex if that's something you're interested in. They're adolescents, I think them fumbling around with sex is normal.)

Solo: Lisa (Genshin Impact)
I love Lisa very much! I love smart women who know what they want to do and go about doing it even if other people despair over how they "aren't living up to their potential". Why did Lisa decide to quit academia? What did she think of the Akademiya when she was there? What was it like going abroad for university and them coming back to Mondstadt? What are her favorite books? What does she study in her free time? I'm down for anything exploring her life and interests and taking her seriously! Feel free to riff off ideas in the & Cyno and & Razor requests, too!

Solo: Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)
I'm curious about all the gaps in his life throughout the years! Tell me about his creation! About his time wandering around! About how he ended up recruited into the Harbingers/Fatui! About what it's like to be free to do whatever he wants in Sumeru and getting backed into being part of the Akademiya! Does he have friends? Does he want friends? Has he ever had a pet? What does it even mean to be a puppet? (Has he ever interacted with Albedo or other created beings?) What are his feelings about names? Has he ever chosen his own name? What about gender?

Solo: Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
I love Tighnari as an academic and an educator! I love that he wants to do more practical/hands-on learning that he can provide to anyone and everyone! I love that he's so respected by everyone in his community and that they know just how skilled he is! I love how much he cares for people, both as a medic/healer and simply because he likes people! I love how endlessly curious he is and how much he delights in learning new things! I think it's so fantastic that he wants to protect people and the natural world and has found a job where he can do all these things he loves so much!

A variety of assorted headcanons about Tighnari for you to use or not as you wish: He's autistic (certainly has the infodump habit!). He's a monsterfucker (also a plantfucker). He'll try anything once (especially when it comes to food). He likes public speaking (see: educator).

Please feel free to pick literally anyone to have him interact with in gen ways! Additionally, here's another couple people I'd love to see him shipped with romantically and/or sexually: Sucrose, Albedo, Gorou, Baizhu, Candace

(also butch he/him lesbian Tighnari is my dream version of him but obviously you don't gotta write that)

Collei & Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
I love mentorship! That's pretty much the entirety of this one for me. I love how they relate as a mentor and student, and how fond they are of each other, and I would love as much about that relationship as you're willing to create. Whether that's Tighnari teaching Collei something entirely new, Collei turning the tables and teaching Tighnari something herself, or Tighnari realising that Collei's matching or surpassing him in some aspect, I'll enjoy it all. Some fun othr mediums for them: Herbals, bestiaries, diary entries, essays, notes left for each other. Trope/subject-wise, I'd also enjoy hurt/comfort (wound tending especially), battle couple things (Tighnari teaching Collei archery?), or just them going camping!

Alhaitham/Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
I enjoy the possibilities for shared snark and caretaking and "I am a leader I guess but I don't want to be, let me keep doing my own thing please". Alhaitham and Tighnari being a battle couple is also super fun for me! They have very different, but complementary, styles of fighting and moving through physical space. I also think they can relate to sensory oversensitivities (I like headcanoning that Alhaitham has auditory sensitivity, and Tighnari's large ears could lead to the same) and bond over that.

Albedo/Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
Albedo and Tighnari are such skilled researchers, and they'd have a great time exchanging (or comparing!) notes and dissecting each other's research in a friendly (/flirty?) way. They could also have extremely kinky sex for science reasons (or with knowledge gained via science). Really, they'd just make good science buddies!

WB: The Akasha (Genshin Impact)
Love a good cybernetic computer system that also has the ability to steal your dreams! I'm fascinated by how the Akasha system worked. Was it functioning as intended during the Sumeru archon quest? Had its purpose been corrupted? If so, how much? What led people to rely on it so much? How much information was being secreted away? How strange did it seem to people from other lands? How did it feel to leave the range of the Akasha and visit elsewhere? Anything exploring the Akasha and its relationship to education would also be rad!

WB: The Akademiya (Genshin Impact)
This mostly me wanting to know more about how it works! :D Do a deep dive into any Darshan! Tell me about academic papers! What does a typical class schedule look like? What's an example of a capstone project/essay? How do people get into the Akademiya? What's it like for people who come from outside Sumeru? How much is it being reorganized in the wake of the Sumeru Archon quest/Nahida's rise? Please feel free to use literally any in-universe documents you feel are appropriate instead of writing a narrative!

WB: The Temple of Silence (Genshin Impact)
I am fascinated by the history of this place. We're told it in broad strokes! I would love more details about how it was founded, how it moved from place to place, what they think of the fake institution within the Akademiya (and how they split from the Akademiya), and where they're going in the future. I'd also enjoy historical documentation, religious art/iconography, or thoughts about day-to-day life within the Temple.

WB: Ba Fragments (Genshin Impact)
What are they? How do they work? What experiments, failed or successful, have been done with them in the past? How have members of the Temple of Silence tried to find the missing pieces? What is it like for Cyno or Sethos to have a Ba fragment within them? Is the feeling intensified when they're combined? What's it like to have lost one? What's the mythology surrounding them? Anything exploring these would be cool!

WB: Gaining a Vision (Genshin Impact)
What's this like for people? What stories are told of how it happens? How do people around someone react when they've gained it? How often are the moments traumatic? Does anyone study what situations are more likely to result in gaining visions? Does anyone try and figure out where visions even come from? Or if there's any correlation between circumstances and elemental affinities? Or personalities and elemental affinities? Or... anything like that? I'd also happily take expansions on how various people gained visions! I know those are often talked about in character stories, but please riff of that or give me alternate situations or otherwise play around with the concept!

