FFFX 2023 Letter

Ao3 Account: Shadaras

Thank you for creating for me! I’m so excited to see what you choose to make! All the words I’ve written here are for inspiration only; I’m sure I’m going to love whatever you come up with. :)

Some of these sections are going to be longer than others. That just means that I have thought more about some of these requests than others, or that I have more coherent thoughts about some of them. I like all these requests! If I didn't, I wouldn't be asking for potentially 10k of them!

All of my FFFX requests may be filled by any of the following:

Treats are also always welcome.

Table of Contents

Likes/DNWs As Given In Exchange Signup

See my all-purpose exchange letter for more details about my likes/dnws!

Characters being in communities | Established relationships | Complicated relationships | Compassion and kindness | Hurt/Comfort | Displays of skill | Politics, puzzle-solving, and mysteries | Fight scenes | Teaching/mentorship | Loyalty, fealty, devotion | Trauma and recovery | Bodies (fat/muscles/scars/etc) | Meaningful touch | Queer characters (inc. ace/aro/trans) | Wingfic | The environment/nature/a sense of place | Atypical narrative structures and POV: 1st person, 2nd person, epistolary, poetry, nonlinear, in-world texts, etc.

Winged characters! | Tarot, dream imagery, and other symbology | Space, the ocean, and other vast environments | Characters being relaxed/happy | Snuggling with partner(s)/friends | Interacting with animals | Action poses | Characters examining artifacts/plants/other neat things | Dramatic lighting! Soft pastels! Vivid color and highlights! B&W/Grayscale pieces! They're all good!

Rituals, religion and spirituality | Culture clashes | Politics (both within and between groups) | Magic/advanced tech being integrated into everyday life | Architecture and accessibility | History texts vs lived experience | Exploration of educational systems (especially for children) | Dance, art, crafting, music, and other creative acts | Deep dives into the minutia of living in a specific community | Detailed descriptions of mundane activities

Non-Sexual Kink | Communication | Marking/Claiming | Control (and d/s) | Sensation play | Mouths and Teeth (biting and oral!) | Clothing Kink/Clothed Sex | Alternate Erogenous Zones | Nonhuman Genitalia | Semi-Public Sex | Rough Sex | Sex Toys | Magic (or the equivalent) | Multiple orgasms | Edging and overstimulation | Foreplay and aftercare

Unrequested permanent non-canonical death of requested characters | Stories focused on abusive relationships (of any type) | Sexual/romantic teacher/student relationships | Suicide/self-harm (if canonical: mentions are fine) | Characters not being able to breathe | Mind Control | Noncon/Rape (dubcon is fine) | Unrequested Incest ("like a brother"/shixiongdi is fine) | Teenagers (~under 18) having sex with adults (~over 21) | Underage sex (younger than 16) | Daddy kink, ageplay, etc. | Spanking | Rimming | Vomit, scat, piss (mentions in nonsexual/sfw contexts is fine)

Modao Zushi - MXTX


Note: my "teacher/student relationships" DNW is waived for stories involving WWX and/or LWJ mentoring MXY before they get together in a romantic/sexual way. Please don't kink on the teacher/student dynamic, though.

I mostly prefer MDZS to CQL because I read it first. Feel free to blend versions (I know them all), but here are the elements of MDZS-the-novel which I really care about:
1. WWX creating modao (+lack of yin iron)
2. the timeline
3. gray morality

Char: Mo Xuanyu

If you look at this set of requests like "wow, you're really into Mo Xuanyu right now" you would be correct! :D

I'd love a story that gives Mo Xuanyu life of his own. He's a textual ghost in canon; what's it like when the spotlight turns directly upon him?

I'm especially interested in the period of time when MXY studied at Jinlin Tai. He was taken from one shitty family and given the promise of a more powerful (and hopefully better) family, only to have that turned against him. We're only told rumours of what it was like for MXY; what's the truth? What did that period of time actually look like, when it's not tainted by people actively attempting to make MXY look bad?

MXY also doesn't have the Jin name. Did he ever have it? Was he, even for a brief time, Jin Ziyu? Was it stripped from him when he got kicked out? Or was that something he was only promised he'd get when he finished training as a Jin disciple? Do you have another idea? Definitely something else you could explore!

I'm also interested in anything exploring how MXY got hold of the forbidden sacrifice ritual to begin with. Did he find it himself? (If so: Did he have access to JGY's secret treasure room? Did he have access to locked Lanling Jin archives? Was it mouldering away somewhere else?) Did NHS give it to him? (If so: How did NHS and MXY get acquainted? Did MXY know NHS gave it to him? How did MXY even know what it would do?) Is there some other explanation you're more interested in?

I think that MXY is very easy to read as queer and having gender feelings. I'm happy for you to explore those. The more you can relate it to actual historical Chinese ideas about gender and queerness, the more delighted I'll be.