WB: Gnoses (Genshin Impact)
They're so powerful! They can do so many things! They're akin to visions but for gods, sort of? Or something? Ther's one for each element, probably? What do they do? What's it like to hold one when you aren't an archon? What does it take to channel its power? What can they do for people who aren't archons? What special things do they allow archons to do? Literally anything exploring these magical devices would be cool!

Table of Contents

Scavengers Reign

Kris/Azi Nareen (Scavengers Reign)
Levi & Azi Nareen (Scavengers Reign)
Mia/Azi Nareen (Scavengers Reign)
Fiona & Levi (Scavengers Reign)
Sam & Ursula (Scavengers Reign)
Ursula & Levi (Scavengers Reign)
Solo: Azi Nareen (Scavengers Reign)
Solo: Kris (Scavengers Reign)
Solo: Levi (Scavengers Reign)
Solo: Ursula (Scavengers Reign)
WB: Any (Scavengers Reign (Cartoon))
WB: Creating a Settlement on Vesta (Scavengers Reign)
WB: Flora and Fauna of Vesta (Scavengers Reign)

I'm so fascinated by the world of Vesta and how people learn to work with its flora and fauna. With that in mind: What were the first few months on Vesta like for everyone? How did the trial and error of learning how to interact with/use the flora and fauna go? (Everyone figured it out in their own ways!) What were their favorite experiences? How does it change them? Everyone on Vesta is changed by it, after all. Most of them seemed to have a solid sense of awe and a bond with the planet at times! I'd love more exploration of that.

This is also a fantatic canon for alternate fanwork types! Journal pages, bestiaries, maps of the areas they originally stayed in or the new settlement they're building, etc.

[Click Here!] Prompts Under The Cut

Kris/Azi Nareen
This would be terrible but it's so compelling. They clash, they have such different priorities, they do not get along but they need to get along. What would it be like if Kris hadn't escaped? What would it be like if Kris had taken Azi with her? How would their relationship evolve if they'd have more time together? Or just some questionably-good-idea sex set during canon! That'd be fun too!

Levi & Azi Nareen
I love their relationship! The way they take care of each other is great, as is Azi slowly realising how much of a person Levi is now. How does that relationship keep growing as changing as Levi becomes even more Vestan? What was their relationship like during the early days on Vesta right after they landed?

Mia/Azi Nareen
They're cute! I honestly just want more about this relationship, because I don't feel like the show gave us very much. They met in circumstances that were going to be constrained by time, and then the whole crashing-on-Vesta situation changed that wildly. How does their relationship change as a result?

Fiona & Levi
Fiona put so much of herself into Levi. What was their relationship like on the Demeter? What lingers even now? The relationship between a robot and its creator is always interesting, but it gets more complex when there's clearly a spiritual/memory aspect as well. Is Levi in some ways the last remnant of Fiona's spirit? Is our Levi special, or could all of the Levi units potentially bear some of Fiona in that way? How much of taking Fiona's body into herself was Levi's idea vs Vesta's?

Sam & Ursula
How did their landing on Vesta change the relationship they had previously? What was it like for Sam to realise that Ursula was more capable on Vesta than he was? What was it like to be the only two humans they could be certain were alive? What were their explorations together like?

Ursula & Levi
They don't meet much during canon but I was fascinated by what was there. Ursula is a plant person, and Levi is a plant robot now, and I think there's some cool stuff that could be done with Ursula trying to work together with Levi to gain greater understanding of both Levi herself and of Vesta in general using the innate knowledge Levi has access to as part of Vesta.

Solo: Azi Nareen
I love mechanics. I also love butch characters, and I spent the first while going "well this is a character with Gender", so I'd particularly enjoy trans interpretations of Azi! Anything about how Azi works with robots, how she looks for connection, how she learns to love Vesta, and the stubborn determination to care for people she has would be great! (I don't like Kamen, but I absolutely respect Azi going "fuck I need to save him too if I can", because he is a person.) I love how Azi connects to the people around her and is always reaching for others.

Solo: Kris
She's such an ass! I love her. She knows what she wants and she's going to make it happen. What was her life like before canon? What the fuck happened to her between leaving Vesta and running into those techpriests? What happens to her after meeting those techpriests? Please explore anything and everything about what her crew had been like, why she's this ruthless, and what happens next for her. I have zero problems with her being self-centered and mission-focused. I love the moments where she seems to care for someone but then hardens her heart again. I would be fascinated by learning how Vesta changed her even as she ran from it.

Solo: Levi
Best robot, favorite character, most beloved. I want to know everything about robot consciousness in general and then how Vesta in particular bonded with her and changed her. What is she now? What's up with the mini-me's running around at the end? How does this relate to That Flower? What relationships does she keep with the humans of Demeter? What does she want? Explore anything about her interiority and place in the world and I'll be delighted!

Solo: Ursula
I love the growth Ursula experiences over the season. Her growing confidence and leadership ability delights me; I'd love to know what role she takes in the community after returning to Demeter-227. We don't know much about her past! I'd love more about that too! What led her to join Demeter-227 in the first place? What was being on the ship like for her before everything went wrong? Also, Ursula spends so much time stressed that anything where she's happy and/or relaxed (even if it's just for a brief time) will make me happy too!

If you're into alternate fanworks, something focusing on Ursula's journal/notebook would be super cool! Pages showing her notes on Vesta's flora/fauna and their uses/interactions with each other would be fantastic. (Illustrations + text, or however you want to do that.)

WB: Flora and Fauna of Vesta
I am utterly delighted by all the flora and fauna on Vesta and would adore anything showing them! I would be happy with any of them, whether beautiful, horrific, or a combination thereof. Bestiaries! Botanical illustrations! Field studies! More about how they interact with each other and how humans have learned to use them! Anything focused on Vesta will be so cool!

WB: Creating a Settlement on Vesta
I know that Demeter was already supposed to be a colony ship but also wow how did everyone adapt to this new planet and the crashlanding? How did they plan out their town? How has it been built? Are they growing non-native plants from seed? Do they have non-native fauna/embryos in cold storage to raise? Or are they using purely Vestan flora/fauna? What plans do they have for the future? How are they integrating technology and Vestan flora/fauna? Who's in charge? Are there factions? What's the organization structure? Please tell me about how this works!

WB: Any
Or anything else you want to explore! :D The world of Scavengers Reign is very cool, and I've focused on Vesta because that's where the show is set but there's a ton going on around the edges. Kris and her people. The techpriest necromancers shown briefly at the end of the season. The companies sending out colony ships to begin with. Lots of options! Have fun!

Table of Contents

On a Sunbeam

Alma/Charlotte (On a Sunbeam)
Grace Hill/Jules/Mia (On a Sunbeam)
Grace Hill/Mia (On a Sunbeam)
Jules/Mia (On a Sunbeam)
Solo: Elliott Reed (On a Sunbeam)
Solo: Marshmallow (On a Sunbeam)
WB: Any (On a Sunbeam (Graphic Novel))

This beautiful comic is freely available online! Queer women, cool space fantasy, fantastic found family! I love getting more people into this canon! Please give it a shot!

If you do art: this is a comic, and I like the art in it, but I'm also excited to see your own art style! Please feel free to draw the characters in whatever way is comfortable for you!

I love the world of this comic. I love space fantasy and I love that it's about people coming together and helping each other, and I love the (relatively) low stakes around all of it. Slice of life, domestic fluff, and introspection in strange and beautiful places will always be welcome here.

General Prompts
I would love a story about a restoration job! Show me the work being done! Tell me about the cool science fantasy technology that goes into building and restoring places! Show me the stories of those old places and all the beautiful mysteries that are found while exploring them!

[Click Here!] Prompts Under The Cut

Post-canon domesticity, hearing about what the kids are doing, finding a new balance and new (smaller) adventures. OR! Their original get-together days doing illegal stuff to help people in need! :D How'd they meet? What risks did they take? How did they evade the law?

Grace Hill/Mia
We see their school days. I'd love to see post-canon, the second chance at a relationship! What's it like re-learning each other? Does it work out romantically? (It doesn't need to! I'd also adore a story where they try but it turns out that they're better off as friends/colleagues/partners in some other way!)

Jules has been in this longer than Mia, obviously, and shows her the ropes. But when it comes down to it, Mia's the one who takes charge. Their dynamic is so interesting to me! I'd love to see how their relationship progressed (including some OMG THEY WERE ROOMMATES if you'd like) and what brings them over the edge to a friendship that includes sex and/or romance.

Grace Hill/Jules/Mia
All the stuff I've talked about above applies! Combine them however! Plus, now there's Grace/Jules to consider: Grace and Jules come from such different worlds but they're both so into stories and the imaginary. Plus, Jules has Marshmallow, a physical connection to The Staircase! I just think it'd be Neat!

Solo: Elliott Reed
I would love a story exploring their pre-canon life! Mapmaking is super cool, and Sid sounds fascinating, and everything that led to them running is very dramatic.

Solo: Marshmallow
I love bonded animals, especially old magic ones. What was their life like before? What's it's like for Marshmallow to adjust to join with Jules? How do they interact? What do other people think of Marshmallow?

WB: Any
inclusive of: WB: Professional Lux (On a Sunbeam)
WB: Restoration Companies (On a Sunbeam)
WB: Restoration Protocols (On a Sunbeam)
WB: Rules of Lux (On a Sunbeam)
WB: The Staircase (On a Sunbeam)

This is a very broad prompt! I'd be extremely here for anything about Tessian Foxes, anything about The Staircase (its settlement, its environment, its culture), or honestly anything about video games and space exploration and why spaceships are fish or anything else that catches your mind! I love people playing games! I love learning about space logistics! This is a super cool setting!

Table of Contents

Original Work

Sci-Fi-ish Prompts

Angel Carcass Fallen From the Sky & Scientists Studying It (OW)
Crew of a Crashed Spacecraft & Eldritch Alien Architecture (OW)
Human/Symbiotic Shapeshifting Alien Keeping Them Alive In Hostile Environment (OW)
Inexperienced Wizard Trying To Summon a Dragon/Starfighter Pilot Who Flew Through a Space Hole (OW)
Post Apocalyptic Scavenger & Pre-Apocalypse War Robot (OW)
Solo: Mecha Pilot Who's Permanently Fused With Their Mech (OW)

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Angel Carcass Fallen From the Sky & Scientists Studying It (OW)

This is just so cool??? Please get as weird and horrific (or as strange and beautiful!) as you want with the angel carcass! Define "angel" in any way you'd like! I am so here for eldritch monstrosities and "angel" merely being a convenient word for the whatever-it-is that stuck. How big is it? How human(oid) is it? Is it made of the same sort of stuff as normal life on whatver planet? Is it anything anyone has ever seen before, whether alive or dead?

One way I think about taking this is a moderately dystopic thing where the "angels" are basically a police force and this carcass falling from the sky gives the people hope that they can rise up and take them down, so the scientists are studying it to figure out why this happened and how they can use it to their advantage.