Mo Xuanyu & Wei Wuxian

What if MXY summons WWX as a ghost? Or otherwise brings WWX back from the dead in a way that doesn't require MXY to die as well. Then they could have a really interesting friendship! They're practically age-peers, if you only count the years WWX was Actually Alive, and would have a lot of interesting life experiences to compare.

If WWX is a ghost, I love the idea of WWX being capable of body-sharing with MXY when he wants to physically interact with the world. Alternately, maybe the summoning works as in canon except that MXY's soul is also there, and so they'd be two people in one body to begin with! Anything exploring the consequences and logistics of said body-sharing would be awesome.

WWX loves teaching, and MXY would be a great student for him. I think the idea of WWX and MXY wandering around being the local helpful demonic(?) cultivators is hilarious and a great set-up for casefic. Or for something about them studying magic together! WWX is a nerd in general, and MXY has to have some interest and ability to have successfully used such taboo magic to bring WWX back. Discussions of ethics and morality and what's acceptable divergences from the orthodox canon of cultivation sound great!

If you go for a body-sharing story, I think it's super interesting for at least one of MXY or WWX to be trans. Two people having different body/gender feelings about the same form is just neat! (If you aren't comfortable writing gender/trans stuff, that's totally fair; I just wanna mention that I'm interested in this!)

Lan Wangji & Mo Xuanyu

I am gong to go off one one specific thing that I am deeply fascinated about the possibilities of, which will hopefully help you see the Vibes (tm) of what I'm after with this relationship! If you've got other ideas exploring this relationship, I am extremely here for them too! (LWJ and MXY meeting because of NHS? LWJ and MXY only meeting when they do in canon and having a WWX-based relationship? LWJ saving child!MXY during a Night Hunt and then meeting him again later? Lots of possibilities! But here is one big one that keeps eating my mind.)

What if LWJ takes MXY as a disciple after MXY is kicked out of Jinlin Tai? I love mentorship stories, and I think that MXY and LWJ are both in pretty bad places at a similar time (LWJ just post-seclusion, MXY post getting kicked out) but could help each other build themselves back up.

I know there's often people who think about how MXY might remind LWJ of WWX, and that's fair. However, I'm more interested by how WWX standing up for the Wen Remnants might have inspired LWJ to "go where the chaos is" and look out for people nobody else is protecting. MXY, in this context, is exactly the kind of person LWJ would scoop up and protect: a young person kicked out of Jinlin Tai for unsubstantiated rumours, with a lot of talent and a home that doesn't nurture him. Of course LWJ might take him in!

MXY, for his part, would of course imprint on LWJ as an older brother and mentor figure. LWJ might not be a great teacher at first, but he's trying, and he's absolutely going to take care of MXY as best he can. MXY also likely knows more practical things about the world than LWJ; for all that MXY was raised in a powerful town family, it's still a town family and not a cultivator family, so MXY is more aware of how the common person views cultivators and can bridge the gap between LWJ and those he wants to help.

People would no doubt figure out that LWJ's disciple/companion is The Jin Bastard Who Was Kicked Out For (rumoured) Homosexual Harrassment. What does that do to their reputations? Does it make people question whether MXY was really in the wrong? (As you can tell by my request for LWJ/MXY/WWX, I do not have problems with this leaning into MXY/LWJ.)

Overall, I'd just love a story about them learning about each other and wandering the jianghu helping people. (Or maybe something about LWJ bringing MXY back to the Cloud Recesses to meet the rest of his family and also A-Yuan! MXY as A-Yuan's gege sounds really cute too.)

Basically: mentorship feelings, with a side of chosen family if you'd like.

Lan Wangji/Mo Xuanyu/Wei Wuxian

Feel free to take inspiration from the MXY & LWJ and MXY & WWX sections for how to set this up! Everything I said about those relationships in an & context can be shifted into a / context if you'd like!

I think that a get-together between MXY, LWJ, and WWX would be great because it's so easy for it to turn into pining from literally any orientation and I love every way that could go.

WWX/LWJ with pining MXY is classic, of course. The idea that things happen more or less as in canon but MXY is Also There adds a layer of amusing complication, especially since MXY would be like "oh shit they're so in love" way before WWX realises it and thus before anything happens, so it'd likely be a surprise to MXY when WWX and/or LWJ turns to him and goes "want to join us?"

MXY/LWJ while WWX suddenly realises his feelings? This is easiest if MXY and LWJ have already been together in some form before they bring WWX back, of course, but it can also work even if LWJ and MXY only meet when they do in canon. I'd find it super neat if this happens because MXY confesses to LWJ first and LWJ is like "oh!" and reciprocates, and now WWX is stuck watching/experiencing this and trying to figure out if his feelings for LWJ are emotional bleed or what.

MXY/WWX while LWJ desperately convinces himself he's not jealous? The idea of being in a relationship with someone you're bound to, body and/or soul, is great! How do MXY and WWX balance that relationship? How could LWJ ever break into this relationship, when they're so obviously intimate to begin with? But, fortunately for LWJ, MXY and WWX do also like him; someone just needs to realise that Saying Words About Feelings is helpful.

Of course, if you have some other ideas, that's awesome too! I'd also be extremely here for established relationship casefic, if that's more your jam than slow-burn pining.

Mo Xuanyu/Xue Yang

I know I DNW abusive relationships. I also don't want Xue Yang's edges to be sanded down. He's a dick! Let him be a dick! I just don't want Xue Yang to be intentionally abusive to Mo Xuanyu. Xue Yang being an asshole is fine, so long as it isn't targetted wholly and solely at Mo Xuanyu. Xue Yang being violent and Mo Xuanyu being worried about the consequences is fine, so long as Xue Yang isn't beating Mo Xuanyu up all the time for no reason. Xue Yang is not a good person! That's part of what's interesting here to me: What if Xue Yang decides that this is a person he doesn't want bad things happening to?

My interest in this relationship comes from realising that MXY and XY were both at Jinlin Tai at the same time. They were both teens studying there; MXY probably in a more mainline track, and XY doing basement experiments with JGY. They're likely both considered weirdo outsiders by the other disciples. They definitely met.

(MXY and JGY also had a really fascinating relationship, btw, since they're both bastards who weren't recognised for quite a while. Entirely possible that MXY was only brought to Jinlin Tai as a way of reminding JGY that he, too, was replaceable.)

The idea that MXY meets XY, this slightly older teen, and immediately goes "oh wow he's so cool and doesn't give a shit what people think of him, I wish I could be like that" delights me. The idea that XY responds with confusion at first and then "this is my brat, nobody else is allowed to hurt him" and starts protecting MXY from bullies delights me even more.

I think that them having the best/worst late-teen romance that neither of them really think of as a romance is fantastic. I think they'd have no idea what to do with all their complicated feelings. Maybe they never realise. Maybe they have extremely kinky sex. (XY being extremely a sadist who's otherwise sex-neutral is always fun, and MXY being masochistic and willing to ask XY for what he wants would be lovely.) Who knows! Lots of options. All of them are weird.

I also like the idea of MXY and XY leaving Jinlin Tai at the same time (when XY is kicked out). XY is gone, and MXY doesn't want to stay without him, so he goes looking for his gege in hopes of saving XY the way XY saved him. Do they meet the Yi City crew? Do they go into hiding somewhere else? Do people hunt them down? Do they try to revive the Burial Mounds? Do they get recruited by Nie Huaisang? Do they find a safer way to bring WWX back? Lots of possibilities there, too!

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Star Wars Original Trilogy

Request: Char: Luke Skywalker (SWOT)

Right now I'm in the mood for Luke-centric stories! He's always been a fave of mine. I love the way he grows into himself over the course of the OT, the way compassion is his strength, and how dedicated he is to his family and friends.

What if Luke went to the Imperial Academy? How would that disillusion him? How would he find his way to the Rebel Alliance? Would he ever meet Obi-Wan? Would Darth Vader ever notice him? I'm overall interested in (1) the circumstances of Luke getting to the Imperial Academy, (2) how you think the Imperial Academy works, and (3) how Luke would feel about the Imperial Academy once he's actually there (instead of it being a symbolic dream of leaving home). Anything playing with those elements will be fantastic!

What if Luke and Obi-Wan rescued Luke's family and took them on the adventure? How would that change things? Especially if you integrate Star Wars: Kenobi as part of canon, so that Owen and Beru are perfectly aware of what all has gone down with Ben in the past. I'd also find it fun if Beru and Breha have been in contact about the twins' development. (If you manage to make this also an AU where Bail and Breha, at least, survive Alderaan's destruction... that'd be super cool...)

What was it like for Luke to start a Jedi temple? (I'm fond of the Legends EU takes on this but I'm also here for you imagining something else!) How did he decide to found a temple? Why did he choose the location he did? How did he even figure out what he was going to teach? Did he get any support from the New Republic? Did other Jedi (or ex-Jedi) come out of hiding to help him teach? Feel free to blend this into the following prompt!

I think it'd be fun to read about Luke meeting other Force users and constructing his personal syllabus of Important Force Things! He's been taught the basics by Obi-Wan and Yoda, but there's so much that he doesn't know. Even if he wanted to teach others, he'd probably first need to figure out how to find other Force-sensitives and also maybe want to try and figure out other things the Force can do. Feel free to make things up, reference the Legends EU (I am extremely fond of it), or pull from the Disney EU. Or get inspired by Star Wars: Visions, honestly! There's cool stuff there! (However, I DNW Grogu/content from The Mandalorian.)