Another way would be viewing the angels as protctors against some unknown force (lovecraftian horror? conquering aliens? something else?) and this as a sign that things are going wrong, so that the scientists are instead studying it to try and figure out how to prevent it from happening again.

Or this is the first sign the people have ever had that these exist! So the scientists are studying it for a chance to figure out wtf it is and how it works in any way at all!

I am extremely here for as much technobabble as you'd like to put in. I am also here for science and magic being a blended study, if you'd like to go more fantasy-vibes!

I'm excited to learn about the dynamics within the team of scientists (how long have they known each other? have they worked together before?), and also about whatever external pressures are upon them (governmental oversight, lab funding difficulties, their families wanting them home more, etc.), and also how they relate to the carcass (do they love it? fear it? think of it as a person? want to meet a living one? are glad it's dead? worry that they'll catch something from it? something else entirely?).

Crew of a Crashed Spacecraft & Eldritch Alien Architecture (OW)

My first thought with this was: did the alien architecture make the ship crash? If so, why? If not, what did? Regardless, I love the idea of creeping dread and horror vibes with this prompt! (If you aren't into horror: confusion, overwhelm, and awe are also fair emotions to play with!) I really enjoy stories about literally hostile environments that might not be actively dangerous/bad physically (like, not on fire or made of spikes) but which is passively hostile for more psychological reasons.

What makes the architecture eldritch? Does it exist in too many dimensions (or too few)? Does it change when it's not observed? Does it appear differently to different people? Is it meant to be accessed by people whose primary sense isn't sight? (Sound or scent? Even touch!) Is the architecture even fully knowable by the crew?

Why is the crew interacting with the architecture? Is it the entirety of the place they crashed (e.g., they're on an eldritch alien spacestation)? Is it their best hope for finding parts/fuel/something else they need to repair their ship and get it working again? Does the architecture call/draw one or more member of the crew to itself? If so, why? What does the crew bring that the architecture is invested in?

I'd also love seeing the crew interact with each other! I love team environments and the relationships that get forged when you're often each other's only company. Add that to the pressure cooker of a crashlanding and a weird place and you've got a lot of potential for people/their relationships to either cling to each other or shatter apart in fasinating ways.

Also, please don't feel like you need to explain the architecture! I am happy for it to be strange and unknowable! I am also happy for the crew to all end up dead/horribly changed; I do not need this to end well/happily.

Human/Symbiotic Shapeshifting Alien Keeping Them Alive In Hostile Environment (OW)

This has Venom expy vibes, which is fine, but I'd love to see other takes on this!

I'm curious how common this kind of alien-human symbiosis is. Is this an established kind of bond where the privedged few (or the disposable many) are sent scouting through dangerous environments? Is this something where this human expected to die but then the alien realised they could bond and keep the human alive? Something in the middle? I'm down for whatever interpretation you'd like!

What does the alien get out of this? The human obviously gains survivability in a variety of situations. Was a bargain struck with the aliens (either individually or as a whole culture), or are they symbiotic slaves? What does this particular human-alien set think of their bond? How separate do they feel they are as people, anyway?

I am also curious what kind of hostile environment you're thinking of! This could be anything! Some ideas that come to mind: cleaning up polluted planets/doing terraforming, exploring new planets to see if they're already inhabited or if they can be colonised, forward scouts in wartime, scientists venturing where no-one has gone before... Please feel free to do anything else you can imagine, too! There are so many options!

I will also admit that I'd be perfectly happy with a work that doesn't deal with all those questions but is instead interested in this as a monsterfucker prompt. Please give me weird xeno! I like weird xeno! Symbosis to know exactly what each other wants, shapeshifting to make it more easily possible, doing things which would be impossible for a normal human... it's all very fun for me!

Inexperienced Wizard Trying To Summon a Dragon/Starfighter Pilot Who Flew Through a Space Hole (OW)
I make eyes at this because I love it when magic and technology coexist! This gives me a ton of questions, beginning with "has the wizard ever seen a starship before?", "has the pilot ever met a wizard before?", and "do dragons = starships?" and continuing from there.

There's so much worldbuilding potential here! Please feel free to pull from both high fantasy and space opera tropes! I love both genres and I'm extremely excited about smashing them together. How do magic and technology interact? Do they hamper each other, or do they simply run along such different logics that they don't care about each other at all? Is this a world where magic is a science, or one where magic is made of wonders? Is this a world where spaceships are literally dragons (or made of the bones/hearts/skins of dragons) or where spaceships are highly engineered plastic and metal contraptions? Give me as much worldbuilding as you'd like to do! I love it very much!

Why was the wizard trying to summon a dragon? Was this a graduation requirement from wizard university, or a spur-of-the-moment revenge plan, or just a "fuck you!" spite-fueled way to try and show off? Did they mean to summon something giant, or were they looking for something more like a fire lizard (as a familiar, perhaps)? Have they ever successfully summoned a dragon before? Or, honestly, anything? Like, how big of a mistake was this? Was this a ritual they found in a dusty old book and had to partially reconstruct (and made errors with), or some standard spell that really should work properly except they fucked up somewhere?

How big is this starship, anyway? Is this a single-person scout vehicle, or a massive starliner? I admit, I first imagined the latter, because I think a whole Enterprise-sized starship showing up suddenly forces a lot more cultural interchange, but a "dragon" being a class of starfighter would also make sense. Can this starship even fly in atmosphere? Does it crash? If so, how much hurt/comfort is there as the wizard goes "OH SHIT OH SHIT" and tries to figure out wtf happened and help the pilot out?

I love seeing people trying to understand each other across cultures and languages. I know that both sci-fi and fantasy have ways of solving the "we can't speak each other's language" problem, but I would love for that to be acknowledged—or for there to be an interesting worldbuilding reason why they do speak the same lanuage! But really, I'm just super excited about all the potential culture clashes that come from a starfaring pilot and a wizard trying to understand each other (and falling in love along the way).

I'd love for both the Pilot and the Wizard to have communities they're thinking about/interacting with outside of each other (which is also part of why I was thinking about a bigger starship; a shuttle would have a crew, at least). Especially when there's so much worldbuilding potential in an OW ship, I really don't need the romance to be highlighted/central; I'd rather see the world built around them and have the relationship be just one thread of many.

Post Apocalyptic Scavenger & Pre-Apocalypse War Robot (OW)

I feel like this could run the gamut from sweet to terrifying and I am absolutely down for any mood you're interested in creating! I kind of assume that this work would be about the scavenger and the robot meeting, but I'd also find it fun if they've been established partners for some time for whatever reason! I think many of the following questions would still apply.

What was the apocalypse? How related was it to the war that the robot was from? How long ago was it? How much do people remember the war? How humanoid is the robot? How humanoid is it? Has it been powered-down since the apocalypse or has it been wandering around looking for meaning in its own way?

Is the scavenger looking for anything in particular? How big a society does the scavenger live with? Is this more Mad Max or more hopepunk vibes? How old is the scavenger? What sort of creature/vehicle does the scavenger use to get around (I doubt they travel entirely on foot)?

I would enjoy a travellogue focused on the environment, a historical document as the scavenger tries to understand what the robot went through, technical documentation of the robot as the scavenger helps fix/reboot it, outsider POV on this strange pair and how communities interact with them, a character study about the robot and the scavenger bonding, something more action/adventure about the robot saving the scavenger from the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world (with hurt/comfort/protectiveness), or whatever else this inspires in you!

Solo: Mecha Pilot Who's Permanently Fused With Their Mech (OW)

Did the pilot know this would be a consequence of being a pilot? Or is this a weird new thing? Do mechs absorb multiple pilots, or is this more of a we're-together-forever-just-the-two-of-us sort of thing? I would be equally delighted by this being treated as body horror or as gender euphoria. I am happy to have the pilot dissolve into the mech, for them to join a multipartate consciousness, or to become one greater whole.

My general assumption about mecha stories is that they're set at least partially in space. Feel free to go with whatever scale you'd like, from Gundam-esque "mecha like this are rare and the setting is only Earth, orbital habitats, and the moon" to galaxy-spanning space opera where legions of mecha battle each other as factions compete for imperial domination. Or more middling things in between that are at a solar system level, focus on exploring the galaxy, or whatever else is intersting to you.

I would love thoughts about how the pilot and the mecha relate to each other, how people view them/think of them/use them, what they want to do vs what they can do, and what the purpose of a mecha even is. A lot of the time, mecha are used for war! Can they be anything else? If so, what?

I am happy to see as much space magic as you'd like! Or double down on high-tech reasons for this! Both are super fun worldbuilding options!

C-Drama/C-Novel-ish Prompts

Chinese Republican Era Vampire Lady/Chinese Republican Era Hulijing (F/F) (OW)
Down-on-his-luck scholar/Female general looking for a ruzhui husband (OW)
Heretical Cultivator & His Adopted Child & Orthodox Cultivators Who Disapprove (OW)
Imperial Concubine/Other Imperial Concubine (F/F) (OW)
Solo: Righteous Cultivator Turned Into A Living Weapon (OW)

[Click Here!] Prompts Under The Cut

Chinese Republican Era Vampire Lady/Chinese Republican Era Hulijing (F/F) (OW)
This is just so aesthetic, holy shit. I love the Chinese Republican Era for the sheer amount of cultures mixing and mingling, especially around Shanghai (though you're of course welcome to set this anywhere in China), and that makes it a wonderful setting for urban fantasy stories! How are hulijing adapting to the rapidly changing world? Are vampires even native to China? Were non-human beings integrated into society before this? Is this a setting where the supernatural is a secret, or is it well-known? Or is it one of those things that's now seen as a cultural relic or something like that?

I'd love so many things with this pairing. Established relationship where it's them against the world. Meet-cute/meet-ugly where they slowly romance each other. Enemies-to-lovers where they bicker and fight and are still drawn together. Sex-before-love where they're mad about catching feelings. Tell me about how they fit into their world! Tell me about what they do and how they interact with each other, supernatural society, and the mundane public!

I will admit that most of the Republican Era media that I've consumed leans heavily into spies and detective fiction. I do love that genre, and I would be delighted by a mystery/noir-leaning story with these characaters! However, feel free to go beyond that: the Republican Era overlaps with jazz halls, for instance, and with plenty of wars, and there's a ton of fodder for stories of many tones and genres.

Down-on-his-luck scholar/Female general looking for a ruzhui husband (OW)

This relationship is such a fun prompt! I love how it shifts the assumptions of social class and status around. Like, obviously scholars are generally respected, but this one is down-on-his-luck! Something had to have happened there. What? (Did he piss someone off? If so, how? Is he suffering from a family member being disgraced? Was he associated with something that went horribly wrong? Or is he just suffering from a string of mundane minor sufferings?) And a female general! Are women commonly accepted into the military, or is this an oddity? How did she come to this status?