Additional prompt: this image [image description: a B&W photo of presumably a newspaper during the lead-up to ESB. it shows a picture of Darth Vader and Boba Fett looking at each other with Lando in the background. the caption reads "If Boba Fett is indeed the elder Skywalker in disguise, he must be ever mindful not to give away his identity by using the Force near Vader."]
Please use an AU where Darth Vader's name is literally Darth Vader (as in, 'Darth' isn't a title and 'Vader' isn't a name given to him because he's a sith/darksider) if you go for this, and feel free to name Luke's dad whatever you want. Bonus points for Darth Vader and Boba Fett being exes, so Darth Vader still isn't lying about being Luke's father. (Extra bonus points for Darth Vader being trans and the one who gave birth to Luke [and potentially also Leia].) But, in general, just something exploring this possibility space and what Luke's reaction to that whole mess would be, focusing mostly on only early OT canon.

I'm happy for you to give Luke a romantic/sexual relationship if you think it adds to the story, but I'd prefer that a romantic/sexual relationship not be the focus of the story. Some examples of relationships I'd enjoy: Luke/Leia(/Han), Luke/Mara Jade, Luke/Bodhi, Luke/Biggs, Luke/Original Character

DNW dark!Luke or sith!Luke

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Obi-Wan Kenobi (SWPT/SWOT)/Chirrut Îmwe/Baze Malbus (R1)
Huo Wensi (Detective L) & Oth: Worldbuilding (DMBJ)


Maybe one of them does a Study Abroad year which leads to a relationship. Maybe Obi-Wan and Baze meet during the war (and Baze brings Obi-Wan home to meet his other sweetheart). Maybe it's an arranged marriage. Maybe Obi-Wan takes Anakin to the Guardians to experience other ways of using the Force and ends up falling for Chirrut and Baze along the way. Maybe they're teenagers getting together on a temple field trip. Maybe they're lonely post-war adults seeking connection through love and the Force. Or maybe something else!

Other elements I think would be fun: Comparative Force studies and philosophy debates. Different ways of looking at the Force leading to different ways of thinking about love and relationships. An AU where R1 lives and three of them rebuild the Temple of the Whills somewhere. Old married couple vibes, teasing and fondness and being comfortable together. The very fuzzy line between martial talent and using the Force. Anything along the lines of Star Wars-flavored wuxia! They're already halfway there, after all!

Huo Wensi + DMBJ:

What if Huo Wensi is a member of the Huo family of the Mystic Nine? I'm so curious about what that might look like and how tomb bullshit would integrate into Detective L’s much more mundane world. Or how Jiumen politics complicate the Huo Wensi/Luo Fei rivalry! (Including HWS/LF as a ship would be a bonus gift for me, btw.)

More generally, Huo Wensi is my absolute favorite character in Detective L. He's at his most beautiful when the violence and cruelty he conceals comes out to play. I love how smart he is, and how patient he is, and how good he is at seeming like a normal charming member of society. I'd love an exploration of his plans and his goals! We don't know the full extent of his plans, beyond him also having some kind of tie to Captain! Maybe this is also DMBJ/Jiumen related?

DMBJ elements I'd love to see, beyond the basic concept: Tomb stuff! I love tomb exploration/investigations, especially the way tombs lean into low fantasy magic and general spiritualism/mysticism. I also think that tomb bugs (and snakes) in all their forms are fantastic, I love ridiculous traps and rooms with unnecessary amounts of chains, the monstrous flora and fauna of tombs make me very happy, and I am just generally excited about the way the tombs blend history and mythology and local legend together. Plus, immortality gimmicks are always fun to see (and find interesting failure modes for).

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Genshin Impact

Sucrose/Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
Lisa & Razor (Genshin Impact)
Bennett/Razor (Genshin Impact)
Nahida & Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)


My fave rarepair! ^_^ Botany nerds! I love the potential for them to bond over nature, and especially flowers, and for that to blossom (pun very intended) into romance.

Honestly, a lot of this is me just thinking they'd be cute together. I like their color schemes, and I think that Sucrose and Tighnari could infodump at each other (I read them both as being rather autistic) and that they'd have a lot of fun being with someone else who gets their special interests and hyperfixations. Because they're both scientists, but with somewhat different focuses/drives, they could also help each other problem-solve when they're stuck in an experiment.

I also think that they'd have a ton of fun showing each other the natural environments of their homeland! Sucrose might be less of an outdoorsy person than Tighnari, but she's still a botanical researcher; she knows her way around Mondstadt. And Tighnari is a Forest Ranger, so obviously he'd be able to take Sucrose camping and show her absolutely everything about Sumeru!

Plot-wise, I would love something about science bringing them together. Maybe they both present at various science conventions, and it's a slow-burn? Maybe one of them reaches out to the other for help with a project? Maybe they end up collaborating on a scientific paper together?

Or maybe it's more of a road trip adventure! They could even stumble across some unknown Domain or underground system that they hadn't previously known about and explore it together, if you want more of an adventure-y approach. Plenty of room for hurt/comfort tropes there too, if you'd like!