I am interested in either a long slow courtship or an arranged/decreed marriage of some sort where they need to learn about each other and fall in love after they're already married. These people seem like they'd likely come from rather different circumstances and not necessarily think about life in the same way! Which is very fun to see people work through and find a balance for where they understand and appreciate each other even if they don't have the same framework for life.

If you're interested in writing about battles/campaigns/fighting, I would love to see the female general in her element! That would be so fun! I am also very here for seeing the scholar doing his thing! I love academia and poetry and in-universe documents etc. (Or have him be into something more esoteric and/or occult! Alchemy, cultivation manuals, religious rites/ghost stuff...) Please feel free to go as deep into any of those topics (or other topics!) as you'd like.

I also love seeing the main characters' friends and families! I love characters being in communities, and I'd love to know what those people think of this marriage: is it reasonable for people of their status, do they think it'll end well, are there rumours (true or otherwise) about their partner, are they worried about anything, did they ever think these people would get married...

Really, please feel free to go into the nitty-gritty of emotional beats! And feel free to make the marriage something that's hard for the characters to make work! I would like it to be something they're satisfied with in the end, but it can often be so satisfying to see them work for it. I'm also happy with the romantic/sexual feelings being less relevant than companionate feelings; if this ends up feeling more queerplatonic than anything else, that's absolutely fine with me!

Heretical Cultivator & His Adopted Child & Orthodox Cultivators Who Disapprove (OW)

What do the orthodox cultivators disapprove of? The adopted kid learning a heretical path? I'm assuming that the heretical cultivator saved the kid somehow, which was probably a failing of the orthodox cultivators somehow; that's how this kind of trope usually goes. I'm happy to see a different take on it, though!

I think this'd be fun as something about the orthodox cultivators getting into ethical/moral arguments with the heretical cultivator about their different paths. I also think it'd be fun to see them continuing to cross paths in the jianghu and have the orthodox cultivators keep attempting to teach the kid enough of their own path to convince the kid to ditch the heretical cultivator, only to have it never work and the kid just become a super good martial artist because of learning all these styles. Or have an orthodox cultivator get annoyed enough to keep following the heretical cultivator around and have them end up in a platonic co-parenting situation! The world (or jianghu, at least) is your oyster.

Imperial Concubine/Other Imperial Concubine (F/F) (OW)

I love juicy court politics and back-room whisper networks! Anything in that realm will be delightful to read. I've seen (and requested) some specific dynamics in the past (Smart Past-Her-Prime Concubine/New Naive Beautiful Concubine, Powerful Concubine in the Harem/Newly Arrived Harem Member), which you're welcome to play with too! What makes the seemingly useless concubine appear useless, and what is she hiding? What can the older concubine and the younger learn from each other (or give to each other)? What can any of them to do shape the political atmosphere of the empire? Include their kids and siblings and all the other elements of the women's court, too, if you'd like! Or just write a bunch of f/f smut; I'd be extremely here for that too.

Solo: Righteous Cultivator Turned Into A Living Weapon (OW)

Corruption arcs! And/or healing arcs! I am down for any and all of the story of a righteous person being forced to do terrible things, the story of a living weapon turning on the person who tormented them, or the story of someone re-learning how to be a person again after all that.

I love magic and monsters (who might also be humans) and I would be down for this in either low or high fantasy! Jianghu, imperial city, or heavenly/demonic realms! Whatever vibes you're going for aesthetically, I imagine I'd be into it.

Some extra fun things to maybe play with: collaring, literal or figurative; bestial transformations; seduction and coersion; becoming the thing you hate/once hunted; forgetting/relearning how to cry; gentle touch being painful because it's so unexpected, or was too often a prelude to pain; mad science/magic; trying to justify one's actions but eventually failing to find a reason behind them and breaking because of that.

Fantasy-ish Prompts

Chosen One's Best Friend/Chosen One's New Magical Ally (OW)
Disabled Veteran of a Magical War & Child He Adopts (M & Any) (OW)
Sorceress Who Hid Her Heart for Safekeeping/Adventurer She Hires to Find It (OW)
Wizard's Apprentice/Rival Apprentice To Same Wizard (F/F) (OW)
Woman Outlaw/Widow Who Took Over Her Husband's Ranch (OW)

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Chosen One's Best Friend/Chosen One's New Magical Ally (OW)

I love Chosen One stories. They're so tropey! I love this prompt for taking a more outsider POV on the chosen one tropes, and because I love the idea of it. The chosen one's best friend who's so determined to stay involved that they come along anyway! Potentially only strong because of their faith/love for their friend! The magical ally, who could be any kind of person (or beast! ngl I'd be fine with a human(oid)/talking animal [or dragon/gryphon/etc!] sort of pairing) but is generally portrayed as wise and moderately mysterious! There's just so much potential for them to clash, and for them to then come together in their care for the chosen one.

For a plottier story not centered on romance, something about them doing a rescue for the chosen one would be fun! Or the magical ally attempting to teach the best friend magic, or the best friend teaching the magical ally about some childhood game that the chosen one love(s/d) and which is the basis of some madcap scheme about to go down. Or just something while journeying on the road! Travel songs? Campfire stories? Exclaiming over environments/places neither of them have seen before (and talking about where they grew up)?

More romance/sex-centered tropes that I'd find fun: huddling for warmth, accidental marriage, trapped together/needing to work together to escape a situation (kidnapped? handcuffed together?), needing to attend a ball/similar event as each other's dates (assumed to be dating? fake dating? who knows!). You aren't bound by any of these, of course; they're just potential inspiration!

Disabled Veteran of a Magical War & Child He Adopts (M & Any) (OW)

I love stories about PTSD/trauma and recovery, and I love fic about raising kids, and this hits both of those right off. I'd personally prefer that this be deeper/more complicated than "grumpy traumatized guy re-learns happiness via sunshine child". Maybe the kid's a war orphan and he's trying to help the kid. Maybe neither of them wanted this adopted relationship at first but then circumstances force them to work together. Maybe he came back from the war with this kid and everyone assumes it's his bio kid but that's absolutely not true but neither of them are going to correct anyone for some reason.

I'm also interested in what this disability is! It could be anything realistic (missing leg, blinded, deafened, chronic fatigue, etc.) or something purely magical (mana drain/lost magic, crippling curse mark, fucked up transformation, etc.). I'd love to see what sort of accomodations and assistive devices (magical or mundane) this veteran uses, and to know more about how common such things are!

Plot-wise, I like stories about people trying to live a peaceful life, learning that they suck at it for some reason, and ending up back in the middle of things (murder mysteries, battles, strategic planning, training new recruits, etc.). Or, if you'd rather create something shorter, pick one piece of that and explore it more! Have fun with it! I just like all the wide and wild possibilities of this prompt!

Sorceress Who Hid Her Heart for Safekeeping/Adventurer She Hires to Find It (OW)

This is sure a prompt all on its own! The romance of it is very cute to me. I'd love something fairy-tale vibes about the challenges the Adventurer faces! Whether you want to take that sweet and fluffy or go dark and gorey is up to you; I like both kinds of fairy tale. (This also sounds super fun for logic puzzles or maps or spell instructions or anything else that's like "okay here is a diagram of where you must go/what you must do").

Wizard's Apprentice/Rival Apprentice To Same Wizard (F/F) (OW)

I love academia. I also think this has a lot of opportunities for non-traditional mediums! Annotated textbooks, essays debating each other, spell instructions, etc etc.

More traditionally, I just think this sounds fun! Use school tropes! Enemies to lovers! The wizard mentor attempting to keep their apprentices from ending up in a duel! (Kissing/fucking is a much better use of that energy, if they have so many intense feeling about each other!)

What kind of magic do they practice? Why are they rivals? Is it typical for a wizard to have multiple apprentices, or is this a special situation? What sort of challenges do they face together? Is the rivalry purely academic or is there something genuinely antagonistic they need to resolve? How much are they falling for each other for their skill in magic? How much do they want to try and use a relationship/sex as a way to distract the other person (while totally not distracting themselves)?

As per my dnws, I'm fine with sex so long as the apprentices are 16 or older. If you're writing pure romance, I'd prefer they be at least 13. You can also have them be as old as you'd like, though! Nothing says a 40yo (or elf/dragon/alien equivalent) can't be an apprentice!

Woman Outlaw/Widow Who Took Over Her Husband's Ranch (OW)

Feel free to make the ranch for magic horses or gryphons or wyverns or something else that's not just mundane horses. Mundane horses are also good, of course! Love a good western! I just find them even more fun when they're weird/magic westerns!

I love the vibes of this. Tired women! Women living lives of their own! Is the Outlaw taking refuge in the Widow's house, or is she just passing by? How long have they known each other? How long have they had a Thing with each other? (Did the Outlaw kill the Widow's husband for some reason? If you want to make the Husband a dick who the Outlaw killed to create this nice situation for the Widow, that'd be fun.)

Really, about half of why I picked up this tag was the visuals I could imagine. Scenes of the desert in its beauty and women on horses or leaning against fences on the ranch! Ponchos and cowboy hats and six-shooters! Admiring blooming cactuses! Tenderly bandaging wounds!

Superhero-ish Prompts

Desperate Superhero Whose Life is in Danger/Supervillain They Reluctantly Go to for Help (OW)
Jaded Superhero About to Go Rogue & Ray of Sunshine Young Hero She’s Been Assigned to Train (OW)
Newly superpowered unwilling hero & Would-be mentor who feels they should be trained (OW)
Magical Girl/Member of the Enemy Faction Getting Redeemed (OW)

[Click Here!] Prompts Under The Cut

Some general things I like about superheroes/worldbuilding questions to ask about them:

Cool powers! Where do they come from? How do they work? How common are they? Are there multiple kinds of powers? How easily hidden are they? How formalised is superhero work? Is it independent or government-organized? Is it possible to hide your powers? Is it seen as "being a failure" to have superpowers but not use them for The Good of Society or whatever?

Technology being on-par with magic! I love when superheroes go to space, or come from space, or when aliens show up, and all that kind of stuff. What relationship does Earth have to space? How much money is needed to fund tech-based heroes, and how do they acquire that money? How common is it to have mundane people use technology to go toe-to-toe with superpowered people?

Teams! I love superteams! I love teamwork! I love mentorship! How are superheroes found? How are teams formed? What are communities of superheroes like? How are they organized? How do they teach each other? Are there types of powers that are more common, or lineages of superheroes, or anything like that, which are easier to teach/learn? Are there powers nobody has ever seen before and nobody knows how to explain/explore?

Desperate Superhero Whose Life is in Danger/Supervillain They Reluctantly Go to for Help (OW)

I love when the good guys need the bad guys' help. What happened? What's the relationship between these people? Has some new power emerged that wants the Superhero as their nemesis? Did the government massively betray the Superhero (as the Supervillain always said they would)? Is the Superhero certain that the Supervillain will help them?