I'd equally happy to have this be an established relationship thing where they've been low-key together for a while and the story's about them finally both having a vacation together for the first time in months because they're usually so busy in their separate homes. That could be super cute! And possibly integrate elements of the previous prompts, too.

I tend to imagine their age difference as Sucrose being a grad student (mid/late 20s) while Tighnari is a post-doc researcher (late 20s/early 30s), so they're both adults but in somewhat different (but overlapping) stages of life.

(Also: trans woman Sucrose and he/him butch lesbian Tighnari would be my absolute favorite thing, but you don't need to get into trans/gender stuff if you don't wanna.)

Lisa & Razor

Mentorship! I love Lisa's teacher/academic side. She's so smart, and she studied at the Akademiya, and chooses instead to mostly be a librarian. I wouldn't be surprised if she'd been a fantastic peer tutor at the Akademiya, and also a TA who ran intro-level classes. So of course she has a teenager she's mentoring! That's fantastic! I love that for her.

Razor is also fascinating! I think he's very cute. I think his raised-by-wolves backstory is fun. I'd love to hear more about how he began integrating into Mondstadt society, and how Lisa in particular became his mentor. How does he balance human and wolf society? Does he go back to the wolves occasionally? Do Lisa and Andrius collaborate on Razor's teaching?

I think it'd be fun to see anything examining this mentorship relationship. Razor's integration into society is on-going, of course, and anything exploring how Lisa helps him find his place will delight me. I also enjoy reading about education in general, and would be particularly interested in magical education!

Please show Razor as being intelligent, even if he doesn't speak fluently. His first language is wolf, and he's very able to convey his feelings and desires in the human tongue; that's what matters.


They're both cute and enthusiastic teens! I think they'd have a lot of fun running around together. Razor could show Bennet his wolf-family! Bennet could take Razor to meet his dads! They could go on adventures together! They're both pretty independent people who still have a lot to learn and plenty of space to grow, and I think it'd be lovely to see them doing that together.

I'd enjoy stories about exploration, missions for the Knights, hurt/comfort, and what being a young person in the Knights is like! I also think this could easily blend with the Lisa & Razor request, if any of that is inspiring for you.

(Note: I consider Bennet and Razor both to be old enough that I'm happy to read about them having sex if that's something you're interested in. They're adolescents, I think them fumbling around with sex is normal.)

Nahida & Scaramouche

Time, memory, and second chances.

They're both so old but so young at the same time, and I'm fascinated by that—as well as the complicated power dynamics inherent in their relationship. I'd love to read something that explores the ways they interact with each other, their newfound freedom (or something like that), and the powers they can wield and how they effect the world and each other.

How do they help each other grow? How do they hold each other in check? What do they know that the other doesn't? What do they share with each other, and what do they want to keep to themselves? (This slipping into potentially shippy vibes is a-okay with me!)

I'm also super interested in Scara's feelings about names, gender, and embodiment! (aka: if you want to write any kind of trans Scara, I am here for it!) He's been so many different people, and done so many different things, and now here's Nahida asking him to attempt to be a person for his own sake. He wears a hat that hides his face, doesn't give a shit what people call him, and doesn't want to engage with people. And yet! There's always so much under the surface, with him.

Nahida's also fascinating, because she has two true histories: the one Traveller remembers, where we first met her, and the new one where she's always been the Archon. I'd love something that plays with this dichotomy of Nahida's history and lived experience.

I have a DNW about mind control. Scara's plotlines often revolve around such things. You are welcome to include references to canon instances of puppetry and mind control and the like, but I'd prefer you treat them as the often-traumatic experiences any such extreme loss of control can be.

(I named my post-Sumeru-Archon-Quest Scaramouche 'Aozora', if that matters to you, but I'm fine with you calling him whatever makes sense to you in the context of this fic.)

PS: I think that a cyberpunk AU based on the Sumeru Archon Quest would be incredibly rad, if you want to play in a more AU space! When I played that questline I kept thinking about how it's cyberpunk themes in a solarpunk setting and it made my brain go !!!, especially when I got to the god-mecha. Dreams as progamming loops? The Akasha as internet implants? Nahida as a literal god in a machine (and Scaramouche as a differnt kind of god in a differnt kind of machine)? It's all so interesting to think about, and if you wanna go that direction I'd love to see what you come up with!

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Nirvana in Fire

Char: Grand Princess Liyang (NiF)
Char: Consort Jing (NiF)

Two incredible women of the court! They're both so strong and powerful but hide that beneath polite smiles because standing out in their realms is an invitation to be treated like shit.

I'd particularly love something about their pre-canon lives, but honestly anything centering them would be fantastic. (Or something post-canon, as they settle into whatever their new lives are once Jingyan is emperor!)