How do these two even have a sexual/romantic relationship? Has this always been a rivalmance? Are they already secret lovers and the reluctance is about how this is going to remove that layer of secrecy? Do they fall for each other because this is the first time they've seen each other out of costume/when they aren't fighting against each other? Is working on the same side so very compelling? Is it a fake-dating sort of thing where they need to sell that the Supervillain seduced the Superhero to their side but then it becomes a real seduction? Something else?

Have fun with this! I love some good tropiness here!

Jaded Superhero About to Go Rogue & Ray of Sunshine Young Hero She’s Been Assigned to Train (OW)

What kind of 'going rogue' is this? Is the Jaded Hero going to leave a governmental group and become a freelance vigilante? Or is she going to turn full supervillain? Or something else? Is someone aware of this, and that's why she's been assigned this Young Hero in the hopes that they'll keep her from leaving?

I like a good cynic/optimist combination, and I like a good contrast between someone who's been in the game for ages and someone new to it. The different perspectives these two bring sounds fun! I would enjoy any sort of ending for this: the Jaded Hero and the Young Hero part ways because they can't give up their current perspectives; the Jaded Hero remembers all the good parts of her job and stays with the Young Hero; the Young Hero realises that the Jaded Hero's got the right of it and chooses to go rogue alongside her. Any of those (or other outcomes!) would be very fun for me!

Newly superpowered unwilling hero & Would-be mentor who feels they should be trained (OW)

How did the new hero get their powers? How did the mentor come across them? Why are they so insistent that the new hero get trained despite them not wanting to? How easy is it for the new hero to control their powers? How similar are the mentor and new hero's abilities? Is the point to train them to be a superhero or is the goal just to ensure they know how to not fuck things/people up with their powers? (Do they become a superhero by accident anyway?)

Magical Girl/Member of the Enemy Faction Getting Redeemed (OW)
The member of the enemy faction doesn't need to be a girl but this trope is still yuri so it's in this section.

I love magical girl tropes! They're super fun! Feel free to pull from classic magical girl media (Sailor Moon, etc), "dark" magical girl media (Madoka, etc.), or other weird magical girl media (Utena, etc); it's all interesting! I'd also love magical girls in mechs! Magical girls can be anything, after all!

I'm as curious about the faction the magical girls are opposing as by the person being redeemed! What are they fighting against? How are they related in their non-magical lives? How dramatic is this whole thing? How did the member defect/get pulled away from their faction? Did they have a change of heart? Did they realise that they couldn't bear to hurt a magical girl? Did a spell break and free them? Do they ever struggle with the magical girls' moral/ethical code versus their original faction's?

There are all sorts of fun possibilties for this relationship dynamic, too! Enemies-to-allies-to-lovers is obvious, as is rivals-to-lovers, but what about things like "we were dating in our mundane identities and then realised we were on opposite magical sides"? Or "we recently reawakened memories of a past life where we were beloveds"? Or "I never thought about you like that until someone threw us into an AU where we were dating"? Play around with it! Do whatever magical girl shenanigans you think are fun!

General OW Likes

Feel free to use any gender(s) for characters in prompts without built-in genders! I love f/f, m/f, m/m, and anything with nonbinary characters. I'm extremely fond of seeing trans characters (especially trans men!) and he/him butch lesbians. I'm down for neopronouns if they fit the setting. I love seeing platonic relationships and queerplatonic relationships between any/all people.

I like science fiction and fantasy settings a lot! Historical settings are great too, but I tend to like having some spec-fic element in there. The biggest exception to my "put spec-fic stuff in!" preference is spies, detectives, and mystery prompts, where I'm absolutely fine with the general spy/detective tropes being the spec-fic element.

I also love space fantasy, fantastical science fiction, and anything else that blurs the edges between genres. Horror is great for this too! I'm particularly fond of things like “Here is a world with gods, but hey we’re in space; put science fiction trappings on this fantasy-typical conceit” and “Hello I am a robot in a fantasy world, deal with it”, as well as "This fantasy-looking setting is actually sci-fi! Dragons are aliens! :D".

My fondness for superheroes, similarly to my fondness for spies/detectives, comes from seeing people take common tropes and play with them. Lean into those tropes! Twist them! Subvert them! They're good tropes for a reason!

I like minor magics/subtle things at least as much as giant world-changing magics. Honestly, I just like seeing magic as technology or technology as magic—show me how these different ways of interacting with the world are integrated into everyday lives (or how they aren't but could be and ordinary people get annoyed about it) and I'll be very happy.

I love weird god shit. I'm equally cool with vast unknowable deities and with really mundane "we're people but with a ton of power" kinds of gods. I love gods of very specific domains, and I love people yelling at gods for not being good enough.

My love of loyalty kink and hierarchy and competence porn comes out in my love for both noble+bodyguard kinds of things and military specfic. I really like seeing women rescue themselves and each other, too.

Please feel free to use anywhere you want as your setting or the inspiration for your setting! The Middle East and the Amazon and Oceania and the Arctic Circle and Thailand and the Serengeti are all just as cool (and honestly more interesting due to rarity than) European-based settings. I have a fondness for natural settings, but I also love reading about solarpunk cities and sci-fi space stations and fantasy castles.

A lot of prompts are read as assuming baseline humans unless stated otherwise. That's fine. However, I'm also happy to see you take these prompts and write about non-human characters! I'm delighted to receive gifts about dragons and elves and angels and shapechangers and aliens and all sorts of peoples! I like xeno and furries and exporations of how non-human bodies interact differently with the world than human bodies do, so feel free to incorporate that into anything you create.

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