- Her youth and when she was being courted
- General feelings about Xie Yu (specific note: I'd prefer not to see on-screen rape but I am fine with in-depth discussions of Liyang's feelings about that canonical experience.)
- Figuring out how to deal with sharing her child and life with the Zhuo family
- Her relationship with Yuwen Lin! How it happened and how she kept the secret of Jingrui's parentage all those years.

Consort Jing:

- Give her a name!
- Meeting the Lin family in the Jianghu
- She was a doctor in the imperial harem, and then became a concubine herself. What was that like?
- Imperial Harem politics! I'd love an in-depth look at the women's court!
- Her relationship with Gao Zhan (the Emperor's favored eunuch, who absolutely likes Consort Jing and helps her out)
- How she cares for Jingyan throughout the years

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Sha Hai | Tomb of the Sea

Char: Su Nan (Tomb of the Sea)
Char: Li Cu (Tomb of the Sea)
Su Nan/Wu Xie (Tomb of the Sea)
Su Nan & Wu Xie (Tomb of the Sea)
Li Cu & Wu Xie (Tomb of the Sea)

I like DMBJ in general, but Sha Hai specifically fascinates me in a way that the other versions don't quite get at. I love the expansive world, because we see what Normal People think of the Jiumen, and we also see the Wang family and what they're up to and believe. Plus, I really enjoy Wu Xie full-on taking on the enigmatic asshole mentor role with Li Cu.

For any request: I really want a daemon AU! xD; The Wang family performing intercision? Being able to read snake venom changing your daemon into a snake? Things like that would be super neat to explore!

Su Nan & Wu Xie
Su Nan/Wu Xie

- Su Nan lives into the post-canon. What does it actually mean for her to leave her cult of a 'family'? How does she disentangle herself from that? How does Wu Xie support her while also refusing to let himself remain her primary anchor in the world?
- Trusting absolutely in each other's abilities while also having minimal trust in the other as a person
- Saving each other because Su Nan needs Wu Xie to stay alive (to use him) and Wu Xie just likes saving people (and hoping they can be redeemed)

Li Cu & Wu Xie

- The fallout after everything. Once the Wang complex is destroyed, we don't see Li Cu and Wu Xie interact again really. I want to know how that went down.
- Li Cu and Wu Xie's Fun Bonding Tomb Adventures! Make some up, expand on canon, whatever; I just like tomb nonsense.
- More snake visions! That particular form of communication is wild, and must've taken so much preparation on Wu Xie's part and trust on Li Cu's.

Char: Li Cu

- Li Cu's life in the Wang complex. It sucked! Please explore how traumatic it was and how he Coped Anyway.
- Attempting to re-integrate into the world after all these adventures. What's "normal" after all this? What's university like for him? (and his friends!)

Char: Su Nan

- What's it like to grow up as a Wang?
- What's it like to find a new life after the structures you were born into are destroyed?

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Original Works

(general OW likes)


Inexperienced Wizard Trying To Summon a Dragon/Starship Pilot Who Flew Through a Space Hole (OW)

I make eyes at this because I love it when magic and technology coexist! This gives me a ton of questions, beginning with "has the wizard ever seen a starship before?", "has the pilot ever met a wizard before?", and "do dragons = starships?" and continuing from there.

There's so much worldbuilding potential here! Please feel free to pull from both high fantasy and space opera tropes! I love both genres and I'm extremely excited about smashing them together. How do magic and technology interact? Do they hamper each other, or do they simply run along such different logics that they don't care about each other at all? Is this a world where magic is a science, or one where magic is made of wonders? Is this a world where spaceships are literally dragons (or made of the bones/hearts/skins of dragons) or where spaceships are highly engineered plastic and metal contraptions? Give me as much worldbuilding as you'd like to do! I love it very much!

Why was the wizard trying to summon a dragon? Was this a graduation requirement from wizard university, or a spur-of-the-moment revenge plan, or just a "fuck you!" spite-fueled way to try and show off? Did they mean to summon something giant, or were they looking for something more like a fire lizard (as a familiar, perhaps)? Have they ever successfully summoned a dragon before? Or, honestly, anything? Like, how big of a mistake was this? Was this a ritual they found in a dusty old book and had to partially reconstruct (and made errors with), or some standard spell that really should work properly except they fucked up somewhere?

How big is this starship, anyway? Is this a single-person scout vehicle, or a massive starliner? I admit, I first imagined the latter, because I think a whole Enterprise-sized starship showing up suddenly forces a lot more cultural interchange, but a "dragon" being a class of starfighter would also make sense. Can this starship even fly in atmosphere? Does it crash? If so, how much hurt/comfort is there as the wizard goes "OH SHIT OH SHIT" and tries to figure out wtf happened and help the pilot out?

I love seeing people trying to understand each other across cultures and languages. I know that both sci-fi and fantasy have ways of solving the "we can't speak each other's language" problem, but I would love for that to be acknowledged—or for there to be an interesting worldbuilding reason why they do speak the same lanuage! But really, I'm just super excited about all the potential culture clashes that come from a starfaring pilot and a wizard trying to understand each other (and falling in love along the way).

I'd love for both the Pilot and the Wizard to have communities they're thinking about/interacting with outside of each other (which is also part of why I was thinking about a bigger starship; a shuttle would have a crew, at least). Especially when there's so much worldbuilding potential in an OW ship, I really don't need the romance to be highlighted/central; I'd rather see the world built around them and have the relationship be just one thread of many.

Previous Magical Chosen One Who Rebelled/New Magical Prodigy Training as Chosen One (F/F)

What does it even mean to be a "Chosen One"? Who chose them? Why were they chosen? How many chosen ones are there at any point in time? I'm happy to see "chosen one" as a trope in basically any genre. I have a fondness for magical girl storylines like this, because of the team elements and the way they're often focused around hope and coming-of-age and pointing out the flaws in cultural views of girls vs women, but I also adore the classic epic fantasy chosen one out to save the world from an evil overlord/god/whatever. Transpose this into mecha or space opera or whatever, if you'd like! I'm honestly down for basically anything, so long as you're interrogating the trope of a "chosen one".

What does it mean to "rebel"? Who or what did the previous chosen one rebel against? Is this a story about the institution which trained you (and said that it loved you, and that you were perfect, and that you were going to save the world) actually being The Bad Guys? (I do like stories like that!) Or is this a story about rebelling against Fate and choosing your own path? (Love those too!) Or something else! Lots of ways to rebel! Very curious what interpretation of this prompt you'll chose!

How did these two meet? I'd imagine that a new chosen one isn't meant to meet a rebellious former chosen one. Is the rebel attempting to seduce new chosen ones to her side? Or was the new chosen one sent after the rebel to hunt her down? Did the new chosen one even know about the previous chosen one's existence before they met? Like, was she told that there had been other chosens in the past who failed? If so, what story was told about this rebel? Or, if the new chosen one didn't know about previous chosen, what's her reaction to finding out that she isn't the first/only chosen one?

As far as relationships go, I kind of stare at this and go "yeah that's yuri" just by default. xD Which isn't super helpful, creator! Sorry about that! But I think there's always going to be a pull between two people who were both supposed to be "the best" and one has chosen to go "fuck that" and the other is still deciding what they want. So I'm honestly down for anything here!

Punk biker girl/teacher's pet learning about the forbidden delights of the world? Masked bandit who only goes after assholes/protector of the people belatedly realising they're on the same side? A mysterious figure who keeps rescuing the chosen one and tempting her with whispers of forbidden secrets, who gets hurt and the chosen one tends to as the rebel desperately attempts to continue being mysterious and not reveal their secret past connections? Please feel free to lean into identity porn along with everything else! :D I'm excited to see what ideas you come up with!

Ruler of colony planet unvisited for centuries/Diplomat sent to re-establish contact (F/F)

Wow this is just a lot of WORLDBUILDING POTENTIAL :D

Why has nobody visited this colony planet for centuries? Was it because the colony intentionally cut off contact? Was it because the colonizing group had a disaster happen? Did the jumpgates or whatever high-speed travel this group used stop working? Is it a mystery? What stories do these groups tell about each other? Is the colonised planet kindly disposed towards their source people or do they hate them? Do the colonisers remeber anything in particular about this planet beyond it being a place their seed had been spread?

What has enabled these groups to regain contact? Does the colony planet know that there's a diplomat coming? What expectations are there about the diplomat's goals? How big of a diplomatic party is there, anyway? How much linguistic/cultural drift has occured in the centuries since they last interacted? Has an empire become a democracy (or vice-versa)? Has a wide-ranging cultural group become an array of smaller polities? Have scattered groups coalesced? Is there really actually only ruler of this planet? Has there only been one diplomat sent here? Has any physiological drift occured, intentionally or otherwise, that make what was probably once one people visibly (or invisibly, for a surprise!) different from each other?

Plot-wise, I'd enjoy anything that involves the Ruler and the Diplomat dancing around each other and attempting to figure out what the other even wants and if there's a secret hidden agenda or whatever. I'd also enjoy anything that's just about them sharing their cultures with each other! A giant road-trip around the planet would be just as much fun as a 5+1 about meetings they had attempting to hash out misunderstandings. Please include as much politics as you'd like. Please also include as much description of cool worldbuilding elements as you'd like. I love reading about nature and urban planning and ways people fit into their world.

Character-wise, I think this is probably an easier story to write if the Ruler and the Diplomat are both fundamentally curious about each other! Maybe they're not supposed to be, or they're resisting the idea that this draw could be personal, but I'd like it to be there! Let other characters around them be suspicious, maybe, that they're attempting to trick/entrap each other, but I would like the primary ship (vehicles for worldbuilding) to be generally well-disposed towards each other. Other than that, go wild! Have fun! I'm super curious to see what you'll make! :D

Used Up Human Cauldron/Upright Cultivator (OW)

Is it normal for powerful cultivators to have human cauldrons hanging around Just In Case? Or is this a weird thing? Like, is this something a person might think about as a highly dangerous and specialised job, or is it something that only happens if you're unlucky enough to be captured by an asshole who doesn't give a shit about other people? What does it feel like to be used as a human cauldron? What does it feel like to be drained/used up?

Do upright cultivators ever use human cauldrons? They probably don't drain them if they do (at least, not without consent and a very good reason), but is the experience of using a human cauldron something that they understand on a personal level or is it something they react to with horror as evidence of someone following a heretical cultivation path? Also, like, what does it feel like to use a human cauldron? What does it feel like to draw on another person's life/power like that?

Anyway now that I've gotten some basic worldbuilding questions out of the way, some questions about the charaters! :D

How do they meet? Does the upright cultivator rescue the cauldron from someone? Was the cauldron thrust upon them as a(n unwanted) 'reward' for something? (Without saying said cauldron was used-up, probably, or possibly just as a way of getting rid of a useless person as a gift to someone who couldn't say 'no'.) Did the cauldron run away and then get found by the upright cultivator? Something else?

What do they think of each other at first? How scared is the cauldron of the upright cultivator? (Do they know that that this is an upright cultivator? Do they trust the visible sect markers? Were they drained by someone who presented themself as upright even if they weren't? Do they think 'upright' is a farce and all cultivators are asses because they've never met someone who doesn't use others' cultivation to empower their own?) Does the upright cultivator pity the cauldron? How fragile does the cultivator think the cauldron is? How much does the cauldron resent this? How long does it take for them to find anything resembling a balance of respect that they can both agree upon?

There's so much potential in this ship for a story about hurt/comfort and recovery from trauma. I am extremely here for all of that! I love stories about the terrifying intimacy of discovering you consider someone safe despite all intentions to never trust someone again. I think it's fantastic to see someone relearn how to be a person instead of simply a tool. I would love to see these characters grow and help each other become not necessarily better but certainly more understanding people.

I'd also love to know how the world around them sees them! Do people know that the cauldron is a cauldron (and a used-up one at that)? Do they think the upright cultivator did this? Are either or both of these people judged for this? Do people assume the cauldron is free to use? Do people stop thinking the upright cultivator is upright? I don't know but I'm sure curious to find out! :D

General OW Likes

Feel free to use any gender(s) for characters in prompts without built-in genders! I love f/f, m/f, m/m, and anything with nonbinary characters. I'm extremely fond of seeing trans characters (especially trans men!) and he/him butch lesbians. I'm down for neopronouns if they fit the setting. I love seeing platonic relationships and queerplatonic relationships between any/all people.

I like science fiction and fantasy settings a lot! Historical settings are great too, but I tend to like having some spec-fic element in there. The biggest exception to my "put spec-fic stuff in!" preference is spies, detectives, and mystery prompts, where I'm absolutely fine with the general spy/detective tropes being the spec-fic element.

I also love space fantasy, fantastical science fiction, and anything else that blurs the edges between genres. Horror is great for this too! I'm particularly fond of things like “Here is a world with gods, but hey we’re in space; put science fiction trappings on this fantasy-typical conceit” and “Hello I am a robot in a fantasy world, deal with it”, as well as "This fantasy-looking setting is actually sci-fi! Dragons are aliens! :D".

My fondness for superheroes, similarly to my fondness for spies/detectives, comes from seeing people take common tropes and play with them. Lean into those tropes! Twist them! Subvert them! They're good tropes for a reason!

I like minor magics/subtle things at least as much as giant world-changing magics. Honestly, I just like seeing magic as technology or technology as magic—show me how these different ways of interacting with the world are integrated into everyday lives (or how they aren't but could be and ordinary people get annoyed about it) and I'll be very happy.

I love weird god shit. I'm equally cool with vast unknowable deities and with really mundane "we're people but with a ton of power" kinds of gods. I love gods of very specific domains, and I love people yelling at gods for not being good enough.

My love of loyalty kink and hierarchy and competence porn comes out in my love for both noble+bodyguard kinds of things and military specfic. I really like seeing women rescue themselves and each other, too.

Please feel free to use anywhere you want as your setting or the inspiration for your setting! The Middle East and the Amazon and Oceania and the Arctic Circle and Thailand and the Serengeti are all just as cool (and honestly more interesting due to rarity than) European-based settings. I have a fondness for natural settings, but I also love reading about solarpunk cities and sci-fi space stations and fantasy castles.

A lot of prompts are read as assuming baseline humans unless stated otherwise. That's fine. However, I'm also happy to see you take these prompts and write about non-human characters! I'm delighted to receive gifts about dragons and elves and angels and shapechangers and aliens and all sorts of peoples! I like xeno and furries and exporations of how non-human bodies interact differently with the world than human bodies do, so feel free to incorporate that into anything you create.

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